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Acta Physica Sinica
2014 Issue 16
New complexion two-soliton solutions to a kind of nonlinear coupled system
Taogetusang;Yi Li-Na;College of Mathematical Science;Inner Mongolia Normal University;
Opinion evolution model of social network based on information entropy
Huang Fei-Hu;Peng Jian;Ning Li-Miao;College of Computer Science;Sichuan University;
Influences of the system symmetry and memory on the transport behavior of Brownian motor
Wang Fei;Xie Tian-Ting;Deng Cui;Luo Mao-Kang;College of Mathematics;Sichuan University;Science and Technology on Electronic Information Control Laboratory;Southwest Institute of Technical Physics;
Spatiotemporally asymmetric fractional Langevin-like ratchet
Zhou Xing-Wang;Lin Li-Feng;Ma Hong;Luo Mao-Kang;College of Mathematics;Sichuan University;College of Computer and Information;Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University;
Adaptive stochastic resonance method based on quantum particle swarm optimization
Li Yi-Bo;Zhang Bo-Lin;Liu Zi-Xin;Zhang Zhen-Yu;State Key Laboratory of Precision Measuring Technology and Instrument;Tianjin University;School of Electronic and Information Engineering;Tianjin University;International School of Software;Wuhan University;
Anti-control of Hopf bifurcation in the new chaotic system with piecewise system and exponential system
Zhang Ling-Mei;Zhang Jian-Wen;Wu Run-Heng;College of Mathematics;Taiyuan University of Technology;College of Science;North China University of Technology;
Analysis of the Willis chaotic system and the control of random phase
Gu Yuan-Feng;Xiao Jian;College of Mathematics and Statistics;Chongqing University;
Synchronizing a class of uncertain and variable time-delay fractional-order hyper-chaotic systems by adaptive sliding robust mode control
Wu Xue-Li;Liu Jie;Zhang Jian-Hua;Wang Ying;Department of Electrical Engineering;Hebei University of Science and Technology;
Combination kernel function least squares support vector machine for chaotic time series prediction
Tian Zhong-Da;Gao Xian-Wen;Shi Tong;College of Information Science and Engineering;Shenyang University of Technology;College of Information Science and Engineering;Northeastern University;Department of Humanities;Liaoning Forestry Vocotion-technical College;
Grid-controlled emission source for space X-ray communication
Ma Xiao-Fei;Zhao Bao-Sheng;Sheng Li-Zhi;Liu Yong-An;Liu Duo;Deng Ning-Qin;State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics;Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;School of Information Science and Technology;Tsinghua University;
β~--decay half-lives for waiting point nuclei around N = 82
Chen Ze;Zhang Xiao-Ping;Yang Hong-Ying;Zheng Qiang;Chen Na-Na;Zhi Qi-Jun;School of Physics and Electronic Sciences;Guizhou Normal University;School of Physics;Nanjing University;Space Science Institute;Macau University of Science and Technology;Center for Astronomy Research and Education;Guizhou Normal University;School of Mathematics and Computer Science;Guizhou Normal University;
Systematic calculations on cluster radioactivity half-lives of trans-lead nuclei with effective liquid drop model
Sheng Zong-Qiang;Shu Liang-Ping;Meng Ying;Hu Ji-Gang;Qian Jian-Fa;School of Science;Anhui University of Science and Technology;School of Electronic Science and Applied Physics;Hefei University of Technology;
Isomer178m2Hf prepared by using α particles to bombard a natural ytterbium target and analysis of high purity Ge γ spectrum
Tu Xiao-Qing;Zhou Rong;Dai Fei;Yang Tian-Li;Yang Chao-Wen;College of Physical Science and Technology;Sichuan University;Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry;China Academy of Engineering Physics;
