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Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art
2015 Issue 4
Literature and the Therapy of Passion:Catharsis against the Extreme Violence
Jean-Charles Darmon;Xiao Xi;l’université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin;Northeast Normal University;
Art and Annotation:On the Relationship of Visibility and Annotation in the Visual Arts
Stefan Majetschak;School of Art and Design at Kassel University;International Ludwig Wittgenstein Society;
The Genealogy,Objects and Subjects of Visual Culture Studies
Wu Qiong;School of Philosophy;China Renmin University;
A Thematic Research of Merleau-Ponty’s Le Doute de Cezanne
Zhang Ying;The Literature & Art Studies;Chinese National Academy of Arts;
Ihab Hassan:The Pioneer of the Theorization of Postmodernism
Mao Juan;Sichuan Normal University;
Yan Lianke and Chinese Literature in the Perspective of World Literature
Yingjin Zhang;Department of Literature at University of California;San Diego;USA;
Western Literature or Western Learning? On Wang Tao’s Experience and Practice
Duan Huaiqing;Department of Chinese Language and Literature;Fudan University;
On the Idea of Progress in the Literary Criticism in the Seventeen Years after 1949 and Its Influence
Kou Pengcheng;Department of;Southwest University;
Karaoke-Style Rituals and Music:On the Practice of Karaoke and the Problem of Modernity
Wu Guanjun;Department of Politics;East China Normal University;
Desire,Currency and Modern Urban Space:A Rereading of Shi Zhecun’s "The Spring Sun"
Song Xiaoping;School of Chinese Literature;University of International Business and Economics;
Reading Narrative:Deterritoralization and Becoming
Yu Daizong;School of Chinese Language and Literature;Fujian Normal University;
Zizek and the Repoliticization of Western Contemporary Literary Theory
Liu Xinting;College of Humanities;Tianjin University of Finance and Economics;
Between Language and Time:Yale School’s Theoretical Generation and Its Location in the Intellectual History
Dai Dengyun;School of Literature and Journalism;Southwest Nationalities University;
Representing the Unrepresentable:Ranciere on the Ethical Turn of Aesthetics
Rao Jing;School of Literary Studies;China Renmin University;
Cognitive Poetics as a Bridge Between Formal and Impressionist Criticism:On Reuven Tsur’s Toward a Theory of Cognitive Poetics
He Huibin;the School of International Studies;Zhejiang University;
The 18th-Century Theories of Reading and Contemporary Cognitive Narratology
Jin Wen;English at Fudan University;
Art,Brain and Aesthetics:On the Development,Significance and Vision of Contemporary Western Neuroaesthetics
Hu Jun;Research Centre for Intellectual Culture;Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences;
Ideas of Poetry Study and the Paradigms of Chinese Poetry Studies
Zhong Shilun;School of Liberal Arts;Sichuan Normal University;
Telling,Telling Style Essay and Storytelling
Zhou Jinfeng;the Chinese Department;East China Normal University;
Title "Lament" as a Genre in Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons and Selections of Refined Literature
Zhao Junling;College of Literary Studies;Zhengzhou University;
On Lou Fang’s Concept of Moderation in His Prose Compilation The Recipe for Classical Prose
Yu Xiaochuan;Department of Chinese Literature;Northwest University for Nationalities;
The Origin and Development of Verse Structure of "Introduction,Development,Contrast,and Conclusion"
Zhang Xiaowei;Department of Chinese;Peking University;
A Synopsis of the Conference of "Literary Theory and Criticism in 1980s"
Zhang Chunxiao;School of Humanities;Soochow University;
Call for papers