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Journal of Hygiene Research
2008 Issue S1
Study of NaFeEDTA fortified soy sauce in China
SUN Jing;HUO Junsheng;HUANG Jian;YU Bo;CHEN Junshi Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety;China CDC;Beijing 100050;China
Strategic analysis of flour fortification in China
WANG Bo;HUO Junsheng;SUN Jing;HUANG Jian;CHEN Junshi;CHEN Chunming Food Fortification Office;Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Beijing 100050;China
Observation on effectiveness of fortified flour on women
LI Wenxian;HUO Junsheng;SUN Jing;WANG LiJuan;HUANG Jian Institute for Nutrition and Food Safety;China CDC;Beijing 100050;China
Technology and use of complementary food supplements
HUANG Jian;HUO Junsheng Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety;Chinese Center for Disease Control Prevention;Beijing 100050;China
Development of fortified complementary food
CHANG Suying;LIU Dongsheng;WANG Yuying Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Beijing; 100050;China
Technology progress of flour fortification
HUO Junsheng;SUN Jing;HUANG Jian;YU Bo;WANG Lijuan;LI Wenxian Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety;Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Beijing 100050;China
Estimate the feasible fortification levels and legal levels of micronutrients in Chinese mass fortification program
HUANG Jian;HUO Junsheng;WANG Zhutian Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety;Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Beijing 100050;China
The product and application of the nutrients fortificants in China
YU Bo;HUANG Jian;HUO Junsheng;SUN Jing;LI Yongyu Institute for Nutrition and Food Safety;Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Beijing 100050;China
Stability of vitamin A fortified edible oil during the shelf life
LI Wenxian;HUANG Jian;WANG Lijuan;HUO Junsheng;SUN Jing Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety;Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Beijing 100050;China
New improvement nutrition model: the promoted work in fortified iron soy sauce
SUN Jing;HUO Junsheng;WANG Bo;LI Ying;HUANG Jian; LI Wenxian;CHEN Junshi Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety;Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Beijing 100050;China
The current development of the oil and fats fortified with vitamin A
WANG Lijuan;HUO Junsheng Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety;Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Beijing 100050;China
Technology of rice fortification and its feasibility in China
HUO Junsheng ;SUN Jing ;HUANG Jian;YU Bo Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety;Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Beijing 100050;China
Effect of complementary food supplement on development of young children in poor rural Gansu Province
WANG Yuying;CHEN Chunming;CHANG Suying Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Beijing 100050;China
Analysis of cost-effectiveness and cost-benefits of food fortification project
HUO Junsheng;SUN Jing;HUANG Jian Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety;Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Beijing 100050;China