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Journal of Xidian University(Natural Science)
2014 Issue 5
Reduced state demodulator for the SOQPSK-TG signal
SUN Jinhua;HAN Huimei;ZHU Jili;State Key Lab.of Integrated Service Networks;Xidian Univ.;
Identity-based privacy-preserving multi-receiver key encapsulation
FU Xiaotong;XUE Peng;State Key Lab.of Integrated Service Networks;Xidian Univ.;
Design of bilayer lengthened LDPC codes for decode-and-forward in relay channels
LIU Yang;LI Jing’e;LI Ying;State Key Lab.of Integrated Service Networks;Xidian Univ.;State Key Lab.of Wireless Mobile Communications;China Academy of Telecommunication Technology;
Novel PHD filter in unknown clutter environment
LI Cuiyun;JIANG Zhou;JI Hongbing;School of Electronic Engineering;Xidian Univ.;Unit 95972;PLA;
Correlation-coefficient-summation detector for wideband radar moving targets
WEN Xiang;LIU Hongwei;BAO Min;National Key Lab.of Radar Signal Processing;Xidian Univ.;School of Electronic Engineering;Xidian Univ.;
Improved low-rank recovery method for sparsely sampling data in array signal processing
YANG Dong;LIAO Guisheng;ZHU Shengqi;WANG Kai;National Key Lab.of Radar Signal Processing;Xidian Univ.;Unit 91251;PLA;
TDOA location algorithm based on modified Newton iterations
ZHU Guohui;FENG Dazheng;LI Jin;ZHOU Yan;National Key Lab.of Radar Signal Processing;Xidian Univ.;
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Unambiguous estimation of the radial velocity of a moving target by the range frequency maximum likelihood method
ZHANG Xuepan;LIAO Guisheng;ZHU Shengqi;GAO Yongchan;YANG Dong;National Key Lab.of Radar Signal Processing;Xidian Univ.;
Isomerous multiple classifier ensemble via transformation of the rotating forest
MAO Shasha;XIONG Lin;JIAO Licheng;ZHANG Shuang;CHEN Bo;Ministry of Education Key Lab.of Intelligent Perception and Image Understanding;Xidian Univ.;
Non-rigid registration of medical images based on local linear embedding and improved L-BFGS optimization
LI Qi;JI Hongbing;ZANG Bo;LIU Jin;School of Electronic Engineering;Xidian Univ.;
Design of hybrid filter banks with fractional delays using mixed norm performance measures
WANG Wei;ZHANG Zijing;National Key Lab.of Radar Signal Processing;Xidian Univ.;
Method for detecting DRFM deception jamming based on LFM rate matching
LU Yunlong;LI Ming;YAN Yan;National Key Lab.of Radar Signal Processing;Xidian Univ.;
Wide-band analysis using the modified IE-FFT and physical optical hybrid method
L Zhengliang;GONG Shuxi;ZHANG Pengfei;CHEN Wenfeng;ZHAO Bo;Science and Technology on Antenna and Microwave Lab.;Xidian Univ.;China Academy of Electronics and Information Technology;
Electromagnetism-like mechanism algorithm via dual chaotic search
JIANG Jianguo;LIU Mengnan;LIU Yongqing;SU Qian;ZHANG Liyuan;School of Computer Science and Technology;Xidian Univ.;
Comprehensive analysis of real-time alerts with attack strategy graphs
LI Longying;LI Jinku;MA Jianfeng;JIANG Qi;School of Computer Science and Technology;Xidian Univ.;
Measurement of human heart rate using finger pictures
YANG Zengyin;MA Jianfeng;SUN Cong;HUANG Dejun;YE Chunxiao;LU Diqun;School of Computer Science and Technology;Xidian Univ.;School of Technical Physics;Xidian Univ.;
Wireless network access selection method with the non-cooperative game
ZHAO Jing;LI Xinghua;XUE Feijie;MA Jianfeng;School of Computer Science and Technology;Xidian Univ.;
Inverse derivation of the adjustment quantity of the distorted reflector antenna feed from a far field
LIAN Peiyuan;DUAN Baoyan;WANG Wei;HU Naigang;Ministry of Education Key Lab.of Electronic Equipment Structure;Xidian Univ.;
Form-finding of tensegrity structures based on IAFSA
