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Journal of Xidian University(Natural Science)
2016 Issue 3
Blind equalization method for OFDM systems in non-cooperative communication
LIU Mingqian;CHEN Jian;LI Bingbing;GUO Xiaoling;State Key Lab.of Integrated Service Networks;Xidian Univ.;
Performance analysis of network code division multiplexing over wireless sensor networks
YUE Jing;BAI Baoming;State Key Lab.of Integrated Service Networks;Xidian Univ.;
Infinite max-margin Beta process factor analysis model
ZHANG Xuefeng;CHEN Bo;WANG Penghui;WEN Wei;LIU Hongwei;National Key Lab.of Radar Signal Processing;Xidian Univ.;
Imaging method for highly squinted SAR with spatially-variant doppler centroid correction
LI Zhenyu;CHEN Jianlai;LIANG Yi;XING Mengdao;BAO Zheng;National Key Lab.of Radar Signal Processing;Xidian Univ.;
Multistatic passive radar imaging algorithm for the gapped aperture
WANG Jue;WANG Jun;WU Yong;DENG Yaqi;LUO Zhen;National Key Lab.of Radar Signal Processing;Xidian Univ.;
Imaging method for the extended scene of missile-borne bistatic forward-looking SAR
MENG Ziqiang;LI Yachao;XING Mengdao;BAO Zheng;National Key Lab.of Radar Signal Processing;Xidian Univ.;
Volume integral method for calculation of weak scattering from electronically large dielectric targets
FAN Jun;LEI Zhenya;XIE Yongjun;LI Xiaofeng;School of Electronic Engineering;Xidian Univ.;School of Electronic and Information Engineering;Beihang Univ.;
Identifying pathogenic SNP loci by enrichment analysis
YANG Liying;YIN Liyang;YUAN Xiguo;ZHANG Junying;School of Computer Science and Technology;Xidian Univ.;
Improved NSGA-Ⅱ algorithm based on the uniformly crowding distance
WANG Mingzhao;WANG Yuping;WANG Xiaoli;WEI Zhen;School of Computer Science and Technology;Xidian Univ.;
Two phase clustering method for CNF clauses
FAN Quanrun;DUAN Zhenhua;Research Inst.of Computing Theory & Technology;Xidian Univ.;State Key Lab.of Integrated Service Networks;Xidian Univ.;
Interval and probability based analysis of seizure-preventing for synchronous gears of the astromesh deployable satellite antenna
LIU Shuaijie;DUAN Baoyan;YANG Dongwu;Ministry of Education Key Lab.of Electronic Equipment Structure Design;Xidian Univ.;
Image reconstruction using an adaptive simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique in computed tomography
QIAO Quanbang;HUANG Liyu;HE Zhijie;School of Life Sciences and Technology;Xidian Univ.;
New modeling method for ray tracing
YANG Xin;WEI Bing;School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering;Xidian Univ.;Collaborative Innovation Center of Information Sensing and Understanding;Xidian Univ.;
Higherorder singular value decomposition-and total variation-regularized multiplicative noise removal model
HUO Leigang;FENG Xiangchu;WANG Xudong;HUO Chunlei;School of Mathematics and Statistics;Xidian Univ.;School of Computer and Information Engineering;Guangxi Teachers Education Univ.;NLPR;Institute of Automation;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Research on the electronic transport characteristics of the three-dimensional graphene/carbon nanotube composite structure
LOU Lifei;PAN Qingbiao;ZHANG Junqin;ZHOU Xiaole;School of Microelectronics;Xidian Univ.;
Hybrid differential coherent bit synchronization algorithm for the weak GNSS signal
LU Weijun;LEI Dengyun;YU Dunshan;School of Electronics Engineering;Beijing Univ.of Posts and Telecommunication;School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science;Peking Univ.;
Locally-restricted regular clustering superpixel algorithm
WANG Yunfei;BI Duyan;LIU Huawei;LIU Ling;ZHAO Xiaolin;College of Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering;Air Force Engineering Univ.;
jian xun
Design of the D2Dmulticast transmission scheme in the LTE communication system
WANG Jing;LIU Xiangyang;YANG Yang;WANG Xinmei;School of Information Engineering;Chang’an Univ.;Xi’an Communication College;State Key Lab.of Integrated Service Networks;Xidian Univ.;
Registration based compensation method based on adaptive subspace tracking
FENG Weike;ZHANG Yongshun;TONG Ningning;Air and Missile Defense College;Air Force Engineering Univ.;
Features extracting method of ground vibrating targets for dual-channel SAR
LIANG Ying;ZHANG Qun;YANG Qiu;GU Fufei;School of Information and Navigation;AFEU;Unit 95980 of PLA;Collaborative Innovation Center of Information Sensing and Understanding;
Adaptive particle swarm optimization method with stagnancy information
LIUDaohua;CHEN Liangqiong;HU Xiuyun;ZHANG Qian;School of Computer and Information Technology;Xinyang Normal Univ.;College of Civil Engineering;Xinyang Normal Univ.;
Imaging algorithm for highly squinted SAR data processing based on phase disturbing
QU Guangzhou;LIANG Yi;School of Geodesy and Geomatics;Wuhan Univ.;Beijing Electromechanical Engineering Institute;National Key Lab.of Radar Signal Processing;Xidian Univ.;
Cross-layer adaptive cooperative TDMA protocol for multi-hop wireless networks
HUANG Shaocheng;MA Linhua;CAI Zhao;ZHANG Song;RU Le;TIAN Yu;Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering College;Air Force Engineering Univ.;No.95876 Unit;
Network security threat assessment based on the signaling game
ZHANG Hengwei;YU Dingkun;HAN Jihong;WANG Jindong;KOU Guang;Institute of Cipher Engineering;PLA Information Engineering Univ.;
Characteristic analysis of the border effect in precision frequency measurement
OUXiaojuan;ZHOU Wei;YI Weiwei;ZHANG Xiaoyan;LI Jing;State Key Lab.of Astronautic Dynamics;School of Mechano-electronic Engineering;Xidian Univ.;China Xi’an Satellite Control Center;
Carrier leakage and I/Q mismatch calibrated technique
LEI Qianqian;School of Science;Xi’an Polytechnic Univ.;
Two dimension migration compensation method for W-band ISAR imaging
WEI Yibo;WANG Hui;LI Ning;YU Weidong;Institute of Electronics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Convolutional neural networks recognition algorithm based on PCA
SHI Hehuan;XU Yuelei;MA Shiping;LI Yueyun;LI Shuai;Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering College;Air Force Engineering Univ.;
Kinetic Monte Carlo simulation of GaN epitaxy
FENG Lansheng;GUO Runqiu;ZHANG Jincheng;School of Mechano-electronic Engineering;Xidian Univ.;School of Microelectronics;Xidian Univ.;
Fast subpixel registration method for InSAR images
XUE Haiwei;FENG Dazheng;National Key Lab.of Radar Signal Processing;Xidian Univ.;
Passive intermodulation analysis of coupled electro-thermal microwave loads
JIANG Jie;LI Tuanjie;MEI Yujian;WANG Hongjun;Engineering College;Honghe Univ.;School of Mechano-electronic Engineering;Xidian Univ.;
Improved ant colony algorithm for the optimal-quality-path routing problem with multi-constraints
MA Ronggui;CUI Hua;XUE Shijiao;GUO Lu;YUAN Chao;School of Information Engineering;Chang’an Univ.;
Availability evaluation model for the heterogeneous system based on RBD
SUN Jian;ZHANG Xingjun;DONG Xiaoshe;School of Electronic and Information Engineering;Xi’an Jiaotong Univ.;