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Foreign Language Teaching and Research
2003 Issue 1
xin nian de hua
Syntactic shift in Hong Kong Written Chinese
shi ding zuo ; zhu zhi zuo ; wang can long
ying wen zhai yao
Xiong, Xueliang: Cognitive Pragmatics (2001)
weng yi qin
guan yu ri ben yu jiao yu de yi dian bu chong
xu yi ping
Japanese Education in Japanese institutions
liu yuan man
The epistemic view of the logic of semantic fuzziness: A survey
chen wei zhen ; wu shi xiong
A critical survey of color lexicon research
yang yong lin
Cognitive studies of presupposition
wang wen bo
On Singapore English - with special emphasis on its syntax
bao zhi ming
Code mixing between Hong Kong Cantonese and English
li chu cheng