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Journal of Xidian University(Natural Science)
2000 Issue 6
Characterization and the counting method for orthomorphic permutations
LI Zhi-hui;LI Xue-liang
Mechanical function taxonomy and the function design model
FENG Li;YE Shang-hui
Design and implemention of the wireless local area network adapter
PEI Ke;JIN Xiao-hui;YANG Fan;HUANG Zhen-hai;GUO Feng
Study of location using the difference of doppler frequency
ZHANG Zheng-ming;YANG Shao-quan
A research on the timing method and the development of millisecond pulsars
NI Guang-ren;YANG Ting-gao;KE Xi-zheng;ZHAO Dang-li
A new method for the chromosome representation in the evolvable hardware
ZHAO Shu-guang;YANG Wan-hai
A new algorithm for semidefinite programming
XU Feng-min;LIU San-yang
Construction of coiflet-like interpolating biorthogonal wavelets and its application
WANG Wei-wei;ZHAO Rui-zhen;SONG Guo-xiang
Neural network for a class of variational inequalities
GAO Xing-bao;CHEN Kai-zhou
Improvement and convergence on the Hybrid LT scheme
WU Qing-jun;WANG Yu-ping
Differential equation and continuous wavelet transform
QU Han-zhang;ZHAO Rui-zhen;SONG Guo-xiang
The optimality conditions for nonconvex vector top-base optimization of set-valued maps
SHENG Bao-huai;LIU San-yang;LIU Ying
Minimal polynomials of periodic sequences
WEI Shi-min;CHEN Kai;XIAO Guo-zhen
Method for attacking a new public-key scheme based on cubic finite field extensions
BAI Guo-qiang;CAI Mian;XIAO Guo-zhen
Cryptographic application of lattice reduction
XIAO Hong;ZHAO Hui-wen
Modification of SAFER+
HU Yu-pu;XIAO Guo-zhen;ZHANG Yu-qing
Concept of parallel macro/micro manipulator and optimal scheme for cable tension in the FAST project
WANG Wen-li;SUN Xin;DUAN Bao-yan;NAN Ren-dong;PENG Bo
Parameter estimation of the remote sensing scout system in the war
BAI You-qing;ZHAO Wei
Geometrical significance of the Petri net place invariance
ZHANG Dong-hong
A modified forward active networks congestion control algorithm and its performance analysis
WANG Bin;LIU Zeng-ji;LI Hong-bin;ZHANG Bing
Transit beamforming for CDMA using the up-link channel state
WANG An-yi;LIAO Gui-sheng
Application of the Toeplitz technique to ESB adaptive beamforming
ZHAO Yong-bo;ZHANG Shou-hong;LIAO Gui-sheng
Performance analysis of the method of cross-range scaling of low resolution radar
JIANG Zheng-lin;BAO Zheng