Determination of thorium fission rate by off-line method
Feng Song;Liu Rong;Lu Xin-Xin;Yang Yi-Wei;Wang Mei;Jiang Li;Qin Jian-Guo;Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry;China Academy of Engineering Physics;Department of Engineering Physics;Tsinghua University;
Determination of 232Th(n, γ) reaction rate induced by D-T neutrons in one-dimensional alternate depleted uranium/polyethylene shells
Yang Yi-Wei;Liu Rong;Jiang Li;Lu Xin-Xin;Wang Mei;Yan Xiao-Song;Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry;China Academy of Engineering Physics;Key Laboratory of Particle and Radiation Imaging of Ministry of Education;Tsinghua University;Department of Engineering Physics;Tsinghua University;
First-principles study of 3d transition metal Co doped core-shell silicon nanowires
Liao Jian;Xie Zhao-Qi;Yuan Jian-Mei;Huang Yan-Ping;Mao Yu-Liang;Key Laboratory for Micro-Nano Energy Materials and Devices of Hunan Province;Faculty of Materials;Optoelectronic and Physics;Xiangtan University;Key Laboratory for Computation and Simulation in Science and Engineering of Hunan Province;Faculty of Mathematics and Computational Science;Xiangtan University;
X-ray spectrum emitted by the impact of (129)Xe26+of the different kinetic energies on Au surface
Liang Chang-Hui;Zhang Xiao-An;Li Yao-Zong;Zhao Yong-Tao;Xiao Guo-Qing;Ion Beam and Optical Physical Laboratory;Xianyang Normal University;Institute of Modern Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Correlation of Eu L X-ray yield with kinetic energy based on the impact of Eu20+on solid Au target
Li Yao-Zong;Zhang Xiao-An;Liang Chang-Hui;Zhao Yong-Tao;Zhou Xian-Ming;Ion Beam and Optical Physical Laboratory;Xianyang Normal University;Institute of Modern Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Density functional theory study of structure characteristics and stabilities of Al2Sn±(n = 2–10)clusters
Lü Jin;Yang Li-Jun;Wang Yan-Fang;Ma Wen-Jin;School of Chemistry and Material Science;Shanxi Normal University;
Newmark algorithm in the finite-difference time-domain analysis of ferrite magnetized in an arbitrary direction
Wang Fei;Wei Bing;Yang Qian;Li Lin-Qian;School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering;Xidian University;
Modeling and electromagnetic scattering from the overturning wave crest
Li Wen-Long;Guo Li-Xin;Meng Xiao;Liu Wei;School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering;Xidian University;
Propagation characteristics of small-bandwidth pulsed beams with smoothing by spectral dispersion in high power laser system
Liu Lan-Qin;Zhang Ying;Geng Yuan-Chao;Wang Wen-Yi;Zhu Qi-Hua;Jing Feng;Wei Xiao-Feng;Huang Wan-Qing;Research Center of the Laser Fusion;China Academy of Engineering Physics;
Fast computation of electromagnetic scattering characteristics from conducting targets using modified-physical optics and graphical electromagnetic computing
Zhu Yan-Ju;Jiang Yue-Song;Zhang Chong-Hui;Xin Can-Wei;School of Electronic Information Engineering;Beihang University;
Surface stochastic characteristics of continuous phase plate
Lü Chen;Zhang Rong-Zhu;College of Electronics and Information Engineering;Sichuan University;
Ptychographical imaging algorithm based on illuminating beam matched with rotational phase encoding
Wang Zhi-Hao;Wang Ya-Li;Li Tuo;Shi Yi-Shi;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Academy of Opto-Electronics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;State Key Laboratory of Information Security;Institute of Information Engineering;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
