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Journal of Xidian University(Natural Science)
2002 Issue 5
A parallel architecture for three-step search
chu xiu qin ; li yu shan ; xu shan feng
A new photorefractive adaptive optical heterodyne detection system
xu hai ping ; shi shun xiang ; sun yan ling ; chen li ju
A percolation simulation of the ESD latent damages in MOSFET
ma zhong fa ; zhuang zuo zuo ; du lei ; xue li jun ; wan chang xing ; shi chao
The design of a new tree multiplier
xu zuo ; yuan wei ; shen xu bang
An automatic adjusting algorithm for the hydraulic platform with six legs
sheng ying ; chou yuan ying
Application of the constant modulus algorithm in blind beamforming
guo yan ; fang da gang ; liang chang hong
Permittivity reconstruction of mono-axial anisotropic medium
wei bing ; ge de biao
A highly accurate three-step search algorithm with extensibility for block motion estimation
yang qing yong ; wang xin ; zhou jun hui
A study of active noise control based on CMAC
zhang ju xiang ; qiu yang
Analysis of the signal noise ratio in the laser underwater target detection system
zhang zheng yu ; zhou shou huan
A new progressive wavelet image coding algorithm
han jun gong ; lu chao yang
A wavelet based on the ditial image watermarking algorithm
yao xia ; liu fang ; ding ai ling
An anonymous scheme for privacy protection in the E-commerce of digital goods
mao jian ; chen xiao feng ; wang yu min
The performance analysis of space-time codes based on pair-wise error probability
li ying ; li jia ; wang xin mei
Analyzing of quantification performance on different decoding algorithm of Turbo codes
lu cheng ye ; sun rong ; wang xin mei
Fair electronic cash based on fingerprints
chen xiao feng ; mao jian ; wang yu min
Keystream generator by cellular automata
wang pei chun ; li yi ; zhu fu chen
The new development of layered-space-time codes
li jia ; li ying ; wang xin mei
A measurement-based algorithm for traffic classification
you zuo ; liu zeng ji ; chen peng
An adpative nulling antenna system for VHF
chen jian ; pei chang xing ; zeng xing zuo ; du wu lin
Performance analysis and simulations of diversity combining methods for MC-CDMA
yang dong ; he fei ; zhang hai lin
Optimal packet length for the AAL2 packet voice system
wei li jun ; liu zeng ji
Implementation of the ASN.1-IDL translator
zhou cai zhang ; chang yi lin
The determination of the highest hopping speed in the FH DFH system
liu zhong ying ; yao fu qiang ; zeng xing zuo
Progressity design for distributed systems with shared resources
li zhi wu ; yu zhen hua
A study on network printers
huang jin
Information electronic-magnetic emanation analysis of the video display unit for computers
qiu yang ; ren hua sheng ; tian jin ; zhang kun
A discussion on subparacompactness of topology spaces
qu han zhang ; song guo xiang
The solution of the restricted optimization problem with a fractal
song ju long ; gan xiao bing