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Radio Engineering of China
2004 Issue 6
Implement of Interface between DSP and RS232
sun bing ; huang xian wu
The Design and Realization of the Sending System of the Reporting Email
peng qi sheng ; peng jian sheng
The Application of MC145572 U-Interface Transceiver in Trunked Channel Control Board
sha xue jun ; liao meng ; xu yu bin
Performance Analysis for Maximal Ratio Combining over Correlated Ricean Channels
cheng xing qing ; li dao ben ; su shu chun
A Improved Adaptive Algorithm DSRLS Based on RLS Algorithm
deng yong jun ; yang zhi xing ; guo xing bo
Adaptive MIMO DFE Space-Time Receiver in Wideband Correlated Channels
wang zhong peng ; wu wei ling ; zhang min
The Optimization for the Impulse Radio Signal Energy in Awgn Channel
jia lin ; zhang zhong zhao
Space-Time Block Coding in Frequency Selective Channels
li yong chao ; wang feng ; mao lei
The Signal Processing Based on Multirate Sampling
li feng ; huang rui guang
A Rapid Iterative Algorithm of Antenna
chen zhi ping ; qi jian wen ; he you ming ; hao yan jun ; ye jie song
Application of Circular Polarization Antenna in Image Transmission from Ship to Seacoast
li xian ting ; qi wen jun ; bai long jiang ; he qi hong
Development and Applications of Software Defined Radio
zuo yun ; ge hai long
The Backup Strategy of Remote Sensing Image Database
wang li shen ; zhou chang zhu
The Application and Realization of DTR810 in Wireless Measure and Control System
cao jian jun ; he fu you ; li sheng jun
A Search Technique of Integer Ambiguity in GPS Heading and Attitude Determination
tian hua ming ; chen guan jun
Design and Implementation of a Object-Oriented Fault Diagnosis Expert System
yang zuo fei ; hua zu yao ; zhou chao meng
The Design and Implement of WLAN Wireless Network Card Driver Based on NDIS
sun xiang ; liu nai an
The Simple Analysis of Wide Area Multicast via Satellite
mao zheng jian ; hao xue kun
Design and Implementation of Wireless Access Point Based on the Embedded System
zhou guo chao ; liu nai an ; lou hao ying
The Analysis of Channel Capacity of Space-Time Block Coding over Rician Fading Environment
xiao li ping ; huo xin zheng ; yang xing li