A new full waveform analysis approach using simulated tempering Markov chain Monte Carlo method
Yin Wen-Ye;He Wei-Ji;Gu Guo-Hua;Chen Qian;Department of Optoelectronic Technology;Nanjing University of Sciences and Technology;
Experimental research of four-wave mixing and soliton effects in a photonic crystal fiber pumped femtosecond pulses at the wavelength located normal dispersion regime away from the zero dispersion point
Li Jian-She;Li Shu-Guang;Zhao Yuan-Yuan;Han Ying;Chen Hai-Liang;Han Xiao-Ming;Zhou Gui-Yao;State Key Laboratory of Metastable Material Science and Technology;College of Science;Yanshan University;Key Laboratory for Special Fiber and Fiber Sensor of Hebei Province;College of Information Science and Engineering;Yanshan University;
Spectral phase measurement and compensation of femtosecond laser pulse based on multi-photon intra-pulse interference phase scan
Zhao Guan-Kai;Liu Jun;Li Ru-Xin;State Key Laboratory of High Field Laser Physics;Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Effects of turbulent medium refractive index structure constant C_n~2 on the propagation characteristics of double-half hollow Gaussian beams
Chen Xin-Yu;Dong Yuan;Guan Jia-Yin;Li Shu-Tao;Yu Yong-Ji;Lü Yan-Fei;Key Laboratory of Solid-State Laser Technology and Application of JilinProvince;Changchun University of Science and Technology;
Effects of laser wavelength on both water temperature measurement precision and detection depth of Raman scattering lidar system
Ren Xiu-Yun;Tian Zhao-Shuo;Sun Lan-Jun;Fu Shi-You;Information Optoelectronics Research Institute;Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai;
Study of acoustic levitation by lattice Boltzmann method
Xie Wen-Jun;Teng Peng-Fei;Key Laboratory of Space Applied Physics and Chemistry of Ministry of Education;Northwestern Polytechnical University;
Generalized stochastic resonance of power function type single-well system
Ji Yuan-Dong;Zhang Lu;Luo Mao-Kang;College of Mathematics;Sichuan University;
Conformal invariance and conserved quantity of Mei symmetry for Appell equations in nonholonomic systems of Chetaev’s type with variable mass
Zhang Fang;Li Wei;Zhang Yao-Yu;Xue Xi-Chang;Jia Li-Qun;College of Electric and Information Engineering;Pingdingshan University;School of Mathematics and Physics;Henan University of Urban Construction;School of Science;Jiangnan University;
Analytical calculation and evolutionary regression method for isentropic exponent of hydrogen gas at the throat of critical nozzle
Ding Hong-Bing;Wang Chao;Zhao Ya-Kun;Key Laboratory of Process Measurement and Control of Tianjin;School of Electrical Engineering and Automation;Tianjin University;
Numerical study on the heterogeneous flow in porous biofilters
Xiang Rong;Yan Wei-Wei;Su Zhong-Di;Wu Jie;Zhang Kai;Bao Fu-Bing;College of Metrology and Measurement Engineering;China Jiliang University;Department of Aerodynamics;Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;
Prompt loss of energetic ion in tokamak
Mou Mao-Lin;Liu Yu;Wang Zhong-Tian;Chen Shao-Yong;Tang Chang-Jian;College of Physical Science and Technology;Sichuan University;Southwestern Institute of Physics;
Two-dimensional magneto-hydrodynamic description of field reversed configuration
Li Lu-Lu;Zhang Hua;Yang Xian-Jun;Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics;
Effect of predeformation on the transition from hexagonal phase to square phase near the melting point using phase field crystal method
Yun Jiang-Juan;Chen Zheng;Li Shang-Jie;Zhang Jing;State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing;Northwestern Polytechnical University;
