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Acta Physica Sinica
2011 Issue 9
A new method to deal with biomacromolecular image observed by atomic force microscopy
Ji Chao Zhang Ling-YunDou Shuo-Xing Wang Peng-Ye
A universal cryptosystem based on two simple physical models
Zhou QingHe Xiao-Dong Hu Yue
Acoustic field characteristics of ultrasonic linear phased array for an interface condition
Sun Fang1)Zeng Zhou-Mo1) Wang Xiao-Yuan1) Jin Shi-Jiu1) Zhan Xiang-Lin2) 1) 2)
Morphological control of artificial ionospheric hole and its short-wave propagation effects
Hu Yao-GaiZhao Zheng-Yu Xiang Wei Zhang Yuan-Nong
Tests and analysis of digital filter weak constrain in data assimilation
Wang Shu-Chang 1)Li Yi2) Zhang Wei-Min1) Zhao Jun1) Cao Xiao-Qun1) 1) 2)
Eliminating the influence of Faraday rotation on passive microwave remote sensing from space
Yan Wei Lu WenShi Jian-Kang Ren Jian-Qi Wang Rui
Dielectric waveguide with deep subwavelength mode confinement based on coupled nanowires
Yue Song Li ZhiChen Jian-Jun Gong Qi-Huang
Molecular dynamics simulations of energy effects on atorn F interaction with SiC(100)
He Ping-Ni1)2) Lü Xiao-Dan1) Zhao Cheng-Li1)2) Ning Jian-Ping1) Qing You-Min1) Gou Fu-Jun3)4)1) 2) 3) 4)
New properties of streamwise streaks in transitional boundary layers
Chen Lin1) Tang Deng-Bin1)Liu Chao-Qun2) 1 2
Elimination of time-delay signature in an external cavity semiconductor laser by randomly modulating feedback phase
Zhang Jian-Zhong Wang An-Bang Zhang Ming-Jiang Li Xiao-Chun Wang Yun-Cai
Propagation of Laguerre-Gaussian vortex beam
Ding Pan-FengPu Ji-Xiong
Spin Hall effect of light in a multilayer-medium structure
Ma Juan Luo Hai-LuWen Shuang-Chun
Detection of carrier-envelope offset frequency in an Er-doped fiber femtosecond laser
Cao Shi-Ying1)Cai Yue2) Wang Gui-Zhong2) Meng Fei1) Zhang Zhi-Gang2) Fang Zhan-Jun1) Li Tian-Chu1) 1) 2)
The third harmonics generation with large aperture and high fluency
Ji Lai-Lin1)2)Zhu Bao-Qiang1) Zhan Ting-Yu 1) Dai Ya-Ping2) Zhu Jian2) Ma Wei-Xin2) Lin Zun-Qi1) 1) 2)
General model of transmission grating diffraction efficiency
Shang Wan-Li Yang Jia-MinZhao Yang Zhu Tuo Xiong Gang
Generalized MG2 factor of truncated partially coherent Hermite-Gaussian beam
Li Xiao-Qing Ji Xiao-Ling
Effect of framework flexibility on diffusion of short alkanes in metal-organic framework
Xiang Hui Liu Da-HuanYang Qing-Yuan Mi Jian-Guo Zhong Chong-Li
Transformation of multi-edge-dislocations to screw-dislocations in optical field
Feng Bo Gan Xue-Tao Liu Sheng Zhao Jian-Lin
A novel fast algorithm of electromagnetic dyadic Green’s function in horizontal layered medium
Chen Gui-Bo Bi JuanWang Jian-Bo Chen Xin-Yi Sun Guan-Cheng Lu Jun
Bottle beam generated by novel axicon
Zhang Qian-An Wu Feng-TieZheng Wei-Tao Ma Liang
A broadband low loss and high birefringence terahertz photonic bandgap photonic crystal fiber
Bai Jin-Jun Wang Chang-Hui Huo Bing-Zhong Wang Xiang-Hui Chang Sheng-Jiang
Evolution of Ge/Si quantum dots self-assembled grown by ion beam sputtering
Zhang Xue-Gui Wang Chong Lu Zhi-Quan Yang Jie Li Liang Yang Yu
