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Journal of Xidian University(Natural Science)
2007 Issue 4
Full-wave analysis and rigorous design of the waveguide transuerse iris band-pass filter
ZHAI Yang-wen;SHI Xiao-wei;ZHAO Yong-jiu
MCMC methods based modulation classification over the frequency-selective fading channel
BAO Dan;WANG Yu-jun;YANG Shao-quan
Intelligent routing algorithm in direct interconnection networks
WANG Chang-shan;NIU Ji-yun;GU Hua-xi;KE Chu
Algorithm for quasi-orthogonal hybrid spread-spectrum communication
Intra-frame image coding scheme of color video based on the Delaunay triangulation mesh
JIAO Wei-dong;LU Zhao-yang;HE Hua-jun;GUO Da-bo
Phase unwrapping approach for extremely large interferograms
WU Nan;FENG Da-zheng;LIU Bao-quan
Characteristics of pulse wave propagation in the random rain medium
HUANG Ji-ying;LI Ying-le;GONG Shu-hong
Conformal boundary scheme in FDTD computation of satellite model scattering
JIANG Yan-nan;GE De-biao;YANG Li-xia
Upper bound of sample error probability in quasi-orthogonal time division multiplexing
SUN En-chang;LI Yu-heng;TIAN Bin;YI Ke-chu
Cochannel interference suppression for the ship-based passive synthetic impulse and aperture radar
ZHANG Ya-bin;CHEN Bo-xiao;ZHANG Shou-hong;SHANG Hai-yan
Fusion kernel optimization algorithm
CHEN Bo;LIU Hong-wei;BAO Zheng
Image base features extraction with multi-scale analysis for iris recognition
LU Chen-hong;LU Zhao-yang
Suppression of multiple narrowband interferences using kernel methods in DSSS
SUN Yong-jun;YI Ke-chu
Effect of antenna mutual coupling on channel parameters of the X-type polarization diversity system
XU Zhi;LIU Qi-zhong;ZHANG Chuan-fang;GUO Jing-li
Design of a miniaturized frequency reconfigurable microstrip slot antenna
WEI Wen-bo;YIN Ying-zeng;GUO Jing-li;LIU Qi-zhong
Analysis of antennas with the body of revolution radome using the hybrid MoM-PO method
ZOU Yan-lin;LIU Qi-zhong;GUO Jing-li
Fast computation and analysis of multiple antennas mounted on electrically large platforms
ZHAO Xun-wang;ZHANG Yu;LIANG Chang-hong
Study on the creeping ray-tracing algorithm of NURBS-UTD
WANG Nan;LIANG Chang-hong;ZHANG Yu;CHEN Ming
Automatic human gait recognition using temporal templates
CHEN Shi;TIAN Yu-min;HUANG Wan-hong;GAO You-xing
Application of joint Contourlet and Bandelet transforms in image compression
SUN Wen-fang;SONG Bei-bei;ZHAO Yi-gong
Orthogonal immune clone particle swarm optimization for the SAT problem
CONG Lin;SHA Yu-heng;JIAO Li-cheng
Buffer and wiresizing optimization based on MOGA/SOS
QI Chang;WANG Gao-feng
Public-key watermarking algorithm resistant to geometric attacks
LIU Xiang-li;KOU Wei-dong;WANG Zhi-guo
New signature scheme based on the strong RSA assumption
LI Yong-jiang;LI Wei;ZHU Xiao-yan;GE Jian-hua
Proxy signature scheme with fast revocation
YU Yong;YANG Bo;SUN Ying;ZHU Sheng-lin
On the autocorrelation function of a new class of sextic residue sequences
DU Xiao-ni;CHEN Zhi-xiong;CHEN Ru-wei;XIAO Guo-zhen
Fast group key agreement protocols in Ad Hoc networks
ZHONG Huan;XU Chun-xiang;MA Hua
Total variation energy functional with restrictions on the finite ridgelet domain
LU Cheng-wu;SONG Yi-mei;SONG Guo-xiang
Modelling concurrent workflow with the extended interval temporal logic
LEI Li-hui;DUAN Zhen-hua