Epitaxial growth micro-structure and magnetic studies of FePt nanoparticles: MgO multi-layer composite thin films
Wu Jian-Bang;Zhou Min-Jie;Wang Xue-Min;Wang Yu-Ying;Xiong Zheng-Wei;Cheng Xin-Lu;Marie-José Casanove;Christophe Gatel;Wu Wei-Dong;Research Center of Laser Fusion;China Academy of Engineering Physics;Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics;Sichuan University;Centre d’Elaboration de Matériaux et d’Etudes Structurales;
Influence of annealing on green luminescence from Cu : ZnO thin films
Jia Xiang-Hua;Zheng You-Jin;Yin Long-Cheng;Huang Hai-Liang;Jiang Hong-Wei;Zhu Rui-Hua;Key Laboratory of Superhard Materials;Mudanjiang Normal College;
Electronic structures and phase instabilities of cubic Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3 and K1/2Bi1/2TiO3: a first-principles comparative study
Zhou Shu-Lan;Zhao Xian;Jiang Xiang-Ping;Han Xiao-Dong;Department of Material Science and Engineering;Jingdezhen Ceramics Institute;State Key Laboratory of Crystal Material;Institute of Crystal Material;Shandong University;
Dependence of annealing temperatures on the optimized resistive switching behavior from SiO_x(x = 1.3) films
Ren Sheng;Ma Zhong-Yuan;Jiang Xiao-Fan;Wang Yue-Fei;Xia Guo-Yin;Chen Kun-Ji;Huang Xin-Fan;Xu Jun;Xu Ling;Li Wei;Feng Duan;National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures;School of Electronic Science and Engineering;Nanjing University;
Band offsets of ZnO/PbTe heterostructure determined by synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy
Cai Chun-Feng;Zhang Bing-Po;Li Rui-Feng;Xu Tian-Ning;Bi Gang;Wu Hui-Zhen;Zhang Wen-Hua;Zhu Jun-Fa;School of Information and Electrical Engineering;Zhejiang University City College;Department of Physics;Zhejiang University;Department of Science;Zhejiang Colloge of Zhejiang University of Technology;National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory;University of Science and Technology of China;
Influence of interfacial electron transfer on fluorescence blinking of quantum dots
Wu Jian-Fang;Zhang Guo-Feng;Chen Rui-Yun;Qin Cheng-Bin;Xiao Lian-Tuan;Jia Suo-Tang;State Key Laboratory of Quantum Optics and Quantum Optics Devices;Institute of Laser Spectrum;Shanxi University;
Shock induced Nd2Fe14B magnetic transition based on molecular field theory analysis
Lu Feng;Chen Lang;Feng Chang-Gen;State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and Technology;School of Mechanical Engineering;Beijing Institute of Technology;
Effects of Co doping on the magnetic properties, entropy change, and magnetocaloric effect in Mn3Sn1-xCoxC1.1compounds
Yan Jun;Sun Ying;Wang Cong;Shi Zai-Xing;Deng Si-Hao;Shi Ke-Wen;Lu Hui-Qing;Center for Condensed Matter and Materials Physics;Department of Physics;Beihang University;
High-frequency magnetic properties of planar anisotropy carbonyl-iron particles
Huo Tian-Xu;Qiao Liang;Wang Tao;Li Fa-Shen;Key Laboratory for Magnetism and Magnetic Materials of Ministry of Education;Lanzhou University;
Micromagnetic modeling of L1-0-ordered FePt magnetic thin films
Li Zheng-Hua;Li Xiang;School of Physics and Materials Engineering;Dalian Nationalities University;School of Materials Science and Engineering;University of Shanghai for Science and Technology;
Micromagnetic simulation and analysis of Nd2Fe14B/Fe65Co35magnetic bilayered thin films with different orientations of the easy axis
Peng Yi;Zhao Guo-Ping;Wu Shao-Quan;Si Wen-Jing;Wan Xiu-Lin;College of Physics and Electronic Engineering;Sichuan Normal University;
Influence of vacancy on spontaneous polarization of wurtzite AlN: a maximally localized Wannier function study
Niu Hai-Bo;Chen Guang-De;Wu Ye-Long;Ye Hong-Gang;Department of Applied Physics;Xi’an Jiaotong University;Teaching Center of Physics;Xi’an Jiaotong University City College;
