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Journal of Xidian University(Natural Science)
2007 Issue 6
Particle simulation of a GW compact L-band coaxial relativistic backward wave oscillator
GE Xing-jun;YANG Yi-ming;ZHONG Hui-huang;QIAN Bao-liang
Application of the Mean shift algorithm in steel strip image segmentation
YANG Shui-shan;HE Yong-hui;ZHAO Wan-sheng;PENG Tie-gen
jian xun
Genetic algorithm for nonlinear equalization
jiang bo ; li ai hong ; zhu jiang ; zhang er yang
Prediction of the electromagnetic shadow zone under the atmospheric duct
JIAO Lin;ZHANG Yong-gang
The jamming mechanism for intense light bomb antagonizing infrared imaging guided-missiles
Hong Ming;LIU Shang-qian;WANG Da-peng;GAO Guo-wang
A fast and efficient bind beamforming method for CDMA systems
LI Jia-jing;JIN Rong-hong;GENG Jun-ping
A non-certificated Ad hoc key management and authentication model
LIU Chun;LIU Jian-wei;ZHANG Qi-shan;LI Hui
A new and accurate frequency estimation approach based on the phase difference
ZHANG Hai-ying;YUAN Chao-wei
Energy dissipation in tapping-mode atomic force microscopy
FAN Kang-qi;JIA Jian-yuan;ZHU Ying-min
Statistics model for IR radiance of bare terrain and analysis of texture characteristics
SHAO Xiao-peng;ZHENG Hong-bin;XU Jun;ZHANG Jian-qi
Study of removal of artifacts in MEG using PCA and ICA
GAO Li;HUANG Li-yu;DING Cui-ling
Image spectrum segmentation and de-noising based on multi-channel nonuniform filter banks
ZHONG Wei;XIE Xue-mei;SHI Guang-ming
An energy efficient data coding method and timing extraction for the RFID system
WANG Hong-gang;PEI Chang-xing;CHEN Nan
A novel anonymous authentication scheme over the insecure channel
CAO Xue-fei;ZENG Xing-wen;KOU Wei-dong;YU Yong
Multi-class classifier of non-linear SVM decision tree
YAO Yong;ZHAO Hui;LIU Zhi-jing
Symbol rate estimation of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signals
ZHENG Wen-xiu;ZHAO Guo-qing;LUO Ming
Face detection algorithm fusion of the skin-color model and wavelet transform
HAO Lin-bo;NIU Hai-jun;LU Chun-mei
A motion object detection algorithm for MPEG-4 video
WANG Quan;DONG Bao-yuan;TIAN Yu-min
Data lengthening and improved NFL classifier for HRRP recognition
CAO Xiang-hai;LIU Hong-wei;WU Shun-jun
Cryptanalysis of a (t, N-2)-resilient Mix Net
LI Long-hai;FU Shao-feng;XIAO Guo-zhen
Geometric-pattern dynamic Bayesian networks reasoning gene regulatory networks
WANG Kai-jun;ZHANG Jun-ying;ZHAO Feng;ZHANG Hong-yi
Deployment kinematic analysis and control of hoop truss deployable antenna
LI Tuan-jie;ZHANG Yan;DUAN Bao-yan
Immune clonal optimization clustering technique
MA Wen-ping;SHANG Rong-hua;JIAO Li-cheng
Time and frequency synchronization for OFDM systems
GUO Yi;LIU Gang;GE Jian-hua;ZHANG Wu-jun
Compression of interferential multispectral images based on empirical data decomposition
WANG Ke-yan;WU Cheng-ke;DENG Jia-xian;KONG Fan-qiang;GUO Jie
Soft in soft out demapper for the BICM-ID system withmulti-dimensional mappings
GONG Feng-kui;GE Jian-hua;WANG Yong
Reform of the Snort system by the multithreading technique
LIN Guo-qing;WANG Xin-mei