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Journal of Northwest Forestry University
1997 Issue S1
Characters and Cause of Formation of Cerambycid Fauna in the Northwestern China
L ang xingru1 ) Gao Hanzhong2 ) Bai Yaoyu3) Yu Ying3) Centre of Forest Pestand Disease Control;Yinchuan;75 0 0 0 4;2 ) Control and Quarantine Station of Forest Pestand Disease of Gansu;L anzhou;730 0 30;3) N WFC;Yangling;Shaanxi;712 1
A Study on the Establishment of Sustainable Shelter Forests of Economic Ecology Type without the Plague of Longicorn
Gao Hanzhong1 ) Yang Xueyan2 ) Zhou Jiaxi2 ) Control and of Quarantine Station Forest Pests and Diseases of Gansu Province;L anzhou;730 0 30;2 ) N WFC;Yangling;Shaanxi;712 10 0 )
Evaluation and Discriminant Analysis on Functional Resistance of Stand Structure to Pests in the Second-generation Forest Nets of Ninxia Hui Autonomous Region
Wei Jianing1 ) Zhou Jiaxi2 ) Shao Chongbin2 ) Song Changchun3) Departmentof Entomological Ecology;Kunming Institute of Zoology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Kunming;6 5 0 2 2 3;2 ) N WFC;Yangling;Shaanxi;712 10 0;3) F orestry Dept.of N inxia;
Studies on the Attacking Habitand Preferences of Borers, Anoplophora glabripennis Mostch.and Cossuscossusor- ientalis Gaede & H olcocerusvicarius( Walker) ,in the Second-generation Forest Nets in Ninxia Hui Autonomous Region
Wei Jianing1 ) Zhou Jiaxi2 ) Sun Changchun3) Department of Entomological Ecology;K unming Institute of Zoology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;K unm ing;6 5 0 2 2 3;2 ) N WFC;Yangling;Shaanxi;712 10 0;3) Forestry Dept.of N inxia;Yinchuan;75
A Preliminary Study on Population Dynamics and Trends of Major Pests In the Newly Built Second-generation Forest Nets of Ninxia Hui Autonomous Region
Wei Jianing1 ) Zhou Jiaxi2 ) Sun Changchun3) Shao Chongbin2 ) Dept.of Entomological Ecology;K unm ing Institute of Zoology;The Chinese Academy of Sciences;K unming6 5 0 2 2 3;2 ) N WFC;Yangling;Shaanxi;712 10 0;3) Forest Bureau of N in
A Research on Space Distribution Pattern of Poplar Stem Borer
Shao Chongbin1 ) Xu Zhenwu2 ) Han Mingyao1 ) Dept.of Forestry;N WFC Yangling Shaanxi;712 10 0;2 ) Station of Wildlife Protection of Shaanxi Province;X ian;710 0 81)
Stand Structure Design for the Sustainable Shelter Forests Without Plague of Insect Pests in Ninxia
Wei Jianing1 ) Yang Xueyan2 ) Zhou Jiaxi2 ) Sun Changchun3) Zhang Enguang3) Dept.of Entomological Ecology;K unming Institute of Zoology Chinese Academy of Sciences;K unming;6 5 0 2 33;2 ) N WF C;Yangling Shaanxi;712 10 0;3) Forest Dept.o
An Investigation on the Resistance of Major Forestation Species to Anoplophora glabripennis and A.nobilis
Gao Hanzhong1 ) Yang Xueyan2 ) Wei Jianing2 ) Lang Xingru3) Control and Quarantine Station of Forest Pestsand Diseases of Gansu;L anzhou;730 0 30;2 ) N WFC;Yangling;Shaanxi;712 10 0;3) Centre of Forest Pestand Disease Control of N ing
A Study of Tree Morphology,Food Characters and Selection Behavior of Longicorns in Mixed Forests
Yang Xueyan1 ) Gao Hanzhong2 ) Zhou Jiaxi1 ) Wang Fugui3) N WFC;Yangling;Shaanxi712 10 0;2 ) Contol and Quarantine Station of Forest Pests and Diseases of Gansu;L anzhou;730 0 30;3) Institute of Forest Resources Protection of CAF;Beijing;10
Behaviors of Host Selection of Longicorns and Response of the Host Trees to the Selection
Yang Xueyan Zhou Jiaxi Wang Fugui
An Investigation on Bark Beetles of Pinus armandi in the South Slopes of the Qinling Mountains
