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Radio Communications Technology
2003 Issue 3
A Distance Spectrum Interpretation of Turbo Codes
du jian ; gong ke xian ; liu yu jun
The Research of Lossless Feedback Amplifier Technology
wang jie li ; long hai nan
High Speed Data Modulation-Demodulation Technology
yan bo ; cheng hui ; liu xue lin
A Demodulation of a GMSK Signal Based on Radio Software
yu zhi jian ; chou pei liang
One Way to Optimize DSP Program
tian meng zhou ; xi zuo zuo
Circuit Design of Digital Signal Processor Based on Radar Polarization
dai fu sheng ; mao xing peng
The Study on OFDM Uplink Synchronization Techniques
xing ke fei ; wang yue ke ; yang jun ; yang zheng guo
Wide Band with Double Polarization Feed
liu ji min
Study of Virtual Instrument for Radio ATS on VXI Bus
liu zuo jiang ; zhen shu chun ; li man ; wang xing liang ; han ying chen
The System Test Automation and Application of Visual Test
zhang fei ; feng lin ; wu zhen yu ; liu hua yi
Study on the Active Network
guo yan tao
General Research Modeling for Military Communication Systems
xu qi jian ; zhang nai tong ; sun yu
Meteoric Burst-mode Carrier Synchronization Techniques
gao jian ; tie zuo ; jin li jun
The Research on the Method of Measuring for the Trop-scatter Channel
xu song yi ; jiang zuo
A Design of Satellite Signal Simulator with Doppler Information
wang zheng ; li hui
A Method for Improving on Measure Data Precision of Spaceflight Aerocraft
xing wei guo ; yue su hua