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Journal of Xidian University(Social Sciences Edition)
2012 Issue 2
Re-read of Jane Austen from Perspective of Sociology
lin yi zhi
A Nietzschean Tragedy——Rereading Ode to the Grecian Urn
jiang xian ping
Relationship Between Contextual Performance and Job Satisfaction of Civil Servants
zhao wei liang ; zhao dong xia
Product Innovation Model of Commercial Bank Based on WSR Methodology
tang chang bao ; wu ying yu
Application of Real Option Theory in Mineral Resources Development
he zuo wen ; guo tao
Knowledge Sharing about Manufacturers and Retailes Based on Game Theory
deng jun rong ; zhang lei ; shang ji cai
The Effect of Relevance Theory on the Approach of Dialect Translation
yin zuo an ; tian ni
Regional Disparity in Rural China and Its Change Based on Income Structure
bai hui fang ; qu zhi ; lv zhi wang
Critical Discourse Analysis of News Reports on Japan's Earthquake
huang xiao ying ; song jia