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Radio Engineering of China
2009 Issue 6
Noise Optimization of the PLL Synthesizer
DUAN Zhen-liang;DUAN Hong;LI Zhao;MENG Ding
The Three Elements of EMI Tests for a Spaceborne Electronics
WANG Zhi-cheng
Design and Implementation of Ku-band Up-converter
HU Li-ge;JIA Shi-wang;NIU Xu
Design of Fine Resolution and Frequency Agile Synthesizer
ZHANG Da-he;JI Xue-jun;LI Qing-ping
The Application of Tone Ranging in TT&C for Moon Exploration
CHENG Ya-yong
The Analysis of Japanese QZSS Navigation System
HU Cai-bo;WANG Hong-bing;ZHAO Na;CHU Heng-lin
The Real-time Discrimination of Telemetry Parameters
Research on DRFM Jamming Technology Based on Genetic Algorithm
LIU Yong-gui;HU Guo-ping
Digital Phase Dynamic Correction of Sum and Difference Channel
ZHANG Han;WANG Yu-xiao;JIANG Jun-bin
A Novel Infrared Object Image Extraction Algorithm
XIE Li-kuan;LI Zhao;HU Shuang-yan;SHI De-qin
Research on Estimation Method of Radial Acceleration of Maneuvering Target
HU Shi-an;MA Dong-bai;WANG Jing;WANG Jin-zhang
The Improvement of Anti-jammer for AGC Circuitry
LI Zhou-jie;HUANG Yu-xue
An Algorithm for Ground Moving Target Tracking
LIANG Jian;ZHANG Zhi-jie;SHI Chang-chun
Target Motion Analysis Using Power and Doppler Measurements
CAO Yi-chao;GU Guo-xiang
Research on Data Access Middleware
LIU Hai-juan;SU Zhao;BAO Jian-guang
Reliability Analysis of Software Architecture
BAO Jian-guang;ZHANG Jia-ji
A FRR Mechanism Based on RSVP-TE in MPLS Networks
YANG Xue-jiao;KANG Jing-shan;LIU Yu-zhen;CUI Li-zhen