Dai Jianchang1 ) Zhou Jiaxi1 ) Ye Hongmu2 ) Li Xiaoyan3) Dept.of Forest Resources Protection;N WFC;Yangling;Shaanxi;712 10 0;2 ) H uoditang Forest Farm of N WFC;N ingshan;Shaanxi;7116 0 0;3) Dept.of Forest of Shaanxi;X i′an;710 0 82 )
Foctor Analysis and Predicted Model of the Injuring Dynamic of Pinusarmandi
Zhou Jiaxi1 ) Meng Deshun1 ) Dai Jianchang2 ) L i Xiaoyan1 ) N WFC;Yangling;Shaanxi;712 10 0;2 ) Research Istitute of Subtropical Forestry;CAF Fuyang;Zhejiang;31140 0 )
A Study on Spacial Distribution Pattern and the Best Model of Dendroctonus armandi L i Kairen1 )
Shao Chongbin2 ) Dai Jianchang3) Bureau of the Construction of the Three N orth Shelter Forests;Yinchuan;75 0 0 0 1;2 ) N WFC;Yangling;Shaanxi;712 10 0;3) Institute of Subtrop ical Forestryof CAF;Fuyang;Zhejiang;31140 0 )
Dynamic Analysis and Prediction of the Harmfulness of Dendroctonus armandi
L i Kairen1 ) Shao Chongbin2 ) Dai Jianchang3) Bureau of the Construction of the Three N orth Shelter Forests;Yinchuan;75 0 0 0 1;2 )N WFC Yanling;Shaanxi;712 10 0;3) Research Institute of Subtrop ical Forestry;CAF;Fuyang;Zhejiang;31140 0 )
A Study on Coyphalus tabulaeformischienzhuangensis
Zhou Jiaxi1 ) Li Houhun1 ) Sun Qinhang2 ) Wang Weiping2 ) Yao Wenbin3) Bai Yaoyu1 ) N WF C;Yangling;Shaanxi;712 10 0;2 ) Burean of X ianyang Forestry;Xianyang;Shaanxi;712 10 0;3) Malan Forestry centre;X unyi;Shaanxi;71130 0 )
A Study on Biological Characteristics and Control of Pseudopanolisransuensis Chen
Zhang You1 ) Wu Kui2 ) Jia Song1 ) Forest Pests and Diseases Control Station of Gansu Province;L anzhou;730 0 30;H asishan Forest Farm;Jingyuan;Gansu;730 6 0 0 )
Studies on Selection of Major Insect Pests to Poplar Seedlings and Pest Resistance of the Seedlings
Yang Xueyan Zhou Jiaxi Yu Ying Bai Yaoyu
A Study on Forecasting the Numbers of Female Flowers and Pinecones of a Whole Pinustabulaeformis Tree
Dong Lifen1 ) Zhao Wenying2 ) Lei Zhenmin3) Jiang Cunhuan3) Dept.of Forestry;NWF C;Yangling;Shaanxi;712 10 0;2 ) Agricultural School;Shangluo;Shaanxi;72 60 0 0;3) Gucheng Forest Farm;L uonan County;Shaanxi;72 60 0 0 )
An Analysis on the Relationship between the Number of Pinecones ( as well as Female Flowers) in Their Early and Late Periods
Dong lifen1 ) L ei Zhenmin2 ) Zhao Wenying3) Jiang Cunhuan1 ) Dept.of F orestry;N WFC;712 10 0;2 )Gucheng Forest F arm;L uonan County;Shaanxi;72 6 10 7;3)Agri.School;Shangluo;Shaanxi;72 6 0 0 0 )
A Study on Forecasting Seed Yield of Pinustabulaeformisby Visible Half Crown Observation
Dong Lifen1 ) Lei Zhenmin2 ) Huang Lin3) Jiang Cunhuan2 ) Dept.of Forestry;N WFC;Yangling;Shaanxi 712 10 0;2 ) Gucheng Forest Farm;L uonan County;Shaanxi;72 6 10 7;3) Computer Centre;N WFC)
A Study on the Method of Estimation of Seed Yield of Pinustabulaeformis
Dong Lifen1 ) L ei Zhenmin2 ) Su Yinquan1 ) Jiang Cunhuan2 ) Dept.of Forestry;N WFC;Shaanxi;712 10 0;2 ) Gucheng Forest Farm;L uonan County;Shaanxi;72 6 10 7)
An Estimation of the Numbers of Female Flowers and Pinecones of a Whole Pinustabulaeformis Tree by Information Segment Method
Dong Lifen1 ) L ei Zhenmin2 ) Liu Yi1 ) Jiang Cunhuan1 ) Dept.of F orestry;N WFC;Yangling;Shaaxi;712 10 0;2 ) Gucheng Forest Farm;L uonan County;Shaanxi;72 6 10 7)
A Study on the Estimation of the Seed Yield in Dense Forest Stand of Pinustubulaeformis
Dong L ifen1 ) Lei Zhenmin2 ) Ren Jianwei3) Jiang Cunhuan2 ) Dept.of Forestry;N WFC;Yangling;Shaanxi;712 10 0;2 ) Gucheng Forest Farm;L uonan County;Shaanxi;72 6 10 7;3) Forestry Bureau;L uonan;Shaanxi;72 6 0 0 0 )