Influence of N2 and CH4 on CO2 immiscible flooding effect
SHANG Bao-bing;LIAO Xin-wei;LI Jun-fei;LU Ning;SU Xian-ke;MOE Key Laboratory of Petroleum Engineering;China University of Petroleum;Faculty of Geosciences;China University of Petroleum;Toutai Oilfield Development Company Limited;
The effect of aniline content to the properties of polyaniline films
SHAO Liang;LI Qiang-de;FENG Jie;College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering;Key Laboratory of Auxiliary Chemistry & Technology for Chemical Industry;Ministry of Education;Shaanxi University of Science & Technology;Shaanxi Research Institute of Agricultural Products Processing Technology;
Preparation and photoelectrochemical property of black silicon with porous pyramid texture
HU Nan-jiang;LV Xiang-fei;ZHAO Ran;MA Hong-rui;TANG Wei;MA Chun-lin;College of Light Industry and Engergy;Shaanxi University of Science & Technology;College of Resource and Environment;Shaanxi University of Science & Technology;College of Electrical and Information Engineering;Shaanxi University of Science & Technology;College of Physical and Electronic Electrical Engineering;Huaiyin Normal University;