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Foreign Language Teaching and Research
2015 Issue 4
A minimalist syntactic account of English futurity denoting constructions
WANG Heyu;WEN Binli;School of Foreign Languages;Guangdong University of Technology;Faculty of English Language and Culture;Guangdong University of Foreign Studies;
A comparative study of the Chinese adverb bái(白) and its Korean counterparts
PARK Minah;YUAN Yulin;Dept.of Chinese Language and Literature;Peking University;
The structuralization of "N_T-ly/-de construction" and its syntactic features in English and Chinese
LUO Siming;WANG Wenbin;College of Science and Technology;Ningbo University;National Research Centre for Foreign Language Education;Beijing Foreign Studies University;
Variation in subjectivity and objectivity of epistemic modality and its underlying mechanism
TANG Jing’an;BAI Jiehong;School of Foreign Languages;Jishou University;Foreign Studies College;Hunan Normal University;
The semantic-syntactic features of the Japanese quantified phrase nanimo and its semantic mechanism
JIA Lili;College of Foreign Languages;Beijing Language and Culture University;
Developing a theoretical system of production-oriented approach in language teaching
WEN Qiufang;National Research Centre for Foreign Language Education;Beijing Foreign Studies University;
Cross-linguistic phonological interference in L2 spoken word processing
YANG Feng;WU Shiyu;School of Foreign Languages;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;
Validating Ideal L2 Self(IL2S) across groups in the Chinese context
ZHAN Xianjun;School of Foreign Languages;Anhui Science and Technology University;
Interpreters’ turn-taking and output quality in English Chinese simultaneous interpreting
LU Xinchao;WANG Lidi;National Research Centre for Foreign Language Education;Beijing Foreign Studies University;Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation;Beijing Foreign Studies University;
Describing the target-language communication norms in Chinese-English interpreting
WANG Binhua;QIN Hongwu;Dept.of Chinese & Bilingual Studies;The Hong Kong Polytechnic University;College of Foreign Languages;Qufu Normal University;
guan yu wen xue yu wen xue fan yi mo yan fang tan lu
xu jun ; mo yan ;
Practice functional morphology in unambiguous contexts——A comment on Slabakova(2014)
Michel Paradis;McGill University;
Is there a firewall between declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge of the functional morphology:A response to Paradis
Roumyana Slabakova;The University of Southampton/The University of Iowa;
zhuang yu cong ju zhu ju xian xiang ji zuo bian yuan gou cheng ping jie
chen li li ; yu guang wu ;
pi ping xing ying yu jiao xue zhong de qing gan yan jiu ping jie
gu hai bo ; gu pei zuo ;