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Journal of Xidian University(Natural Science)
2013 Issue 5
Performance analysis of polarization space time cascade processing
DU Wentao;LIAO Guisheng;YANG Zhiwei;National Key Lab.of Radar Signal Processing;Xidian Univ.;
Iteration FDOA location algorithm and its performance analysis
YANG Jie;LIU Congfeng;School of Communication and Information;Xi’an Univ.of Posts & Telecommunications;Research Inst.of Electronic Countermeasures;Xidian Univ.;
jian xun
Analog TV visual and audio signal based mismatched filter for the passive radar
WANG Haitao;WANG Jun;National Key Lab.of Radar Signal Processing;Xidian Univ.;
Target state estimation of the over-the-horizon radar using the cost-reference particle filter
LU Jin;SU Hongtao;SHUI Penglang;National Key Lab.of Radar Signal Processing;Xidian Univ.;
Collaborative registration algorithm for the radar system error without a priori association
LIU Xi;YIN Hao;WU Zemin;TIAN Chang;College of Communications Engineering;PLA University of Science and Technology;Institute of China Electronic System Engineering;
High resolution angle estimation of the bistatic MIMO radar
SHEN Fangfang;LI Yaxiang;ZHAO Guanghui;SHI Guangming;School of Electronic Engineering;Xidian Univ.;
Design and performance of the random access preamble structure for LTE-A super long-range coverage
LI Xiaohui;WEI Longfei;HEI Yongqiang;LIU Naian;State Key Lab.of Integrated Service Networks;Xidian Univ.;
Joint pilot assisted and despread soft-output carrier synchronization for the burst DSSS system
SUN Jinhua;LI Mengliang;WU Xiaojun;State Key Lab.of Integrated Service Networks;Xidian Univ.;Sci.and Tech.on Info.Transmission and Dissemination in Communication Networks Lab.;School of Information Engineering;Chang’an Univ.;
Study of the BER performance of the earth-space MIMO communication system at the millimeter wave band
GONG Shuhong;LI Xiangdong;ZHENG Tiancheng;School of Science;Xidian Univ.;
Fast blind estimation algorithm for Hamming codes parameters
YANG Xiaowei;GAN Lu;School of Electronic Engineering;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;National Laboratory of Information Control Technology for Communication System;No.36 Research Institute of CETC;
2-D DOA estimation of coexisting uncorrelated and coherent signals
DIAO Ming;AN Chunlian;College of Info.and Communication Eng.;Harbin Eng.Univ.;
Research on parameter identification of BCH codes
ZHANG Yongguang;ZHENG Shilian;Science and Tech.on Communication Info.Security Control Lab.;The 36th Research Institute of CETC;
Adaptive mechanism for the frequency hopping MAC
WANG Yequn;YE Xiangyang;QI Yunjun;HUANG Guoce;ZHANG Hengyang;Inst.of Telecommunication Eng.;Air Force Eng.Univ.;
Image super-pixels segmentation method based on the non-convex low-rank and sparse constraints
ZHANG Wenjuan;FENG Xiangchu;School of Science;Xidian Univ.;School of Science;Xi’an Technological Univ.;
SoC hardware/software partitioning algorithm for multi-performance index constraints
CUI Yuanyuan;QIU Xuehong;ZHANG Jianxian;ZHOU Duan;School of Computer Science and Technology;Xidian Univ.;
Novel method for haze degraded image scene rendition
LI Quanhe;ZHA Yufei;XIONG Lei;BI Duyan;Inst.of Aeronautics and Astronautics;Air Force Eng.Univ.;
Efficient algorithm for mismatching point elimination with interzone limited pre-testing
WAN Guoting;WANG Junping;CAO Honghua;WANG Song;WANG Le;School of Telecommunication Engineering;Xidian Univ.;
Optimization methodology for the width of the fixed-point decimal multiplier
YUAN Bo;LIU Hongxia;Ministry of Education Key Lab.of Wide Band-Gap Semiconductor Materials and Devices;Xidian Univ.;
Multi-mode fractional-N synthesizer with a stabilized loop bandwidth
FENG Yan;LUO Yang;CHEN Guican;School of Electronics and Info.Eng.;Xi’an Jiaotong Univ.;Huaxun Microelectronics Inc.;
TM01 multimode coupler
XU Zhi;ZHAI Huiqing;LIANG Changhong;School of Electronic Engineering;Xidian Univ.;China Academy of Space Technology;
Application of metamaterial absorber for RCS reduction of slot antenna
YANG Huanhuan;CAO Xiangyu;GAO Jun;YAO Xu;LIU Tao;YANG Qun;Information and Navigation Institute;AFEU;
Analysis of the effect of the anti-resonance inspired by via on PCB on signal transmission
CHU Xiuqin;LU Shan;QIN Jun;LIN Yongjia;Research Inst.of Electronic CAD;Xidian Univ.;
Motion function reliability analysis of a rotating flexible beam with random parameters
ZHAO Kuan;CHEN Jianjun;CAO Hongjun;YUN Yonghu;Ministry of Education Key Lab.of Electronic Equipment Structure;Xidian Univ.;
Intelligent auxiliary function method for multimodal global optimization problems
FAN Lei;WANG Yuping;LIU Xiyang;Research Inst.of Software Engineering;Xidian Univ.;School of Computer Science and Technology;Xidian Univ.;
Using primitive unit roots to construct orthogonal transforms
SUN Jichao;ZHOU Kai;SHU Da;School of Continuing Education;Anhui Polytechnic Univ.;Area of Substation Operation;Fuxin Power Company;School of Machinery and Automobile Engineering;Anhui Polytechnic Univ.;
Novel reconstruction method for frequency-hopping signals
YAN Yunbin;QUAN Houde;CUI Peizhang;UAV Engineering Department Ordnance Engineering College;Information Engineering Department;Ordnance Engineering College;
Modified forward cloud generator in the cloud model
LI Qing;DONG Qingkuan;ZHAO Lei;State Key Lab.of Integrated Service Networks;Xidian Univ.;
DNA algorithm for k-edge induced sub-graphs of directed graphs
ZHU Weijun;XU Zhaohui;ZHANG Haibin;YANG Weidong;School of Information Engineering;Zhengzhou Univ.;MOE Key Lab.of Grain Information Technology & Control;School of Computer Science and Technology;Xidian Univ.;
Research on the improved frequency-domain equalization algorithm for OFDM underwater acoustic communication
FENG Chengxu;LUO Yasong;LIU Zhong;College of Electronic Engineering;Naval Univ.of Engineering;
Deployment optimization of the self-organized network on near space platforms based on the game theoretical learning algorithm
ZONG Ru;GAO Xinbo;PENG Jianhua;School of Electronic Engineering;Xidian Univ.;
Fairness-aware joint call admission control in heterogeneous wireless networks
FENG Xiaofeng;QI Fei;LZongting;School of Electronic Engineering;Xidian Univ.;
Reduced-reference image quality assessment based on fuzzy classification
HOU Weilong;HE Lihuo;GAO Fei;School of Electronic Engineering;Xidian Univ.;