Solvent effects on the electron-vibration coupling constant of β-carotene
Xu Sheng-Nan;Liu Tian-Yuan;Sun Mei-Jiao;Li Shuo;Fang Wen-Hui;Sun Cheng-Lin;Li Zuo-Wei;State Key Laboratory of Superhard Materials;Jilin University;College of Physics;Jilin University;
Organic light-emitting devices based on PCDTBT as emitting layer
Chen Hai-Tao;Xu Zheng;Zhao Su-Ling;Zhao Ling;Liu Zhi-Min;Gao Song;Yang Yi-Fan;Liu Zhi-Fang;Shen Chong-Yu;Xu Xu-Rong;Key Laboratory of Luminescence and Optical Information;Ministry of Education;Institute of Optoelectronics Technology;Beijing Jiaotong University;
Multipactor phenomenon between metal and dielectric window
Zhang-Xue;Wang-Yong;Fan-Jun-Jie;Zhu-Fang;Zhang-Rui;Key Laboratory of High Power Microwave Sources and Technologies;Institute of Electronics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Resolution characteristic of graded band-gap AlGaAs/GaAs transmission-mode photocathodes
Deng Wen-Juan;Peng Xin-Cun;Zou Ji-Jun;Jiang Shao-Tao;Guo Dong;Zhang Yi-Jun;Chang Ben-Kang;Engineering Research Center of Nuclear Technology Application;Ministry of Education;East China Institute of Technology;Engineering Research Center of New Energy Technology and Equipment of Jiangxi Province;East China Institute of Technology;School of Electronic and Optical Engineering;Nanjing University of Science and Technology;
The van der Waals heterostructure of CuPc/MoS2(0001)
Cao Ning-Tong;Zhang Lei;Lü Lu;Xie Hai-Peng;Huang Han;Niu Dong-Mei;Gao Yong-Li;Institute of Super-Microstructure and Ultrafast Process in Advanced Materials;Central South University;Department of Physics and Astronomy;University of Rochester;
Influences of the substrate position on the morphology and characterization of phosphorus doped ZnO nanomaterial
Feng Qiu-Ju;Xu Rui-Zhuo;Guo Hui-Ying;Xu Kun;Li Rong;Tao Peng-Cheng;Liang Hong-Wei;Liu Jia-Yuan;Mei Yi-Ying;School of Physics and Electronic Technology;Liaoning Normal University;Preparatory Department;School of Science;Dalian Nationalities University;School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering;Dalian University of Technology;
Lithium intercalation properties of SnSb/C composite in carbonthermal reduction as the anode material for lithium ion battery
Li Juan;Ru Qiang;Hu She-Jun;Guo Ling-Yun;Key Laboratory of Quantum Engineering and Quantum Materials in Guangdong Province;School of Physics and Telecommunication Engineering;South China Normal University;Engineering Research Center of Materials and Technology for Electrochemical Energy Storage of Ministry of Education;
Cyclical game coupling with Levy flight and Brownian motion and stable coexistence conditions of species
Wang Dong;Tang Chang-Qing;Tian Bao-Guo;Qu Liang-Sheng;Zhang Jin-Chun;Di Zeng-Ru;Department of Basic Science;Naval Aeronautical and Astronautical University;School of Systems Science;Beijing Normal University;Administrant Brigade of Postgraduate;Naval Aeronautical and Astronautical University;
Noise analysis of hard X-ray differential phase contrast imaging
Huang Jian-Heng;Du Yang;Lei Yao-Hu;Liu Xin;Guo Jin-Chuan;Niu Han-Ben;Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Devices and Systems of Guangdong Province;Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Devices and Systems of Ministry of Education;College of Optoelectronic Engineering;Shenzhen University;
Optimization of light spot intensity and coverage to a triple-junction solar cell under non-uniform illumination
Liang Qi-Bing;Shu Bi-Fen;Sun Li-Juan;Zhang Qi-Zi;Chen Ming-Biao;Institute for Solar Energy System;School of Engineering;Sun Yet-Sen University;