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Contemporary International Relations
2012 Issue z1
Opening Remarks by CICIR President
Cui Liru;Li Xin
Keynote Speech at the CICIR Forum 2012
Qiu Yuanping;Ma Zongshi
Keynote Speech at the CICIR Forum 2012
Muratbek Sansyzbayevich Imanaliev
Political Reconciliation Can Ultimately Resolve the Afghanistan Problem
Zhao Huasheng;Hong Jianjun
The Decade of International Engagement in Afghanistan
Babar Shah
Afghanistan: A Glance at Political and Economic Situation
Abdul Ghafoor Poya Faryabi
Afghanistan from 2012-2014: Is A Successful Transition Possible?
Anthony H.Cordesman
The Humanitarian Factors: An ICRC Perspective
Jacques de Maio
Afghanistan's Military-Political Situation and Regional Security
Vladimir Ivanenko
Uzbekistan's Role in Resolving the Situation in Afghanistan
Ikhtiandr Uvraimov
The Potential for Resurgent Clashes among Warlords in Afghanistan
Yang Shu;Xing Haibing
The Urgency for an International Consensus on Afghanistan's Reconstruction
Feng Yujun;Hong Jianjun
Pakistan's Afghanistan Policy and Pakistan-Afghanistan Relations
Chen Jidong;He Nan
The SCO Advocates Solving the Afghanistan Issue via Regional Cooperation
Sun Zhuangzhi;Zhao Jinfu
The EU and China in a Polycentric World:The Case of Afghanistan
Alvaro de Vasconcelos