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Theory and Criticism of Literature and Art
2001 Issue 2
yue du yu si kao
xu fei guang
zhe shi yi ben shi me yang de shu ?
li hui fan
Focus on Russian Writers yesterday and today
zhi xin
Reflections on the "modern":a report of my visit in Japan
li xin feng
da xue wu hen de " wu ge yi "
chen zhi ang
chuan tong xi ju yu shi ge de hu shen yu jian rong
zuo hua zhi
mian dui xin shi ji de wen hua sheng tai bao hu
zi hua zuo
The eternal loneliness:mourning for Bian Zhilin
zhou liang pei
dui li zi cheng si wu juan chuang zuo xin bian de tan tao
fan qi zhi
Story of Pioneers:a new novel type
qiu jing hua
tan er tong ju xiao xiao nie er de yi shu te se
zhong kuan hong
man yi qian hai yuan
cai wen xing