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Journal of Hygiene Research
2011 Issue 3
Environmental hazard factors for respiratory tract and eye symptoms of women in Ankang rural,Shaanxi Province
KANG Jiaqi;CHENG Yibin;JIN Yinlong;HOU Yunxin Institute for Environmental Health and Related Product Safty;Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Beijing 100021;China
Rapid method study of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus identified by Matrix-Assisted laser desorption Ionization-Time of flight mass spectrometry
SUN Zongke;ZHANG Wei;CHEN Xiping Institute for Environment Hygiene and Health Related Product Safety;Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevent;Beijing 100021;China.
Effect of calcium supplementation on the regain of BMD in Chinese lactating women with 4 major combined ER genotypes
YU Bo;LI Fang;GONG Jie;ZENG Jing;ZHOU Dunjin;YANG Xiaoguang;HUANG Zhenwu Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety;China CDC;Beijing 100050;China
guang xi gan su nong cun di qu 409 ming er tong zhi neng fa yu zhuang kuang diao cha
du wen zuo liu ai dong zhang ji guo su chang zhang qiang ma yu xia yang hai xia fang zhi feng di feng ying zhang bing
wei sheng yan jiu tou gao xu zhi
Simultaneous determination of 9 phenolic compounds in disinfectant by HPLC
YANG Yanwei;ZHU Ying;ZHU Huijuan Institute for Environmental Hygiene and Health Related Product Safety;Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Beijing 100021;China
Changes of serum lipids after soy isoflavone and calcium supplementation in postmenopausal Chinese women with different ER-β genotypes
HUANG Zhenwu;DONG Jie;ZENG Jing;LI Weidong;YANG Xiaoguang;GONG Jie Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety;China CDC;Beijing 100050;China
zhong yao jiang xue zhi lei you xiao cheng fen zhi wu zuo chun de han liang ji fen bu yan jiu
hu ye mei han jun hua wang su fang yang yue xin
Study of neutralization antibodie induced by DNA vaccine of HCV envelope protein 2 in mice
SHAO Shengwen;ZHOU Hongchang;TONG Yimin;REN Yanli;CHEN Zhihui Department of Microbiology;Medical School of Huzhou Teachers College;Huzhou 313000;China
Study on the social support condition and its influence factors among people living with HIV/AIDS
ZHANG Shuang;CHEN Yanfang;CHEN Mengshi;LIU Jun;LEI Keping;TAN Hongzhuan Department of Epidemiology;School of Public Health;Center South University;Changsha 410078;China
Correlation of band 3 protein in erythrocytes with physiological status of middle-aged and elderly people
CHANG Wenlu;SUN Yongye;WANG Qiuzhen;DU Wei;WU Xueqian;MA Aigou Institute of Nutrition Research;Qingdao University Medical College;Qingdao 266021;China
Investigation on the feeding status of infants and young children in poor counties of Gansu Province
WANG Lijuan;LI Wenxian;SUN Jing;HUO Junsheng;DONG Caixia Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety;China CDC;Beijing 100050;China
Distribution and elimination of thiabendazole and its metabolite residue in laying hens
SHANG Nan;GUO Juan;ZHANG Yin;WANG Hao;ZHANG Jing;LI Qingshan;SHAO Bing School of Pharmaceutical Science;Shanxi Medical University;Taiyuan 030001;China
Comparison study of enrichment-PCR and traditional method for detection of Salmonella in poultry
YAN Lin;WANG Xiaoying;GUO Yunchang;PEI Xiaoyan;YU Dongmin Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety;Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Beijing 100021;China
pu er cha kang pi lao gong xiao yu zhu cun qi guan xi yan jiu
lian zhi shun diao fei yan wang qiu li zhang jing guo dong mei cui
Evaluation on intervention project of mental health promotion in paid blood donors with HIV/AIDS infected adults in Anhui countryside
SU Puyu;TAO Fangbiao;SUN Ying;HAO Jiahu Department of Public Health Care;Anhui Medical University;Anhui Provincial Key Laboratory of Population Health & Aristogenics;Hefei 230032;China
Effect of subchronic fluoride exposure on pathologic change and β-连环蛋白 expression in rat bone tissue
GUO Xiaoying;WU Sisi;HE Yang;ZHANG Zhiyu;SUN Guifan Department of Biogeochemical Disease;Liaoning Provincial Key Laboratory of Arsenic Biological Effect and Poisoning;School of Public Health;China Medical University;Shenyang 110001;China
Effect of phenethyl isothiocyanate given at different duration of gestation on the outcome of pregnancy in rats