Fabrication and optical properties of ZnO/ZnMgO multiple quantum wells on m-sapphire substrates
Su Shi-Chen1)Lü You-Ming2) Mei Ting1) 1) 2)
Switching behavior of logic circuits by magnetic quantum cellular automata
Yang Xiao-Kuo1) Cai Li1)Kang Qiang2) Bai Peng3) Zhao Xiao-Hui1) Feng Chao-Wen1) Zhang Li-Sen1) 1) 2) 3)
Effects of initial temperature and cooling rate on freezing behaviors of metallic clusters
Li Guo-Jian Wang QiangCao Yong-Ze Lü Xiao Li Dong-Gang He Ji-Cheng ; Northeastern University; Shenyang 110004; China)
Theoretical analysis and experimental study of optical loss of metal contacts of crystalline silicon solar cells
Li Tao1)Zhou Chun-Lan1) Song Yang2) Yang Hai-Feng 3) Gao Zhi-Hua2) Duan Ye2) Li You-Zhong2) Liu Zhen-Gang1) Wang Wen-Jing1) 1) 2) 3)
Measuring breakpoints and impedance mismatch for dielectric transmission lines by using correlation method of chaotic signals
Xu Hang Wang An-Bang Han Xiao-Hong Ma Jian-Yi Wang Yun-Cai
Fabrication and characterization of Bi-Sb-Te based thin film thermoelectric generator prepared by ion beam sputtering deposition
Fan PingCai Zhao-Kun Zheng Zhuang-Hao Zhang Dong-Ping Cai Xing-Min Chen Tian-Bao
Dual-band quantum well infrared photodetectors with two ohmic contacts
Huo Yong-Heng Ma Wen-QuanZhang Yan-Hua Huang Jian-Liang Wei Yang Cui Kai Chen Liang-Hui
Quantum key distribution secure threshold based on BB84 protocol
Zhao NanPei Chang-Xing Liu Dan Quan Dong-Xiao Sun Xiao-Nan
Wigner function of a kind of special single-mode squeezed state
Yu Hai-JunDu Jian-Ming Zhang Xiu-Lan
Accretion and radiation in black hole with a global monopole
Xiang Mao-Huai Chen Ju-Hua Wang Yong-Jiu
Transient nonlinear theory and model of beam-wave interaction for gyroklystron
Guo Jian-HuaYu Sheng Li Hong-Fu Zhang Tian-Zhong Lei Chao-Jun Li Xiang Zhang Yan-Yan
Defect mode in one-dimensional photonic crystal consisting of single-negative materials with an impurity layer
Liu Qi-Hai Hu Dong-ShengYin Xiao-Gang Wang Yan-Qing
Seasonal changes in China during recent 48 years and their relationship with temperature extremes
Zhao Jun-Hu1)2) Feng Guo-Lin2)Zhang Shi-Xuan1) Sun Shu-Peng1) 1) 2)
Electronic structure and optical properties of Cr doped SnO2 superlattice
Jiang Lei Wang Pei-JiZhang Chang-Wen Feng Xian-Yang Lu Yao Zhang Guo-Lian
Study and realization of local frequency estimation algorithm in magnetic resonance elasto-graphy based on dual-bandwidth Gaussian filters
Wang Hong-Zhi1)2)6) Cai Xiao-Yun3) Wang He4) Huang Qing-Ming2)6) Chen Qi-Te 2) Yu Jie 2) Wang Xiao-Yan5) Lu Lun5) Huang Yong2)6) Cheng Hong-Yan5) Zhang Xue-Long2)6) Li Geng-Ying1)1) 2) 3) 4) ; Shanghai 201203; China) 5) 6)
Action potential initial dynamical control and analysis of a minimum neuron model
Jin Qi-Tao Wang JiangWei Xi-Le Deng Bin Che Yan-Qiu
Threshold voltage degradation mechanism of SOI SONOS EEPROM under total-dose irradiation
Li Lei-Lei1)4) Yu Zong-Guang1)4) Xiao Zhi-Qiang2)4) Zhou Xin-Jie3) 1) 2) 3) 4)
The first order symmetric SPH method for transient heat conduction problems
Jiang Tao Ouyang JieLi Xue-Juan Zhang Lin Ren Jin-Lian