LIN Min;LI Tuanjie;JI Zhifei;School of Mechano-electronic Engineering;Xidian Univ.;
Image retrieval using stable interest points and Gabor wavelet
YAN Yunyi;JIANG Shuai;GUO Baolong;Research Inst.of Intelligent Control &Image Engineering;Xidian Univ.;
Location of a blasted penetrator in the test range
WANG Lixia;FU Xiaoning;School of Mechano-electronic Engineering;Xidian Univ.;
Quality assessment of the laser disturbing image utilizing cross entropy
LIU Fei;SHAO Xiaopeng;HAN Pingli;XIANGLI Bin;REN Meng;School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering;Xidian Univ.;Academy of Opto-electronics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Xi’an Institute of Modern Control Technology;
Physical model for the off current in amorphous silicon thin film transistors
EN Yunfei;LIU Yuan;HE Yujuan;SHI Qian;HAO Yue;School of Microelectronic;Xidian Univ.;China Electronic Product Reliability and Environmental Testing Research Institute;
Nonconvex image inpainting via balanced regularization approach
WU Yulian;FENG Xiangchu;School of Mathematics and Statistics;Xidian Univ.;Common Course Department;Xi’an Medical College;
Enhancing user privacy for personalized web search in big data
KANG Haiyan;XIONG Li;School of Information Management;Beijing Information Science and Technology University;Department of Mathcs;Emory University;
Adaptive binary search polyline simplification algorithm for GPS trajectories
WANG Jing;TAN Xiangshuang;SONG Xianfeng;WANG Chaoliang;College of Resources and Environment;Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Academy of Opto-Electronics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Out-of-core computing method of the adaptive cross approximation algorithm
WU Junhui;LIANG Changhong;YUAN Haobo;CAO Xiangyu;PLA Air Force Xi’an Flight Academy;Science and Technology on Antenna and Microwave Lab.;Xidian Univ.;School of Information and Navigation;Air Force Engineering University;
Robust beamforming algorithm for general signal models based on the ULA
LIU Chengcheng;DING Yongchao;ZHAO Yongjun;YANG Jing;School of Navigation and Aerospace Object Engineering;Information Engineering University of PLA;PLA Unit 72495;
Cryptanalysis of the LBlock using multiple zero-correlation linear approximations
LUO Fang;ZHOU Xueguang;OU Qingyu;Department of Information Security;Naval University of Engineering;
Analysis of dynamic reliability of the repairable k-out-of-n system under several times random shocks
FANG Yongfeng;CHEN Jianjun;CAO Hongjun;School of Mechanical Engineering;Bijie University;Ministry of Education Key Lab.of Electronic Equipment Structure;Xidian Univ.;
Universally composable security authenticated key exchange protocol
ZHANG Zinan;GUO Yuanbo;YANG Kuiwu;HUANG Huixin;YANG Zhanhai;PLA Unit 66029;Inst.of Cryptography Eng.;PLA Information Engineering University;PLA Unit 92762;
Improvement on three-dimensional reconstruction of the attention mechanism
LI Minning;ZHANG Qiao;ZHAO Jie;School of Mechatronics Engineering;Weinan Vocational & Technical College;School of Computer Science and Technology;Xidian Univ.;Shaanxi HUANGHE Group Co.;LTD.;
Heterogeneous data synergistic location method in the WSN
XING Tianzhang;WANG Ju;CHEN Xiaojiang;FANG Dingyi;YANG Zhe;School of Information and Technology;Northwest Univ.;School of Computer Science;Northwestern Polytechnical Univ.;
Wide frequency-regulated precision OCXO
BAI Lina;ZHOU Wei;REN Junqi;School of Mechano-electronic Engineering;Xidian Univ.;
Tracking-before-detection method based on range extension for HPRF radars
ZHANG Peng;ZHANG Linrang;HU Zijun;National Key Lab.of Radar Signal Processing;Xidian Univ.;