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Journal of Xidian University(Natural Science)
2015 Issue 3
Depth map intra coding based on correlation between video and depth maps
MA Xiang;HUO Junyan;REN Guangliang;YANG Xu;CHANG Yilin;State Key Lab.of Integrated Service Networks;Xidian Univ.;Hualu Publishing & Media Co.;LTD;
Algorithm to detect Android malicious behaviors
WANG Zhiqiang;ZHANG Yuqing;LIU Qixu;HUANG Tingpei;State Key Lab.of Integrated Service Networks;Xidian Univ.;National Computer Network Intrusion Protection Center;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Novel method for attributed feature extraction from SAR imagery
LI Fei;JIU Bo;WANG Yinghua;LUO Tao;LIU Hongwei;National Key Lab.of Radar Signal Processing;Xidian Univ.;
TOA localization algorithm using the linear-correction technique
ZHU Guohui;FENG Dazheng;ZHOU Yan;NIE Weike;National Key Lab.of Radar Signal Processing;Xidian Univ.;School of Information Science and Technology;Northwest Univ.;
Three dimensional space-time open-loop clutter block canceller applied to the airborne phased array radar
XIANG Pingye;FENG Dazheng;ZHOU Yan;ZHU Guohui;National Key Lab.of Radar Signal Processing;Xidian Univ.;
Design of a plane-wave generator for base station antenna measurements
FENG Xueyong;YANG Lin;GONG Shuxi;WANG Jianxiao;Science and Technology on Antenna and Microwave Lab.;Xidian Univ.;
Design of a novel multiple-mode tri-band bandpass filter
LIN Lei;SUN Shoujia;WU Bian;LIANG Changhong;Science and Technology on Antenna and Microwave Lab.;Xidian Univ.;
Study of the parallel higher-order MoM on a domestically-made CPU platform
LIN Zhongchao;CHEN Yan;ZHANG Yu;JIANG Shugang;ZHAO Xunwang;L Zhaofeng;Science and Technology on Antenna and Microwave Lab.;Xidian Univ.;
Combined similarity based spectral clustering ensemble for POLSAR classification
LIU Lu;WANG Rongfang;JIAO Licheng;SHI Junfei;Ministry of Education Key Lab.of Intelligent Perception and Image Understanding;Xidian Univ.;
Voltage triggered ESD detection circuits in a 90nm CMOS process
YANG Zhaonian;LIU Hongxia;ZHU Jia;FEI Chenxi;Ministry of Education Key Lab.of Wide Band-Gap Semiconductor Materials and Devices;Xidian Univ.;
Online visual tracking method based on superpixel hybrid voting
HE Wenhua;LIU Zhijing;QU Jianming;School of Computer Science and Technology;Xidian Univ.;
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Directed AdaBoost weighting classifier based on the scene motion pattern for object detection
QU Jianming;LIU Zhijing;HE Wenhua;School of Computer Science and Technology;Xidian Univ.;
Laser radar imaging model for high-fidelity simulation and its analysis
CHAI Guobei;ZHANG Jianqi;LIU Delian;TIAN Limin;GUO Bingtao;School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering;Xidian Univ.;
Collision of two solitons with the same envelope in the left-handed materials
YANG Dongqi;ZHANG Jianqi;School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering;Xidian Univ.;
Algorithm improvement of directional location management
CHEN Jie;XI Wen;MO Wei;School of Mechano-electronic Engineering;Xidian Univ.;Changjiang Computer Group Corporation;
Novel sensor node importance evaluation method based on the agglomeration contraction principle
LIU Kui;LIU Sanyang;College of Mathematics and Information Science;Henan Normal Univ.;School of Mathematics and Statistics;Xidian Univ.;
Efficient attribute-based encryption with hidden access structures
XIE Li;REN Yanli;School of Communication and Information Engineering;Shanghai Univ.;
Performance research on ranging codes based on the chaotic sequence
XUE Rui;WEI Qiang;XU Xichao;College of Information and Communication Engineering;Harbin Engineering Univ.;
Dual loop Volterra filter predistortion in satellite communication
TANG Chengkai;LIAN Baowang;ZHANG Lingling;School of Electronics and Information;Northwestern Polytechnical Univ.;School of Marine Science and Technology;Northwestern Polytechnical Univ.;
Face recognition using collaborative representation with neighbors
WEI Dongmei;ZHOU Weidong;College of Physics and Electronics;Shandong Normal Univ.;School of Information Science and Engineering;Shandong Univ.;
Algorithm for conformal array DOA estimation with an unknown number of sources
YANG Qun;CAO Xiangyu;GAO Jun;LI Sijia;Information and Navigation Institute;AFEU;
FH signal extraction using the improved symmetric co-occurrence matrix
GU Pei;WANG Bin;Institute of Information Systems Engineering;PLA Information Engineering Univ.;
Implementation and optimization of the wideband matched filter on the GPU
ZHOU Hang;CAI Zhiming;WANG Ximin;School of Electronic Engineering;Naval Univ.of Engineering;
Optimization method for multimodal functions based on chaotic ant colony algorithms
LIU Daohua;NI Yongjun;SUN Fang;ZHANG Fei;School of Computer and Information Technology;Xinyang Normal Univ.;
Fast Bayesian non-local means of polarimetric SAR image despeckling
CHEN Jianhong;ZHAO Yongjun;SHI Yinshui;LIU Wei;School of Navigation and Aerospace Engineering;Information Engineering Univ.;Dept.of Reconnaissance & Early Warning;Air Defense College;
New method for SAR occluded targets recognition using DNN
LI Shuai;XU Yuelei;MA Shiping;NI Jiacheng;SHI Hehuan;Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering;Air Force Engineering Univ.;
Improved quadratic-form metric for histogram distance measurement
YU Wangsheng;TIAN Xiaohua;HOU Zhiqiang;LIU Bin;Information and Navigation College;Air Force Engineering Univ.;
Improved SO-FDTD method for non-magnetized plasmas
ZHANG Hou;XU Zhiyong;YIN Xiong;ZHAO Zhenwei;WU Rui;Air and Missile Defense College;Air Force Engineering Univ.;China Research Institute of Radio-wave Propagation;
Multi-objective ant colony optimization algorithm for virtual machine placement
ZHAO Jun;MA Zhong;LIU Chi;LI Haishan;WANG Xinyu;Wuhan Digital Engineering Institute;
Proportional fair resource allocation in the relay enhanced cellular system
MA Yanping;YANG Hongyong;MA Zhangchao;WANG Zengfeng;School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering;Ludong Univ.;China Unicom Research Institute;
Facial expression recognition based on the binary code of edges
FENG Xiaoyi;LAI Yangming;WANG Wenxing;CUI Shaoxing;PENG Jinye;JIANG Xiaoyu;School of Electronics and Information;Northwestern Polytechnical Univ.;AVIC Aeronautical Science and Technology Key Lab.of Flight Simulation;CFTE;School of Information Science and Technology;Northwest Univ.;
Novel broadband and rotated-patch antenna for wireless communication
BAI Bing;NIU Zhongqi;REN Jian;School of Electronic Engineering;Xidian Univ.;
Robust watermarking utilizing adaptive order dither block truncation coding
XIE Kun;ZENG Ping;ZHENG Haihong;GUO Tao;School of Computer Science and Technology;Xidian Univ.;College of Computer Science;Xi’an Shiyou Univ.;