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Journal of Xihua University(Philosophy & Social Sciences)
2006 Issue 4
Research to the Decorative Art of She Minority
HU Wei-fei
The Translation Norms Based on the Translation of Lun Yu by Ku Hung-Ming
CHE Huan-huan;LUO Tian
On the Formation &Teaching Method of English Polysemy from Prototype Theory
XU Zhi-suo;HUANG Guang-fang
The Research on the Appliance of the Testimony
XIE Xiao-jian;ZhANG Ji-xi;HE Yong-Jun
Reproach to the Social Capital
Economic Order Quantity: An Extension and Deduction
WU Gang;XIONG Yu-ning
The Condition and Enlightenment of the Insurance Efficiency Abroad
GAO Yue-sheng
On Jiang Zemin's Thought of "Settling the Problems of Advancing with Development"
QI Qiao-xia;ZHONG Xing-ming
Reflection of the Slow Economical Development in Northeast Sichuan
SONG Xian-jun;WEN Rong-sen;QIU Ya-ming;HU Shao-ping
A Specific Usage of Quantifier "Pan" in Sichuan Dialect
DENG Bang-yun
The Higher Level of Academic Research on History
SHU Xi-long
Calendars and Original Religions in the Ancient Shu Period
LIU Dao-jun;LIU Hong
The Supplement to Book Huang
CHI Nai-peng
The Art of Space in Rashomon
SUN Li-chun;WU Cai-xia
The Attitude of Li Jieren When Rectifying Da Bo
LEI Bing