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Journal of Hygiene Research
2003 Issue 2
mei zhou he ou meng guo jia de yin shui sheng yu xiao du ji gui ding
li shi ying ; lu kai ; huang cheng wu
ying wen mu ci
Ochratoxin A and human health
li feng qin ; ji rong
Gene chip technology and it's application to genetic toxicology
fang shi song ; deng ping jian ; liu jian jun ; zhao shu jin
Nitric oxide and early inflammatory injury in silicosis
du hai ke ; wang shi zuo
Development of bladder cancer chemoprevention
dai gui dong ; wang xin ru
Determination of total lovastatin in red rice
luo ren cai ; sun kai qi ; xie shen meng ; han ying ; zhao zuo ping
Study of the effects of isoflavone on serum lipid and bone biochemical markers in ovariectomized rats
na xiao lin ; chen wen hua ; song dan feng ; chi xiao xing ; cui hong bin
Research on the gap junctional intercellular communication of CHL cells and human cancer cells induced by c9,t11-conjugated linoleic acid
liu jia ren ; chen bing qing ; yang yan mei ; wang zuo lin ; liu rui hai
Effects of chromium and fish oil on blood lipid and blood glucose in obese rats
sun chang zuo ; wang shu ran ; xia zuo ; sun wen guang ; liu zhi fang
mu ti qian bao lu dui zi shu xue xi he ji yi de chi xu xing xiao ying yan jiu
yang ying ; dong sheng zuo ; lin zhong ning
Application of randomly amplified polymorphic DNA on the DNA polymorphism of Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumoniae
gao da wei ; ma jia zuo ; guo xiao kui ; zhao yue hui
Relationship of dengue fever epidemic to aedes density changed by climate factors in Guangdong Province
yi bin zuo ; zhang zhi ying ; xu de zhong ; xi yun zhen ; fu jian guo ; luo jun ; yuan ming hui ; liu shao qun ; zuo zuo
Relations of lipoprotein lipase gene polymorphism at PvuⅡ locus and dietary intervention predisposition in hyperlipidemia population
zhu wen li ; zhang zhen tao ; wang jun bo ; qi zhi ; xiao ying
Comparison of hemoglobin level and anemia prevalence between female and male post-adolescent high school graduates
wang zhi zuo ; ma ai qin ; xu da yong ; zou juan ; zhu xiao zuo ; yin shi an
Brick-tea type adult bone fluorosis
cao jin ; zhao yan ; liu jian wei ; xi rao ruo deng ; zeng sang bu ; da ji ; da dui
Effects of air pollution from coal combustion on lung function in children
wang han zhang ; zhao chi hong ; gu zuo ; cheng yi bin ; jin yin long
Studies on protein-based identification method of genetically modified capsicum
liu jian jun ; deng ping jian ; fang shi song ; zhao jin ; zhong yang sheng ; liao fu ping
Effect of apoptosis induced by different vitamin E homologous analogues in human hepatoma cells( HepG2)
zuo jun xia ; guo jun sheng ; zhao fa ; cai dong lian
Study on mechanisms of human gastric carcinoma cells apoptosis induced by genistein
song dan feng ; na xiao lin ; liu ying ; chi xiao xing ; fang qing wei ; cui hong bin
Genistein induced apoptosis in MCF-7 and T47D cells
yu zeng li ; zhang li shi ; wu de sheng
Effect of nuts enrich in monounsaturated acid on serum lipid of hyperlipidemia rats
zuo shao fang ; xiao ying ; wang jun bo ; liang xue jun ; liu yi
Effects of c9,t11-conjugated linoleic acid on the metastasis of human gastric carcinoma cell line
yang yan mei ; chen bing qing ; xue ying ben ; zheng yu mei ; wang zuo lin ; liu jia ren ; liu rui hai
Improvement of the silver-stain and it's test and verification in gomet assay
zhao rong ; heng zheng chang
Effect of SO2 inhalation on the levels of GSH and GSH/GSSG in 9 organs of mice
geng hong ; meng zi qiang
Study on guideline of alga in source water
shi zuo ; jiang song hui ; zhu hui gang
Teratogenicity of bisphenol A on post-implanted rat and mouse embryos:an in vitro study
li yong ; pei xin rong ; long ding xin ; chen xing ; gao li fang ; chen xiang gui
Study on the relationship between proliferative activities and heat stress protein 70 expression of aortic endothelial cells by benzo(a)pryene
yang jin bo ; xiao cheng feng ; yang xiao bo ; xu qian ; ke lei ; he han zhen ; hu bing chang ; zuo tang chun
Study on denitrification using different carbon sources
tan you ming ; luo qi fang