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Journal of Xidian University(Natural Science)
2008 Issue 1
QoS-aware cooperative diversity protocol for wireless LANs
LI Yi;JI Hong
A novel GPS frequency estimation algorithm in high dynamic circumstances
ZHU Yun-long;LIU Zhong-kan;YANG Dong-kai;ZHANG Qi-shan
Optimal joint design of adaptive coded modulation and ARQ
CHENG Peng;ZHANG Zhao-yang;HUANG Hui;QIU Pei-liang
Inverse kinematic research based on a new type of reconfigurable robot
WEI Yan-hui;ZHAO Jie;ZHU Yan-he;CAI He-gao
Radio telescope pointing model based on the generalized extended interpolation correction method
KONG De-qing;SHI Hu-li;ZHANG Xi-zhen;ZHANG Hong-bo
Neural networks based on the genetic algorithm and its application in mechanical engineering
LIU Dao-hua;YUAN Si-cong;WANG Jin-you;ZHAO Jin-chang
Design and analysis of a verifiable secret sharing scheme
LI Hui-xian;CAI Wan-dong;PEI Qing-qi
Analysis of two novel spherical helical antennas
ZHANG Hou;YIN Ying-zeng;XIA Dong-yu
Research on the bistatic RCS characteristic of aircraft
HUANG Pei-lin;JI Jin-zu;WU Zhe
Provable secure ID-based threshold signature scheme without random oracles
ZHANG Le-you;HU Yu-pu;LIU Zhen-hua
On the correlation analysis of product sequences
XIAO Hong;XIAO Guo-zhen;WANG Xin-mei
Multicast routing algorithm for network coding
WANG Jing;LIU Jing-mei;WANG Xin-mei;YUAN Rong-liang;LIU Xiang-yang
Model checking multirate hybrid systems
ZHANG Hai-bin;DUANG Zhen-hua
Design of the fuzzy neural PID controller based on hybrid PSO
ZHAO Jun;CHEN Jian-jun
Trajectory invariable-information target tracking algorithm with bearing-only measurement
LIU Jin-mang;JI Hong-bing;ZUO Tao
Spherical shell clustering based on quantum measurement
YANG Xun;XIE Wei-xin;HUANG Jian-jun
Research on ISAR imaging of the complexly moving target based on the time-chirp distribution
LI Ya-chao;SU Jun-hai;XING Meng-dao;BAO Zheng
Optimal UWB pulse design method based on B-spline
WANG Min;WU Shun-jun;LUO Feng
Ambiguity analysis of the distributed micro-satellites SAR system
YI Yu-sheng;LIU Xin;LIU Nan;ZHANG Lin-rang
Non-orthogonal joint diagonalization for blind source separation
ZHANG Hua;FENG Da-zheng;NIE Wei-ke;XU Xian-feng
Immune algorithm for TSP with dynamic vaccination
QI Yu-tao;LIU Fang;JIAO Li-cheng
Study of heat load forecasting based on the maximum entropy principle
CHEN Lie;QI Wei-gui;DENG Sheng-chuan
jian xun
Asymmetric digital watermarking algorithm based on DHT
LIU Xiang-li;KOU Wei-dong;WANG Zhi-guo
Mechanism study of the surface passivation effect on current collapse characteristics of AIGaN/GaN HEMTs
YUE Yuan-zheng;HAO Yue;ZHANG Jin-cheng;FENG Qian
Watersheds algorithm for relative potential energy
ZHANG Li-li;YAO Yong;LIU Zhi-jing
Area-efficient high-speed VLSI design of the RS(255,239) decoder
ZHANG Jing-bo;DAI Xian-ying;ZHANG He-ming;HU Hui-yong;JIA Da-zhong
Task scheduling based on trust mechanism of the L-fuzzy set in grid computing
SUN Peng-gang;QUAN Yi-ning;LIU Jun-ping
Square attack on the 14-round block cipher SMS4
ZHONG Ming-fu;HU Yu-pu;CHEN Jie
A new method for reduced- reference image quality assessment
WANG Ti-sheng;GAO Xin-bo;LU Wen;LI Guang-dong
Robust guaranteed cost control for the networked control systems
ZHANG Xi-min;LI Jian-dong;ZHANG Jian-guo
Preparation and characterization of K-doped p type ZnO films
WU Jun;YANG Yin-tang
Study of the electronic structure of nitrogen doped 3C-SiC with first-principles calculation
SONG Jiu-xu;YANG Yin-tang;CHAI Chang-chun;LIU Hong-xia;DING Rui-xue