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Acta Physica Sinica
2012 Issue 19
Evaluating complex network functional robustness by node efficiency
Zhou Xuan~2)+) Zhang Feng-Ming~) Zhou Wei-Ping~) Zou Wei~) Yang Fan~) 1) 2) 3)
A finite volume algorithm for solving nonlinear standing waves in acoustic resonators
Ning Fang-Li~+ Dong Liang Zhang Wen-Zhi Wang Kang
High-oder symplectic FDTD scheme for solving time-dependent Schrodinger equation
Shen Jing~2)+) Sha Wei E.I.~) Huang Zhi-Xiang~) Chen Ming-Sheng~) Wu Xian-Liang~) 1) 2) 3)
Eliminate spiral wave and spatiotemporal chaos by using short-term cardiac memory
Kuang Yu-Lan Tang Guo-Ning~+
Piecewise fractional Brownian motion for modeling sea clutter
Liu Ning-Bo~+ Guan Jian~+ Huang Yong Wang Guo-Qing He You
Anti-control and circuit implementation of discrete-time systems under limited regional conditions
Wang Fang~2)+) Zhang Xin-Zheng~) Shen Chao-Wen~3)) Yu Si-Min~) 1) 2) 3)
Fractional differentiability of the non-smooth heat curve
Wu Guo-Cheng~+ shi Xiang-Chao~+
Heart rate variability analysis based on modified Poincare plot
Huo Cheng-Yu~2)) Zhuang Jian-Jun~+) Huang Xiao-Lin~) Hou Feng-Zhen~) Ning Xin-Bao~+) 1) 2)
Analysis on topological properties of Beijing urban public transit based on complex network theory
Zheng Xiao~2)) Chen Jian-Ping~2)+) ShaoJia-Li~) Bie Li-Dong~2)) 1) 2)
Chaotic impulse synchronization of opto-electronic feedback
Hu Han-Ping Yu Zhi-Liang~+ Liu Ling-Feng
Method of identifying the relative position between standing wave of laser light and substrate in atom lithography
Wang Jian-Bo~+) Qian Jin~) Yin Cong~) Shi Chun-Ying~) Lei Ming~) 1) 2)
Structural modeling of 128×128 InSb focal plane array detector
Meng Qing-Duan~+) Zhang Xiao-Ling~) Zhang Li-Wen~) L Yan-Qiu~) 1) 2)
Opinion formation on the social networks with geographic structure
Luo Zhi Yang Guan-Qiong Di Zeng-Ru~+
Multiple ionization effect of Ta induced by heavy ions
Wang Xing~2)) Zhao Yong-Tao~+) Cheng Rui~) Zhou Xian-Ming~) Xu Ge~) Sun Yuan-Bo~+) Lei Yu~) Wang Yu-Yu~) Ren Jie-Ru~) Yu Yang~) Li Yong-Feng~) Zhang Xiao-An~) Li Yao-Zong~) Liang Chang-Hui~) Xiao Guo-Qing~) 1) 2) 3)
Calibration of velocity map imaging system and photodissociation dynamics of 1,4-C4H8BrCl
Liu Yu-Zhu~2)+) Xiao Shao-Rong~) Zhang Cheng-Yi~) Zheng Gai-Ge~) Chen Yun-Yun~) 1) 2)
Coherence effect of high excited state atoms
Zhao Jian-Dong~+ Xin Jie
Scintillating properties of Ce3+-doped high density oxide glasses
Yang Bin~) Zhang Yue-Pin~+) Xu Bo~) Lai Fei~) Xia Hai-Ping~) Zhao Tian-Chi~) 1) 2)
The magnetic and quantum transport properties of sandwich-structured Tan(B3N3H6n+1 clusters
Zhang Cai-Xia~) Guo Hong~) Yang Zhi~+) Luo You-Hua~) 1) 2)
Cross-polarizaton characteristics in spin Hall effect of light
Luo Xing Zhou Xin-Xing Luo Hai-Lu~+ Wen Shuang-Chun
Two kinds of optical pulse compression approaches based on cross phase modulation
Li Bo Lou Shu-Qin~+ Tan Zhong-Wei Su Wei
Multi-spectral and panchromatic image fusion based on HIS-wavelet transform and MOPSO algorithm
