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Journal of Xi'an University of Post and Telecom
2001 Issue 2
Some Considerations on the Development of Western China
guo zhi zuo ; zhang sheng li ; xu ze rong
The Environmental Strategy in the Great Development of West China
zhang xue guang ; fan guang yi
On Speeding up the State-owned Property Investor System
zhang hong
Unbalance of Supply-Demand Structures and Deep-Layer Contradictions in Economic Structure
wang ke xi ; gao jue min ; wang pei hua
On the Attributes of Human Resource Defintion
tang ben you
An Consideration to State-owned Enterprises in our Country
long jiang bin
The Application of Morkov Model to Commercial Housings Demand Forecast
liu shu feng ; yuan hai lin
Analysis of Risks in Administrative Decision-making
chen jian feng ; wang an ping