Se ultrathin film growth on Si(100) substrate and its application in Ti/n-Si(100) ohmic contact
Pan Shu-Wan Qi Dong-Feng Chen Song-YanLi Cheng Huang Wei Lai Hong-Kai
Influence of natural impurity on electronic structure and catalytic activity of pyrite
Li Yu-Qiong1) Chen Jian-Hua2)3)Guo Jin3) 1) 2) 3)
The mechanism of directional cellular growth with shear flow
Wang Jian-YuanZhai Wei Jin Ke-Xin Chen Chang-Le
Preparation and property of super-hydrophilic SiO2-TiO2 nano-particle layer
Ma Hai-Min Hong Liang Yin Yi Xu Jian Ye Hui
Scroll number and distribution control of attractor: system design and circuit realization
Wu Hua-Gan 1)Bao Bo-Cheng 2) Liu Zhong1) 1) 2)
Simple theory of space-charge-limited current between concentric sphere
Li Fei1)2) Xiao Liu1) Liu Pu-Kun1)Yi Hong-Xia1)2) Wan Xiao-Sheng1)2) 1) 2)
Preparation of AlN nanowire macroscopic arrays
Li Zhi-Jie1)Tian Ming1) He Lian-Long2) 1) 2)
Properties of white organic electroluminescent devices based on a new organic metal complex with quantum well structure
Meng Wei-Xin1) Hao Yu-Ying1)Xu Hui-Xia2) Wang Hua2) Liu Xu-Guang3) Xu Bing-She2) 1) 2) 3)
First-principles calculations of electronic structure and magnetism of Ni4 NdB
Yi Yong1)2) Ding Zhi-Jie1)2) Li Kai2) Tang Yong-Jian2) Luo Jiang-Shan2) 1) 2)
Crytallographic orientation and magmetostriction of FeGa crystals
Li Chuan Liu Jing-Hua Chen Li-Biao Jiang Cheng-BaoXu Hui-Bin School of Materials Science and Engineering; Beihang University; Beijing 100191; China)
Magnetic properties of N-doped(11■0) ZnO thin films
Li Ming-Biao Zhang Tian-Xian Shi Li-Bin
Near-infrared broadband emission spectroscopic properties of Bi: α-BaB2 O4 single crystal induced by electron irradiation
Zhao Heng-Yu1)2) Yu Ping-Sheng1)2) Guo Xing2) Su Liang-Bi2) Li Xin-Nian3) Fang Xiao-Ming3) Yang Qiu-Hong1) Xu Jun2) 1) 2) 3)
Study on thermochromic properties of VO2/ZnO nanocrystalline composite films
Zhu Hui-Qun1)2) Li Yi1)3)Zhou Sheng1) Huang Yi-Ze1) Tong Guo-Xiang1) Sun Ruo-Xi1) Zhang Yu-Ming1) Zheng Qiu-Xin1) Li Liu1) Shen Yu-Jian1) Fang Bao-Ying1) 1) 2) 3)
Molecular alignment of nano-thin film using Raman spectroscopy
Zhang Hong-Yu Zhang Shao-Hua Liang He Liu Yu-Hong Luo Jian-Bin
Radiation damage of space GaAs/Ge solar cells evaluated by displacement damage dose
Wu Yi-Yong1)Yue Long1) Hu Jian-Min 2) Lan Mu-Jie3) Xiao Jing-Dong1) Yang De-Zhuang1) He Shi-Yu1) Zhang Zhong-Wei4) Wang Xun-Chun4) Qian Yong4) Chen Ming-Bo4) 1) 2) 3) 4)
A new growth method of roughed p-GaN in GaN-based light emitting diodes
Li Shui-Qing1)2) Wang Lai2)Han Yan-Jun2) Luo Yi2) Deng He-Qing1) Qiu Jian-Sheng1) Zhang Jie1) 1) 2)
Effects of arrangement of scatterers on band gaps of two-dimesional magnonic crystals
Wang Li-Yong1) Cao Yong-Jun1) 2)1) 2)
An model of tunneling gate current for uniaxially strained Si nMOSFET
Wu Hua-YingZhang He-Ming Song Jian-Jun Hu Hui-Yong
Solidification transformation of benzene under quasi-isentropic compression
Cheng Xiao-Li Liu Fu-ShengLi Yong-Hong Peng Xiao Juan Zhang Ming-Jian
Entangled coherent states in symmetry phase space and their nonclassical effects
Zhang Xiao-Yan1)Wang Ji-Suo2)3) 1) 2) 3)
