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Journal of Xidian University(Natural Science)
2002 Issue 3
Research on and the application of the metadata-driven model supporting flexibility
li qing shan ; chen ping ; zuo hua
Quantum calculations of tunneling resistance in single electron transistors
du lei ; zhuang zuo zuo
Key distribution for broadcast encryption
qu jin ; ge jian hua ; jiang ming
The problem of two-stage hybrid flowshop research
niu hai jun ; sun shu dong
Modeling of IC integral profit optimization based on the products' optimal class
jing ming e ; wang yu ping ; hao yue
A study of the active vibration and shock control system for miniature hard disk drivers
jia jian yuan ; zhao zhong lei ; kang chun xia ; feng xiao ping
The light scattering of complex background radiation incident to target
wu zhen sen ; liu an an
An approach to improving the scoring precision of the automatic scoring system for shooting sports
zhang jian bo ; lu chao yang ; gao xi quan ; ding yu mei
Performance research on mobile IP handoff
pei zuo ; li jian dong ; guo feng
Research on the feature interaction detection methods based on URN
liu yan ming ; ma yu xiang ; yi ke chu
Fast quantized belief propagation algorithm for iteratively decoding LDPC codes
he yu cheng ; sun shao hui ; mu jian jun ; wang xin mei
Embedded coding of images with regions of interest based on zerotree
chen jun ; wu cheng ke ; li yun song
A genetic algorithm based on the probability model
wang xi li ; liu fang ; jiao li cheng
Security architecture of the 3G mobile communications system
liu dong su ; wei bao dian ; wang xin mei ; ma wen ping
Estimation of pulse repetition intervals based on PRI transform
wang xing ying ; yang shao quan
FDTD analysis of an active integrated antenna
hu xiao juan ; zuo qing zuo
Design of adaptive observers based on the Hopfield network
zhang jie ; li jun min ; wang zuo
The status of attack on the discrete logarithm of elliptic curves
zhang fang guo ; chen xiao feng ; wang yu min
The prediction of the PIM amplitude and power by using the power series method
zhang shi quan ; ge de biao ; fu de min
New triangular microstrip antennas and analysis
dong yu liang ; yang xiao peng ; zhang shi xuan
Generation of frequency hopping sequencs with block cipher
li zan ; jin li jun ; chang yi lin
A control model of the slider-crank mechanism with a variable input speed
li tuan jie ; wen qun yan ; jiang er jin
Optimization design of the multi-bit phase quantizer
qu er guang ; yang shao quan
A smoothing method for solving the nonlinear complementarity problem
meng hong yun ; liu san yang
Optimality conditions for super efficient solutions in bilevel programming
fan li ya ; liu san yang
Triple I Method for Lukasiewiczs implication operator
gao xiao jun ; li jun min ; zhao dong yuan
Robust adaptive sliding mode iterative learning control based on the neural network
yang xiao jun ; li jun min
Mining fuzzy association rules in interval valued relational database
lu jian jiang ; song zi lin ; qian zu ping
Development of mobile Agent technology
lv yu hai ; xu xue zhou
Linear complexity profile of periodic sequences and its property
bai en jian ; zhang bin ; xiao guo zhen
The software implementation of the elliptic curve cryptosystem over large prime fields
wang zuo ; zhang fang guo ; wang yu min