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Journal of Xidian University(Natural Science)
2001 Issue 6
A chaotic digital communication system based on bifurcation parameter modulation
yu si min ; qiu shui sheng
Multiple access performance evaluation for the chaotic spreading sequence
hu wen li ; wang mei
Estimation of propagation delay of DS-CDMA signals in slow fading multipath channels
zhang ying guang ; zhang lin rang ; liao gui sheng
Design and implementation of a routing protocol for multihop Ad Hoc networks
mi zhi chao ; bao min quan ; zheng shao ren
A new method of reducing PAPR of wavelet-packet modulation signals
zhao zuo ; bi jian zuo ; yi ke chu ; niu bo
Performance analysis of the M-ary orthogonal spread spectrum system based on 1 bit quantization
li dong ; he yan guo ; zeng xing zuo
A new method of variance estimation based on wavelet packet de-noising
chen xiao jing ; fu feng lin
Optimization and application of data link system based on the slide-window protocol
xu zhan zuo ; xiong wei ; liu zeng ji ; zhou dai zuo
A new type of proxy multi-signature schemes
fu xiao tong ; yi li jiang ; xiao guo zhen
A novel least-square blind space-time multiuser detection
zheng jian zhong ; jiao li cheng ; hao ji sheng
Space-time interference canceling multiuser detection in CDMA systems
wang an yi ; zhang lin rang
Intelligent target recognition based on the support vector machine
ding ai ling ; liu fang ; yao xia
An efficient algorithm for texture fault detection
shi chun li ; liu jing ling
Analysis and optimization of a novel vertically polarized base station antenna
hou xiao hua ; xiong bing ; jiao yong chang
Reliability analysis and simulation for kinematics accuracy of the flat four-bar mechanism
chen jian jun ; chen yong ; gao wei ; zhao zhu qing
The effect of elements mutual coupling on the adaptive planar antenna array
peng hong li ; zhang hou ; liu qi zhong
Study of the XML data binding model at object level
li qing shan ; chen ping
Experimental study of the microwave breakdown characteristics of passive tritium TR-tubes
liu guo jing ; wang hong jun ; pan quan ; huang wen hua ; liu jing yue ; li ping
Simulation study of high temperature characteristics of SiC MESFETs
lv hong liang ; zhang yi men ; zhang yu ming ; he guang
Clustering validity function based on the maximum information of data partition
wu cheng mao ; fan jiu lun
A new algorithm for solving the nonlinear equation
zuo xiao yong ; song guo xiang
The Drazin inverse and the D order
liu xiao ji ; wang zhi jian ; liu san yang
Development of SOI technology on the new insulator
feng zuo ; hao yue
Analysis of key technology and the applications of underwater target detection by LASER
zhang zheng yu ; zhou shou huan
Physical techniques for modeling cloth
liu xin qiang ; jiang jian guo
A novel algorithm for adaptive beamforming based on projection pretransformation
luo yong jian ; zhang tao ; zhang shou hong
Study of the method of discrete STFT demodulation for the FSK signal
feng xiao ping ; li hong juan ; luo ming
Triangular mesh based motion compensation method in MPEG
lu chao yang ; zhou xing ni ; gao xi quan ; fan chang xin
Estimation of the signal-to-interference ratio in a mobile channel
li xia ; li jian dong ; zuo ying zi
The Turbo STCM technique and its performance
xie xian zhong ; li ying ; wu ke ying ; wang xin mei
A class of affine permutation on GFqn
gao hu ming ; wang yu min
The design of a high-speed authentication PCI card with in-system programmability
li feng hua ; chen li zhi ; dai ying xia
Research on the Chnese financial IC card supporting SET 1.0 procotol based unload operation
liang jin ; liang feng ; li zuo ; gao zhen hua