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Journal of Xuchang University
2005 Issue 1
On Ji Kang's tragic beauty
WU Lian-qun
yu qiu yu san wen jie du
meng fan gen
Salvation of the soul --Significance of Bi Shumin's fictions
ZHAO Xian-feng;LEI Hua
Discussion on Whitman's scenery poetry
WANG Li-mei
The influence of Shanhai Jing on Jinghua Yuan
On the sad mentality expressed in Jiang Yan's poetry
LUO Li-qian
On the eye description in D.H. Lawrence's short stories
WANG Jiu-wei
Psychological description in Forever Amber
LI Li-na
lun ji lu pian xu shi jie gou de jie zou mei
su yong hong
Recent study on the Cane System in the Han Dynasty
WEI Yan-Li
Political democratization before the May 4th Movement
YUAN Yong-hong
A summary of the study on the academic idea of Liu Shipei
NIU Qiu-shi
ying xiang da xue jiao yu ke chi xu fa zhan de san da yin su
zhang yong xiang
tan shen mei xin li su zhi de pei yang tu jing
zeng zuo
On the characteristics of Deng Xiaoping' s thought of talent construction
LI Jian-zhong;LI Qing
Economic analysis of USA'S Greater Middle East Initiative
YAN Wen-hu
zhou dun yi de yu mu biao si xiang tan xi
zhu gui lian
Analysis of the development of China's Non-Government Organizations
ZHANG Hong-hui
yu wen jiao shi ke cheng gai ge de xin shi jiao
li xin sheng
wo yu he nan -- yan zhou gu cheng : mei cheng xu
chen qiao zuo