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Foreign Language Teaching and Research
2014 Issue 5
Control in Chinese pivotal sentences revisited
ZHANG Xiaorong;ZHANG Qingwen;School of Foreign Studies;Anhui Normal University;National Key Research Centre for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics;Guangdong University of Foreign Studies;
The syntactic nature of Gei in the Ba construction
YE Kuang;PAN Haihua;School of Foreign Languages;Ningbo University of Technology;Dept.of Chinese;Translation and Linguistics;City University of Hong Kong;
The overlapping predictability of semantic extensions of physical quality adjectives in TASTE domain
TANG Shuhua;TIAN Zhen;Shanghai University of International Business and Economics;
A semantic reclassification of the broad adversative relations and its syntax check:Exemplified by Chinese and English
TAN Fangfang;Humanity and Communication College;Shanghai Normal University;
Heidegger’s temporality of Dasein and language study
LI Hongru;XIE Meng;Center for Russian Language and Literature Studies;Heilongjiang University;
A new understanding of argument on Referentialism:Metonymy view
WANG Yin;The Research Center for Philosophy of Language;Sichuan International Studies University;
The influence of the categorization of reference objects on the use of the English spatial preposition in by Chinese learners
XU Qingli;LIU Zhenqian;CAI Jinting;School of Foreign Languages;Shandong University;Editorial Dept.of Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages;PLA University of Foreign Languages;
Principle A of binding theory in the interlanguage grammar
WU Mingjun;School of Foreign Languages;Huaiyin Normal University;
Grammatical conceptual transfer involving“run-on sentence”errors made by Chinese beginner learners of English
ZHANG Huiping;LIU Yongbing;School of Foreign Languages;Northeast Normal University;
Chinese EFL learners’ acquisition of the English dative alternation
HAN Baijing;XUE Fen;Dept.of Foreign Languages;Lijiang Teachers College;Dept.of Foreign Languages;Tourism and Culture College of Yunnan University;
Accessibility problems of uninterpretable features in L2acquisition:The case of ambiguous English VPP constructions
HU Yang;CHEN Jingli;School of English Language and Culture;Zhejiang International Studies University;
er yu xi de zhi zhu duo yan jiu shi jiao shu jie
zhang ping ; lu ya zuo ;
duo yu yu liao ku he duo yu yu liao ku fen xi ping jie
han cun xin ;