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Journal of the Second Northwest University for Nationalities
2013 Issue 2
Macroscopic Environment Analysis on Frontier External Communication of China
LIU Xiao-cheng;WANG Yun
On the Relationship between Religion and Nationality
SUN Hao-ran
ming dai yu lin zhu cheng she wei shi jian xin kao
li da hai
Field Vision of FEI Xiaotong's Ethnic Sociology Study
Women Issues Studies Among Hui Muslim Intellectuals during the Republic of China
ZHONG Yin-mei;ZHOU Shu-yun
The Harmonious Thought in Nu Divine Songs and Its Social Functions
TAN Li-ya;CHEN Hai-hong
huan ying tou gao
Regional Customs and Arts in Hui Poet MA Shitao's Peom
Ma Zhi-ying
ning xia ( min guo ) yu wang xian zhi bian wei
hu yu bing
The Causes of the New Motif of Kazak Epic Zikurs and Bayansulu
HUANG Zhong-xiang