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Journal of Xidian University(Natural Science)
2000 Issue 5
A novel UPPS using AC-ZCS technology
ZHOU Jia-nong;ZENG Xiao-ping
Color segmentation of IC real defect image
WANG Jun-ping;HAO Yue;REN Chun-li;TIE Man-xia
Adaptive ST-MTI processing for airborne radars
WANG Tong;BAO Zheng;LIAO Gui-sheng
Adaptive beamforming via finite snapshots
ZHANG Lin-rang;LIAO Gui-sheng;LUO Feng
A new approach to IR image enhancement
XU Jun;LIANG Chang-hong;ZHANG Jian-qi
Learning algorithm of membership functions based on the T-S fuzzy model
LIU Gui-xi;ZHAO Shu-guang;YANG Wan-hai
Inverse dynamic analysis of the fine tuning platform for a large radio telescope
SU Yu-xin;DUAN Bao-yan;NAN Ren-dong
Conceptual structure model for mechanical creative design
FENG Li;YE Shang-hui
Real-time determination of cable radio telescope FAST's cabin
WANG Wen-li;DUANG Bao-yan
Study of the coaxial multi-mode horn of two chokes
CAO Xiang-yu;GAO Jun;LIANG Chang-hong
A fast algorithm for LRCS of a complex object with a rough surface
LI Liang-chao;WU Zhen-sen;XUE Qian-zhong
Two-dimensional subgridding algorithm in FDTD capable of traversing material surfaces
CHAI Mei;YAN Yu-bo;GE De-biao
Reflection coefficient of anisotropic coat on the metal surface
ZHENG Hong-xing;GE De-biao;ZHANG Cheng
Characteristics of detonator laser beam scattering from an object in the near field
XUE Qian-zhong;WU Zhen-sen;LI Liang-chao;ZHANG Ya-jun
A parallel algorithm for the computation of two-dimensional image moments on SIMD-MCC
CAO Xi-xin;LIU Peng-cheng;DING Guo-liang;SHEN Xu-bang
A domain-specific software development model
LI Jing-feng;LI Yan;CHEN Ping
Agile information systems reengineering
DOU Yong-xiang;ZHAO Peng-wei
Sequential decision model on information searching
ZHAO Guo-xin;YANG Yong-min;LIU Dong-su
EMSSP and its lattice reduction analysis
WANG Hong;XIAO Hong;XIAO Guo-zhen
An improved method for white noise reduction based on wavelet transform
ZHAO Rui-zhen;SONG Guo-xiang
Interval wavelet Galerkin method for two point boundary value problems
FENG Xiang-chu;FU Yu
A new algorithm-RD for linear programming
FENG Xiao-hui;YU Xi-jiang;ZHANG Yue-ling
An iterative algorithm of optimal control for the non-homogenous bilinear quadratic problem
LI Jun-min;XING Ke-yi;WAN Bai-wu
A Nash equilibria of stochastic differential games
ZHANG Zhuo-kui;CHEN Hui-chan
Free-electron laser simulation system
HUANG Ping-yun;KUANG Shi
Overview of technologies of merging of IP with ATM
CHEN Jin-jun;YAN Jiang-zhou;LIU Zeng-ji
New advances in methods for variational inequality
XING Zhi-dong;ZENG Yun-hui;LIU San-yang
On the generalized inverse of the morphism product
LIU Xiao-ji;LIU San-yang
Research of improving the security of fast encryption algorithm FEAL
YANG Jun-ya;PEI Ke;XU Xiao-jun
Statistical forecast of market demand
WEN Xiao-ni;ZHAO Wei;GONG Xiao-jun
ASIC design for de-noising based on the threshold in DWT
LUO Feng;WU Shun-jun;LIAO Gui-sheng;ZHANG Lin-rang