Zhao Liao-Ying~) Ma Qi-Liang~+) Li Xiao-Run~) 1) 2)
Novel composite right/left-handed transmission line and its application to filter design
Li Tian-Peng~+ Wang Guang-Ming Liang Jian-Gang Zhang Chen-Xin
First-principles study on the electronic and optical property of C-Zn co-doped anatase TiO2
Wang Yin Feng Qing~+ Wang Wei-Hua Yue Yuan-Xia
Generation of photonic microwave based on the period-one oscillation of an optically injected semiconductor lasers and all-optical linewidth narrowing
Lin Xiao-Dong~2)) Deng Tao~2)) XieYi-Yuan~) Wu Jia-Gui~2)) Chen Jian-Guo~) Wu Zheng-Mao~) Xia Guang-Qiong~+) 1) 2)
The absorption spectrum study of the(4,0) band in the b~4∑~-—a~4∏_i system of NO
Deng Lun-Hua~+) Li Chuan-Liang~) Zhu Yuan-Yue~) He Wen-Yan~) Chen Yang-Qin~) 1) 2)
The gain spectrum character under Raman scattering and parametric amplification
Jia Wei-Guo~+) Qiao Li-Rong~) Wang Xu-Ying~) Men-Ke Neimule~) Yang Jun~) Zhang Jun-Ping~) 1) 2)
A novel simple fiber nonlinearity suppression method in fiber-optic transmission systems using an all optical phase pre-emphasis
Li Yuan~) Cheng Hao-Ran~) Li Wei~+) Yu Shao-Hua~) Yang Zhu~) 1) 2) 3)
Investigation of one-dimensional finite phononic crystal with exponential section
Fu Zhi-Qiang~) Lin Shu-Yu~+) Chen Shi~) Xian Xiao-Jun~2)) Zhang Xiao-Li~) Wang Yong~) 1) 2)
Simulation of photonic crystal fiber with three and four zero-dispersion wavelengths
Zhao Xing-Tao~2)+) Zheng Yi~) Liu Xiao-Xu~) Liu Zhao-Lun~) Li Shu-Guang~2)) Hou Lan-Tian~) 1) 2) 3)
Influence analysis of saturation effect of microchannel plate on dynamic range of streak cameras
Pan Jing-Sheng~2)) Qi Lu~) Xiao Hong-Liang~) Zhang Rong~) Zhou Jian-Xun~) Pu Dong-Dong~) L Jing-Wen~) 1) 2)
Calculations of radiation impedance of a rectangular plate with flexural vibration
Ma Huan-Pei He Xi-Ping~+ Lan Zheng-Kang Abulizi·Abulaiti
Forced oscillations of gaseous bubbles in microtubules
Wang Cheng-Hui~2)) Cheng Jian-Chun~+) 1) 2)
Pair coherent state evolutions through parametric frequency conversion and the realization of quantized vortex states
Zhu Kai-Cheng~+) Li Shao-Xin~) Zheng Xiao-Juan~) Tang Hui-Qin~) 1) 2)
Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction and singularity analysis of a high-dimensional relative-rotation nonlinear dynamical system
Shi Pei-Ming~+) Han Dong-Ying~) Li Ji-Zhao~) Jiang Jin-Shui~) Liu Bin~) 1) 2)
The theoretical study on abnormal experimental phenomenon of the elongated rod Nd:glass pulsed laser
Wang Ying-Cai~+) Yang Chun-Lan~) Wang Lei~) Jin Ye~) 1) 2)
Mechanism analysis of one-dimensional short groove quasicrystal structure drag-reduction
Zhang Meng~+ Geng Xing-Guo Zhang Yao Wang Xiao-Na
Effect of cooling rate on layering ICF cryogenic ice characterized by backlit shadowgraphy
Wang Kai Lin Wei Liu Yuan-Qiong Xie Duan Li Jun Ma Kun-Quan Tang Yong-Jian Lei Hai-Le~+
Tunable negative refraction properties of photonic crystals based on silicon columns arranged in magnetic liquids
Yu Guo-Jun Pu Sheng-Li~+ Wang-Xiang Ji Hong-Zhu
