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Journal of Weinan Teachers College
2016 Issue 16
shi ji bai ming li shi ren wu shi liu
< shi ji > ren wu da ci dian bian xie zu ;
Topological Uniform Descent and Property (gω)
DAI Lei;
Supremum and Infimum and Its Equivalent Propositions
ZHAO Zheng-bo;
The Study on the Biology and Medicinal Value of Plants in Paulownia
YAO Huan-ying;,GAO Zhi-yong;,WANG Jun-long;
Study on the Decrease of Cyanides Consumption in the Cyaniding Extraction of Gold
CAO Hui-lan;,ZHANG Xiu-qin;,ZHANG Xin-gang;
Application of MATLAB in Solving the Mechanical Problems
NIU Huai-gang;,ZHU Zhi-ping;
A Study on Left-behind Children’ s Body-esteem
WANG Yi;,YANG Qing-xuan;