Fabrication of Prevascularized Cell Sheet
Ren Liling;Liu Bin;Ma Dongyang;Feng Yuxia;Chen Jia;School of Stomatology;Lanzhou University;Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery;Lanzhou General Hospital;Lanzhou Command of Chinese People’ s Liberation Army;
Advances of miRNAs in Entomology
Jiang Chunlai;Li Liangde;Li Haiyi;Zhong Guohua;Key Laboratory of Natural Pesticide and Chemical Biology;Ministry of Education of China;Laboratory of Insect Toxicology;South China Agricultural University;
Advances in the Research of Mammalian Spermatogonial Stem Cells
Sachula Wu;Gu Tingyu;He Zhiying;Muren Herrid;Wang Xin;Uyunbilig Borjigin;The Key Laboratory of Mammalian Reproductive Biology and Biotechnology;Ministry of Education;Inner Mongolia University;The laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology;Shanghai Institute of Cell Biology and Biochemistry;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Department of Cell Biology;Second Military Medical University;CSIRO Livestock Industries;FD McMaster Laboratory;