Implosion characteristics of conical wirearray Z pinches on "Qiangguangl" facility
Jiang Shu-Qing~2)+) Ye Fan~) Yang Jian-Lun~) Xia Guang-Xin~) Zhang Fa-Qiang~) Li Zheng-Hong~) Xu Rong-Kun~) Xu Ze-Ping~) Pan Ying-Jun~) 1) 2)
Research on the dynamics of indoor pedestrian evacuation via game
Xie Ji-Jian Xue Yu~+
A U-shape plasma antenna based on excitation of 5-20 kHz alternating current power supply
Zhao Jian-Sen~) Zhang Zhi-Tao~2)+) Wang Jian~) Yu Zhe~) 1) 2)
Study of periodic dispersive structures using splitfield FDTD method
Lu Si-Long~+) Wu Xian-Liang~2)) Ren Xin-Gang~) Mei Yi-Cai~) Shen Jing~2)) Huang Zhi-Xiang~+) 1) 2)
Mode transition of inductively coupled plasma in interlayer chamber
Du Yin-Chang~) Cao Jin-Xiang~+) Wang Jian~) Zheng Zhe~) Liu Yu~) Meng Guang~) Ren Ai-Min~) Zhang Sheng-Jun~) 1) 2)
Analytical model of single event crosstalk in near space
Liu Bao-Jun~+ Cai Li
The structural transition of water at quartz/water interfaces under shock compression in phase region of liquid
Wang Jun-Guo~) Liu Fu-Sheng~+) Li Yong-Hong~) Zhang Ming-Jian~) Zhang Ning-Chao~) Xue Xue-Dong~) 1) 2)
Experimental sduty of current distribution in wirearray Zpinch plasma
Zhou Lin~+ Xue Fei-Biao Si Fen-Ni Yang Jian-Lun Ye Fan Xu Rong-Kun Hu Qing-Yuan Fu Yue-Cheng Jiang Shu-Qiang Li Lin-Bo Chen Jin-Chuan Xu Ze-Ping
Atmospheric pressure streamer and glow-discharge generated alternately by pin-to-plane dielectric barrier discharge in air
YuZhe~) Zhang Zhi-Tao~2)+) Yu Qing-Xuan~) Xu Shao-Jie~) YaoJing~) Bai Min-Dong~2)) Tian Yi-Ping~) Liu Kai-Ying~) 1) 2)
Plastic behavior of Zr51Ti5Ni10Cu25Al9 metallic glass under planar shock loading
Yu Yu-Ying~+ Xi Feng Dai Cheng-Da Cai Ling-Cang Tan Hua Li Xue-Mei Hu Chang-Ming
Calculation of two-temperature transport coefficients of helium plasma
Wang Hai-Xing~+ Sun Su-Rong Chen Shi-Qiang
Experimental and theoretical studies on gas discharge and plasma oscillation at atmospheric pressure
Wu Jin-Ze Tang Jin-E~+ Dong You-Er Zhang Guo-Feng Wang Yan-Hua
Effect of 4 GPa pressure treatment on the solid state transformation kinetics of T8 steel in heating process
Chen Yan~2)) Li Ya-Li~) Liu Jian-Hua~) Zhang Rui-Jun~+) 1) 2) 3)
Large partial band-gaps for Lamb waves in multiple phononic crystals thin plates
Ding Hong-Xing~2)) Shen Zhong-Hua~+) Li Jia~) Zhu Xue-Feng~+) Ni Xiao-Wu~) 1) 2) 3)
The effects of spinodal decomposition and nucleation on phase separation
Ren Qun Wang Nan~+ Zhang Li Wang Jian-Yuan Zheng Ya-Ping Yao Wen-Jing
First-principles calculations of optical and mechanical properties of LiBX2(B = Ga,In;X =S,Se,Te)
Ma Tian-Hui~+ Zhuang Zhi-Ping Ren Yu-Lan
Microstructure of spray-formed superalloy FGH4095
Zhang Yu Ge Chang-Chun~+ Shen Wei-Ping Qiu Cheng-Jie
Effect of annealing on crystalline property of poly-Si thin-film by Ge-induce crystallization
Kang Kun-Yong Deng Shu-Kang~+ Shen Lan-Xian Sun Qi-Li Hao Rui-Ting Hua Qi-Lin Tang Run-Sheng Yang Pei-Zhi Li Ming
Phenomenological analysis for dielectric dispersion of donor doped barium titanate based relaxor ferroelectric
Shang Yu-Li Shu Ming-Fei Chen Wei Cao Wan-Qiang~+