S substituting for P point defect-induced laser damage in KDP crystals
Wang Kun-PengYan Shi
AC magnetic properties of Fe15.38 Co61.52 Cu0.6 Nb2.5 Si11 B9 nanocrystalline soft magnetic alloy
Ding Yan-Hong1) Li Ming-Ji1) Yang Bao-He1)Ma Xu2) 1) 2)
First-principles study on electronic structure and half-metallic ferromagnetism of ternary compound ZnCrS2
Cheng Zhi-Mei1)2) Wang Xin-Qiang1)Wang Feng3) Lu Li-Ya1) Liu Gao-Bin1) Duan Zhuang-Fen1) Nie Zhao-Xiu1) 1) 2) 3)
Density measurement and MHD simulation of gas-filled capillary discharge waveguide
Dong Ke-Gong1)2) Wu Yu-Chi1) Zheng Wu-Di3) Zhu Bin1) Cao Lei-Feng1) He Ying-Ling1) Ma Zhan-Nan2) Liu Hong-Jie1) Hong Wei1) Zhou Wei-Min1) Zhao Zong-Qing1) Jiao Chun-Ye1) Wen Xian-Lun1) Wei Lai1)2) Zang Hua-Ping1) Yu Jin-Qing1) Gu Yu-Qiu1)Zhang Bao-Han1) Wang Xiao-Fang2) 1) 2) 3)
A new method to acquire the half-wave voltage by the quantum bit error rate in the deterministic quantum key distribution system
Wei Zheng-Jun1) Wan Wei2) Wang Jin-Dong1)Liao Chang-Jun1) Liu Song-Hao1) 1) 2)
Degradation and dose rate effects of bipolar linear regulator on ionizing radiation
Wang Yi-Yuan1)2)3 Lu Wu1)2)Ren Di-Yuan1)2) Guo Qi1)2) Yu Xue-Feng1)2) He Cheng-Fa1)2) Gao Bo1)2)3 1) 2) 3)
Enhanced stimulated Raman scattering of binary solution by intermolecular Fermi resonance
Men Zhi-Wei1)2) Li Zuo-Wei2) Li Zhan-Long2) Zhou Mi2) Sun Cheng-Lin1)2)He Li-Qiao2) 1) 2 )
Strongly nonlocal spatial soliton propagation in lead glass
Shou QianJiang Qun Liang Yan-Bin Hu Wei
Nonlinear simulation of a coaxial gyro-amplifier with external electrostatic voltage
Kong Yan-Yan Zhang Shi-Chang
Effect of N-doping on band structure and transport property of zigzag graphene nanoribbons
Lin QiChen Yu-Hang Wu Jian-Bao Kong Zong-Min
LD end-pumped c-cut Nd:YVO-4 laser at 589 nm generated by sef-Raman conversion and frequency doubling
Zhu Hai-Yong 1)2)Zhang Ge2) Zhang Yao-Ju 1) Huang Cheng-Hui2) Duan Yan-Min2) Wei Yong2) Wei Peng-Fei1) Yu Yong-Li1) 1) 2)
Effect of atmosphere turbulence on phase modulation signals in coherent beam combination with multi-dithering technique
MaYan-XingWang Xiao-Lin Zhou Pu Ma Hao-Tong Zhao Hai-Chuan Xu Xiao-Jun Si Lei Liu Ze-Jin Zhao Yi-Jun
Investigation on trap by the gate fringe capacitance in GaN HEMT
Wang Xin-Hua Pang Lei Chen Xiao-Juan Yuan Ting-Ting Luo Wei-Jun Zheng Ying-Kui Wei Ke Liu Xin-Yu
Effect of precipitation on Portevin-Le Chatelier effect in Al-Mg alloys
Hu Qi Zhang Qing-ChuanFu Shi-Hua Cao Peng-Tao Gong Ming
First-principles study of ordered structures in Ba0.5 Sr0.5 TiO3
He Jian-Ping Lü Wen-ZhongWang Xiao-Hong ; Ministry of Education; Wuhan 430074; China)
Influence of the choice of zero electric potential energy on charge injection in theoretical calculation
Li Hai-Hong1) Liu Wen1) Liu De-Sheng1)2)1) 2)
Progress in lattice, magnetic and electronic transport properties of antiperovskite Mn3 AX
Ding Lei Wang CongChu Li-Hua Na Yuan-Yuan Yan Jun
Dynamic buckling of double-walled carbon nanotubes under axial impact loading
Yao Xiao-HuZhang Xiao-Qing Han Qiang
Blind detection algorithm of complex multi-valued discrete Hopfield network
Zhang YunZhang Zhi-Yong
