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Journal of Xidian University(Natural Science)
2003 Issue 2
Methods for solving invariants and state equations for Petri nets
li zhi wu ; wang an rong ; jia jian yuan
Measurement of doping concentration in strained Si1-xGex with four-probe array
dai xian ying ; wang wei ; zhang he ming ; he lin ; zhang jing ; hu hui yong ; lv zuo
Analysis of the mutual coupling effects between the base station antennas by MoM
chen sheng bing ; jiao yong chang ; zhang fu shun ; liu qi zhong
Workspace analysis of fine tuning Stewart platform for large radio telescope
su yu zuo ; wei qiang ; duan bao yan
Full anonymity converting multi-certificate electronic auction
zhang jian hong ; wu qian hong ; wang yu min
QoS control and performane of the IP-based universal terrestrial radio access network
xu zhan zuo ; liu huan feng ; liu zeng ji
The generation of correlated rayleigh fading channels by mixture
wang chao ; tao xiao yan ; wu shun jun
An analysis of the switching delays of the different adaptation schemes in VC merging
chen peng ; you zuo ; liu zeng ji
Formal specification of the Bimodal Multicast in IOA
guo jing lin ; liu xi yang ; chen ping
Threshold-based dynamic playout algorithm and choice of its parameters for continuous streams
xu yan ; chang yi lin ; liu zeng ji
Research on deriving the document type definition of XML from frame
shi jun ; chang yi lin
Resource management scheme in IPLS networks based on service differentiation
zuo jiang zhou ; liu zeng ji
Application of discrete WVD to the digital demodulation for FSK signal
feng xiao ping ; zhao huan jun ; zhang lin
Crosstalk analysis of the OXC topologies with multicasting capability
hu liao lin ; liu zeng ji
Performance study of target recognition methods based on the 1D HRR profile
pei bing nan ; bao zuo ; chen jiang feng
Narrow-band interference suppression in DSSS by thresholding of the subband transform
shi guang ming ; li fu dong ; jiao li cheng ; liu fang
A novel method for estimating DOA in the presence of unknown colored noise fields
chen jian feng ; wu yun zuo ; zhang xian da
Keystone transformation based ISAR imaging at the low SNR level
chen wen chi ; bao zuo ; xing meng dao
A block-matching algorithm based on hardware implementation and its VLSI architecture
zhao bo ; du jian chao ; yan yao ping
Forward kinematics of a general Stewart parallel manipulator using the genetic algorithm
zheng chun hong ; jiao li cheng
Dynamic behavior of discrete Hopfield neural networks with delay
ma run nian ; lei she ping ; zheng lian qing ; xu jin
A new algorithm for motion estimation and tracking based on line correspondence
chu xiu qin ; li yu shan ; yang li
Target recognition based on kernel Fisher discriminant
li ying ; jiao li cheng
A modified LMP algorithm for an adaptive impulsive noise canceller
zhang li ; feng da zheng
Embedded zeroblock coding with optimized truncation
ding gui guang ; guo bao long ; chen long tan
Case-based reasoning for the calculation of the relational degree in a faulty diagnosis system
wang dong ; liu huai liang ; xu guo hua
Grafted genetic algorithm for the job-shop scheduling problem
wang shu zhen ; xu dian
Multivalued rough set based attribute reduction algorithm
wang zuo ; liu san yang ; zhang jie ; liu zhen hua
Study of nonlinearity bounds of Boolean functions
zheng lian qing ; zhang chuan rong ; dong qing kuan ; fu xiao tong ; xiao guo zhen