LIU Haibo;ZHI Yuan;GENG Guiying;YU Zhou;XU Haibin Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety;China CDC;Beijing 100021;China
Variability in tellurite resistance and the ter gene cluster among Escherichia coli O157 isolated in food from 2005 to 2007
BAI Li;DONG Yinping;GUO Yunchang Institute of Nutrition and food Safety;China CDC;Beijing 100021;China
Meta-analysis of relationship between gene hOGG1 Ser326Cys polymorphism and hepatic carcinoma
SUN Yuanshe;HU Zhijian College of Public Health;Fujian Medical University;Fuzhou 350004;Chin
jiang huang su dui jin shu du xing de yi zhi zuo yong ji ji zhi yan jiu jin zhan
li li jing qian hai xing guang wei chen qiu yun lu rong zhu
Identification and investigation of disease-related peptides in sera from patients with chronic hepatitis B
LI Man;WANG Jian;DAI Erhei;LIU Dianwu School of Public Health;Hebei Medical University;Shijiazhuang 050017;China
Rapid analysis of L-carnitine in health food by high performance anion exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detector
ZOU Xiaoli;ZHOU Yanyang;QIAO Rong;LI Yuanqian;LI Yan West China School of Public Health of Sichuan University;Chengdu 610041;China
Determination of sennoside A and sennoside B simultaneously in health food by HPLC
XIAO Jing;FANG Congrong;YANG Jie;YANG Dajin Institute for Nutrition and Food Safety;China CDC;Beijing 100021;China
Biological change of normal human breast epithelial cells induced by B(a)P and NNK
SONG Xiaoyu;WANG Huaqian Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety;Chinese CDC;Beijing 100050;China
mou yi xue yuan da xue sheng ying yang he ti zhi jian kang zhuang kuang diao cha fen xi
zhang ping ma hong bo yang jing yan li song zhe cui bai qing
Effects of some membrane lipids on the hemolysis induced by hemolytic toxin from Karenia mikimotoi
SHI Zhanpeng;LIU Jiesheng;LI Hongye;CUI Weimin;YANG Weidong Department of Biotechnology;Jinan University;Guangdong Province’s Higher Education Key Laboratory of Eutrophication and Red Tid Control;Guangzhou 510632;China
Effect of bisphenol A exporsure on sex hormone level in occupational women
HAO Junxia;WANG Jintao;ZHAO Weimin;DING Ling;GAO Ersheng;YUAN Wei Department of Epidemiology;School of Public Health;Shanxi Medical University;Taiyuan 030001;China
niao zhong ni chu chong ju zuo lei nong yao dai xie wu gc-ms ce ding fang fa yan jiu
lu da sheng jin yu e zhou zhi jun qi xiao juan qiu zuo lei wang guo quan
Effects of lanthanum on the phosphorylation of cAMP response element binding protein and expression of immediate early genes in the hippocampual CA3 area of rats
YANG Jinghua;LIU Qiufang;WU Shengwen;ZHANG Lifeng;QI Ming;LU Shuai;CAI Yuan Department of Toxicology;College of Public Health;China Medical University;Shenyang 110001;China
bsl-3 shi yan shi tong feng zhong yi xie wen ti ji dui ce
liu yan chang hu guo hua liu jiang
Effectiveness of social mobilization and social marketing in promoting NaFeEDTA-fortified soya sauce in adult women
WANG Bo;CHEN Junshi;ZHAN Siyan;SUN Jing;LI Liming Health Science Popularization Research Center;Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences;Beijing 100730;China
Ten element contents and their distribution in fruits determinated by atomic absorption spectrometry
CAI Yanrong;LIU Yuan;LI Lingling;WANG Wei Bohai University;Jinzhou 121000;China
tu fa hua xue zhong du shi jian xian chang kuai su jian ce ji shu
wang yao zuo hui fang
jia ji shu ding ji mi dui xiao shu wai zhou xue lin ba xi bao de yi chuan du xing
jiang shu yi chen xiao ling fang chang yong wu chi peng chen bing ye wei yun yuan xue feng
Thallium content in adults older than 45 ages at Hezhang County of Guizhou Province
ZHANG Wenli;YAO Dancheng;FENG Jiali;ZENG Dong;FAN Di;SHANG Qi Institute of Environmental Hygiene and Health Related Product Safety;Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Beijing 100050;China
Life style interventions study on the effects of impaired glucose regulations in Shanghai urban communities
ZHOU Jianjun Shanghai Huangpu District Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Shanghai 200011;China
2009 nian 8 sheng ( shi ) ying you er wei yang zhuang kuang
wang jie yang xiao guang zhao li yun zhang jian pu jian hua luo jia yin shi an
Irradiation effect of ~(60)Co gamma ray on Aspergillus flavus spores in normal saline and maize
ZHONG Kai;GAO Xiang;JI Rong Institute for Nutrition and Food Safety;Chinese CDC;Beijing 100021;China