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Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica
2003 Issue 8
The effect on soil phosphorus in long-term continuous cropping of alfalfa in the arid loess regions
lai zuo ; hao ming de ; peng ling fa ; zhang zhen ming
Effect of different fertilization on soil enzymatic activity of tomato in greenhouse
du she ni ; zhang cheng e ; xu fu li ; liang yin li ; chen zhi jie
Effect of planting raspberries and blackberries on the physical properties of soil
zhu shou jun ; chen yun ming ; chen tie shan ; meng ling zeng
Effect of fertigation depth on dry matter partition and water use efficiency of corn
he hua ; kang shao zhong ; cao hong xia
Primary investigation on the ecological technologies of prevention and cure on diseases and insect pests in protected vegetable production
chen zhi jie ; zhang shu lian ; liang yin li ; yan yong gan ; xu fu li ; du she ni
Industry composes assessment of agro-ecosystem in the Loess Hilly and Gully Region of North Shaanxi
jia hai yan ; liu guo bin ; wang ji jun
The characteristics of soil erosion and ecological environmental construction model on a moderate scale in Yan'an City
zheng shi qing ; ma zhen feng ; zuo tong jun ; gao ke xing
Distribution of nutrient elements in Soil-Crop System after long-term application of zinc fertilizer
wei xiao rong ; hao ming de ; zhang chun xia ; tian mei xia
Nitrogen effect and leaching under nitrogen-application or plastic film mulching planting in wheat cropland of dryland
dang ting hui ; hao ming de ; guo sheng li ; cai gui xin
Effect of different vegetation restoration on soil nutrient changes in Southern Ningxia mountain region
an shao shan ; liu meng yun ; li bi cheng ; jiao ju ying
Study on the diagnosis with DRIS norm of mineral elements in Fuji apple in Shaanxi province
geng zeng chao ; zhang li xin ; zhao er long ; zhang chao yang ; chen yong xin
Discuss of almond-apricot great base construction in Baiyushan mountainous area
bai gang shuan ; du she ni ; jiang jun ; hou xi lu
Evapotranspiration measurements of community using weighting method
du feng ; liang zong suo ; shan lun ; dan chang juan
Study on N,P fertilization model of Salvia miltiorrhiza in different soil fertility
wang wei ling ; liang zong suo ; sun qun ; han jian ping ; wei yong sheng ; wang jing min ; ye zheng liang
Effects of long-term applying micronutrients fertilization on wheat yield and N and P uptake in dryland of Loess Plateau
wang gai ling ; hao ming de ; dang ting hui ; li li xia
The effect of continuous cropping year on physiological characteristics of cucumber in sunlight greenhouse
liang yin li ; chen zhi jie ; xu fu li ; yan yong gan ; du she ni ; zhang cheng e
Study on plant moisture stress of Sophora viciifolia in the Loess Area North of Shaanxi province
bo chong feng ; liu guo bin ; xu ming xiang
Study on soils water storage capacity and availability in secondary vegetation types in Ziwuling forest region
zhao shi wei ; zhou yin dong ; wu jin shui
Changes of soil C,N and soil water under conversion of cropland into grassland
guo sheng li ; lu peng ; dang ting hui
Effect of soil drought stress on the shoot growth and water use efficiency of Quercus liaotungensis and Acer stenolobum var.megalophyllum
wang hai zhen ; han rui lian ; liang zong suo ; fan hong zhang
Effect of soil moisture on water requirement rule and water use efficiency of cucumber in greenhouse
he hua ; du she ni ; liang yin li ; zhang cheng e
Soil fertility evaluation of planted forest land on the hilly-gullied Loess Plateau
xu ming xiang ; liu guo bin ; bo chong feng
Study on biomass of secondary shrubbery community in small watershed of Loess Hill and Gully Region
liu jiang hua ; xu xue xuan ; yang guang ; mu xing min ; wang zuo
Soil water dynamic of Hippophae rhamnoides in Loess Hilly Region
cheng ji min ; wan hui e ; yong shao ping ; wang jing
A study on the effect of soil moisture of different vegetations in Loess Hilly Region
xu xue xuan ; liu jiang hua ; gao peng ; wang zuo
The development of watershed ecology and management and its main research area
liu guo bin ; liang zong suo ; hao ming de
Effect of crop root-cutting on grain yield and water use efficiency:a review
liu wen zhao ; li yang yang
Discussion on ecological construction in Loess Plateau
wang zuo sheng ; liu wen zhao ; li feng min
Research advance of artificial preparation and drought-resistant afforestation on Loess Plateau
han rui lian ; jing wei jie ; hou qing chun ; fan hong zhang ; qi wen hua
Review on growth of locust and soil water in Loess Plateau
dan chang juan ; liang zong suo ; hao wen fang