First-principles study on the electronic structure and phase transition of α-,β- and γ-Si3N4
Yu Ben-Hai Chen Dong~+ {College of Physics and Electronic Engineering;Xinyang Normal University;Xinyang 464000;China)
Junctionless low-voltage thin-film transistors based on indium-tin-oxide
Zhao Kong-Sheng~+ Xuan Rui-Jie Han Xiao Zhang Geng-Ming
Nonlinear Ramsey interference of Fermi superfluid gases in unitarity regime
Meng Hong-Juan Gou Xue-Qiang Wang Wen-Yuan Yang Yang Ma Ying Ma Yun-Yun Duan Wen-Shan~+
Preparation and structure of CuInS2 film by the direct current triode sputtering
Yu Dan-Yang~+) Kobayashi-Yasuyuki~) Kobayashi-Satoshi~) 1) 2)
Effect of oxygen content on giant dielectric constant and dielectric process in CaCu3Ti4O12
Yang Chang-Ping~+ Li Min-Yi Song Xue-Ping Xiao Hai-Bo Xu Ling-Fang
The effects of Ti ion-irradiation on critical current and flux pinning in MgB2 thin film
Wang Yin-Bo~+ Xue Chi Feng Qing-Rong
Effects of pulsed magnetic field on Mn-doped ZnO diluted magnetic semiconductor prepared by hydrothermal method
Wang Shi-Wei Zhu Ming Yuan Zhong Min Liu Cong Li Ying~+ Hu Ye-Min Jin Hong-Ming
Effect of electromigration on interfacial reaction in Ni/Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu/Au/Pd/Ni-P flip chip solder joints
Huang Ming-Liang~+ Chen Lei-Da Zhou Shao-Ming Zhao Ning
Preparation and performances of KNN-based lead-free transparent ceramics
Wang Bin-Ke~2)+) Tian Xiao-Xia~) XuZhuo~) Qu Shao-Bo~2)) Li Zhen-Rong~) 1) 2)
Research on the electromagnetic properties of nano-fiber coating absorbent
Fu Cheng-Wu~) Zhang Shuan-Qin~) Chen Ming-Qing~+) 1) 2)
Ultrafast carrier dynamics in CdTe/CdS Core/Shell quantum dots
Li Xia~2)) Feng Dong-Hai~+) He Hong-Yan~) Jia Tian-Qing~) Shan Lu-Fan~) Sun Zhen-Rong~) Xu Zhi-Zhan~) 1) 2)
A big cluster model of the PER-TIM interval timer in drosophila cytoplasm for the circadian clock
Zhang Zhi-Qiang Li Cong-Xin Xie Ping Wang Peng-Ye~+
Research on sodium incorporation methods of growing Cu(In-Ga)Se2 thin film by low-temperature deposition
He Jing-Jing Liu Wei~+ Li Zhi-Guo Li Bo-Yan Han An-Jun Li Guang-Min Zhang Chao Zhang Yi Sun Yun~+
Investigation of thermodynamic progress of silicon ablated by nanosecond uv repetitive pulse laser
Bao Ling-Dong~) Han Jing-Hua~+) Duan Tao~) Sun Nian-Chun~) Gao Xiang~) Feng Guo-Ying~) Yang Li-Ming~) NiuRui-Hua~) Liu Quan-Xi~) 1) 2) 3) 4)
Processing of GPS/LEO radio occultation recorded in open-loop mode
Xu Xian-Sheng~+) Guo Peng~) XuTao-Ling~) Hong Zhen-Jie~) 1) 2) 3) 4)
Predictability-based extended-range ensemble prediction method and numerical experiments
Zheng Zhi-Hai~+) Feng Guo-Lin~) Huang Jian-Ping~) Chou Ji-Fan~) 1) 2)
Raytracing of extreamely low frequency waves radiated from ionospheric artificial modulation at low latitude
Wang Feng~2)+) Zhao Zheng-Yu~) Chang Shan-Shan~) Ni Bin-Bin~) Gu Xu-Dong~) 1) 2)
Recent development of polymer/fuUerene photovoltaic cells
Gao Bo-Wen~2)) Gao Chao~3)) Que Wen-Xiu~) Wei Wei~+) 1) 2) 3)
wu li xue bao tou gao xu zhi
gong gao