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Journal of Xi'an University Engineering Science and Technology
2001 Issue 4
li gong ke da xue sheng guan yu yan hai yu nei di jian guan nian cha yi de ren shi fen xi
xie ming ; zhang qiang ; song guang yi
On the campus network security management
zhang cheng xian
DBMS application research based on data-driving
shi mei hong ; zhang xiao bin
A study of AutoCAD 2000 mechanical drawing
zhou zong tuan
Study on the main energy saving measures of the open showcase refrigerator
wu jun mei ; huang xiang ; yan su zuo ; wen li
Restudy for energy saving wall in heating systems
di yu hui ; huang xiang ; he jin bao ; song guo jun ; liu zhong ya
A study on the machinery combination of the garment production line
wan zhi qin ; yao xiao lin
The design of loom stopping strain compensation system
qin lan shuang
On the development of green textiles
li yan mei ; chou xiao kun ; zhu bao zuo
A study on factors for lingerie designing
duan xing yuan
The influence of cultures on verture creation
wang wen jie ; liu yuan ; mi qiu lang
Transformation risk analysis of textile enterprise
cheng ai wu ; zhang peng zhu
Dart transfer implement in 2-D computer aided pattern design system
gao cheng ying ; liu rong ; liu ning ; xu qing qing
A new research of fabric appearance using shape from shading
yang xiao bo
The applied and rational viewpoints of attire
zhang zhi chun
On the creative thought in design
wu jun wei
A study on the orgin of clothing tradition and popularity
feng wei yi ; cong hong yan
Mate relations of strategic leverage and core comp etence
zhou lei ; cheng ai wu ; pan wei lu