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Journal of Xidian University(Natural Science)
2007 Issue 5
New parameter estimation algorithm for near-field sources
LIANG Jun-li;JI Bang-jie;ZHAO Feng;ZHANG Jun-ying
Research on the echo power losing ratio of chaff cloud
ZHANG Ling-jun;HAN Wei-guo;LIU Di;LIU Fu-qiang;LI Yu-shan
Research on evaluating DDJ performance in the serial interconnect channel
TANG Shi-yue;YANG Jun-feng
jian xun
Preparation of transparent laser ceramics Nd:YAG by the nitrate pyrogenation method
LI Gui-fang;CAO Quan-xi;LI Shuang-chun;SU Sha-sha
Lognormal quasi-maximum likelihood estimate of CARR
ZHOU Jie;LIU San-yang
Integrality authentication schema of H.264 video based on the fragile watermark
WANG Mei-hua;PEI Qing-qi;FAN Ke-feng
Efficient group signature scheme with verifier-local revocation
ZHANG Yue-yu;PANG Liao-jun;SU Wan-li;WANG Yu-min
Universally composable secure authentication protocol for wireless mesh networks
YANG Chao;CAO Chun-jie;MA Jian-feng
Research on the construction of delay gene regulatory network
ZHANG Hong-yi;ZHANG Jun-ying
Bullet mark profile measurement based on FTP of the double reference surface
QUAN Gui-qin;AN Yu-ying;WANG Feng-qin
Image decomposition based on sparse representations and a projected regularization method
JIANG Ling-ling;YIN Hai-qing;FENG Xiang-chu
Vacuity detection in computation temperal logic
GUO Jian;JIN Nai-yong
Design of a servo controller with the intelligent dual module NC
JIANG Pei-gang;CHEN Jian-jun;ZHANG Yan-hai;BAI Qing-hua
Reliable multi-objective topology optimization design of the monolithic compliant mechanism
CUI Ming-tao;CHEN Jian-jun;CHEN Yong-qin;SONG Zong-feng
Hybrid fuzzy cognitive maps
L(U) Zhen-bang;ZHOU Li-hua
Fuzzy least square support vector machines for regression
WU Qing;LIU San-yang;DU Zhe
Modified KNN rule with its application in radar HRRP target recognition
CHEN Feng;DU Lan;BAO Zheng
Low complexity iterative tree search detection for MIMO systems
YANG Yuan;HU Jun-feng;WANG Wei;ZHANG Hai-lin
Novel SNR estimation algorithm for OFDM systems
REN Guang-liang;LUO Mei-ling;CHANG Yi-lin
Fast motion estimation algorithm in spatial enhancement layer based on SVC
FENG Ying;WU Cheng-ke
Routing and scheduling algorithm based on compositive priority computing for high speed switching fabrics
YANG Fan;QIU Zhi-liang;LIU Zeng-ji;YAN Jing
Study of quantum communication systems used for free space
YAN Yi;PEI Chang-xing;SHI Rui-juan;HAN Bao-bin;ZHANG Lei
Low power routing method based on reducing adjacent signal coupling dissipation
LIU Yi;YANG Yin-tang;WANG Nai-di
Approximate analysis of the BER performance of the successive interference canceler
ZHANG Dong-hong;LIAO Gui-sheng
A new genetic algorithm for horizontal overcastting
SUN Hong-yuan;XIE Wei-xin;LU Ke-zhong;YANG Xun
Entanglement states exchange and preservation in the system of the multi-atom-cavity-field
WANG Ju-xia;AN Yu-ying;YANG Zhi-yong
Initialization-independent spectral clustering on the joint model
MA Xiu-li;JIAO Li-cheng
Study of iterative multi-user detection technology in the DS-CDMA system
XIE Hong;YAN Xiao-zhen;LUO Qing-hua
Study on the pattern synthesis of microwave SIAR arrays
YANG Ming-lei;CHEN Bai-xiao;ZHANG Shou-hong
Novel pre-processing method for SAR image based automatic target recognition
HU Li-ping;LIU Hong-wei;WU Shun-jun
A robust detection algorithm for V-BLAST OFDM systems
ZHAN Jin-long;LIU Hong-qing;LIAO Gui-sheng
Self-adaptive chaos quantum clonal algorithm
LI Yang-yang;JIAO Li-cheng
Conal selection algorithm for multi-objective optimization problems
SHANG Rong-hua;MA Wen-ping;JIAO Li-cheng;ZHANG Wei