Comparison between sliding spectral method and back propagation method for radio occultation data
Xu Xian-Sheng1)Guo Peng2) Huang Si-Xun3) Xiang Jie3) 1) 2) 3)
Analysis of oscillation phenomenon in digital controlled DC-AC H-bridge inverter
Lei BoXiao Guo-Chun Wu Xuan-Lü Qi Yuan-Rui
Error analysis of correlating Shack-Hartmann wave-front sensor for a point source
Chen Lin-Hui1)2)3)Rao Chang-Hui1)2) 1) 2) 3)
A unified scattering theory model for current noise in nanoscale devices
Tang Dong-HeDu Lei Wang Ting-Lan Chen Hua Jia Xiao-Fei
Study and application of optimization algorithm about nonlinear partial differential equations with boundary value problem
Hou Xiang-Lin1)Liu Tie- Lin2) Zhai Zhong -Hai1) 1) 2)
Dissociative ionization of methane by 54 eV electron impact
Xu Shen-Yue1)2)3) Ma Xin-Wen1)Ren Xue-Guang2) T. Pflüger2) A. Dorn2) J. Ullrich2) 1) 2) 3)
Preparation and mechanism of In-doped ZnO emitting white-light
Li Shi-Shuai Zhang ZhongHuang Jin-Zhao Feng Xiu-Peng Liu Ru-Xi
A new differential phase shift quantum key distribution system with Faraday-Michelson interferometer
Wei Zheng-Jun1) Wan Wei2) Wang Jin-Dong1)Liao Chang-Jun1) Liu Song-Hao1) 1) 2)
A new algorithm of calculating eigenmodes of gyrotron resonators
Liu Rui Li Hong-Fu Niu Xin-Jian
L-shell X-ray emission cross section of tantalum by 20—45 MeV O~(5+) bombardment
Xu Qiu-Mei1)2) Yang Zhi-Hu1)Du Shu-Bin3) Chang Hong-Wei3) Zhang Yan-Ping3) 1) 2) 3)
Propagation characteristics of nonparaxial Gaussian beams
Deng Xiao-JiuNiu Guo-Jian Liu Cai-Xia Xiao Su
Influences of laser bandwidth and intensity on laser ionization of isotope atoms
Fan Feng-YingWang Li-Jun
An all-optical 3R regenerator for 40-Gbit/s system based on signal-pump fiber optical parametric amplification
Wang JuYu Jin-Long Luo Jun Wang Wen-Rui Han Bing-Chen Wu Bo Guo Jing-Zhong Yang En-Ze
Parameter identification and synchronization of spatiotemporal chaos in globally coupled network
Lü LingLi Gang Zhang Meng Li Yu-Shan Wei Lin-Ling Yu Miao
Phase transition and coalescence behavior of fcc Fe nanoparticles: a molecular dynamics study
Wang Zhi-Gang1)2) Wu Liang2) Zhang Yang2) Wen Yu-Hua2)1) 2)
Spatiotemporal analysis of information entropy of the global temperature
Feng Ai-Xia1) Gong Zhi-Qiang2)Huang Yan3) Wang Qi-Guang1)2) 1) 2) 3)
Electronic structure of zigzag graphene nanoribbin terminated by hydroxyl
Tao Qiang1)2) Hu Xiao-Ying1)Zhu Pin-Wen2) 1) 2)
Latest advances in THz coherent light source pumped by 600—2000 nm waveband pumped source
Qi Chun-Chao Ouyang Zheng-Biao
Coaxial Bragg reflector with small tapered inner rode corrugated ripples and phase matching section
Lan FengYang Zi-Qiang Shi Zong-Jun
Investigation of V-type photonic crystal fiber with high birefringence
Xia Chang-Ming1) Zhou Gui-Yao 1)2)3)Han Ying 1) Liu Zhao-Lun1) Hou Lan-Tian1)2) 1) 2) 3)
Allocation of multi-objective cross-layer wireless sensor network resource based on chaotic parallel genetic algorithm
Zhou JieLiu Yuan-An Wu Fan Zhang Hong-Guang Zu Yun-Xiao
Dynamical evolution of complex airline system
Qian Jiang-Hai1) Han Ding-Ding2)Ma Yu-Gang1) 1) 2)
Synthesis and photoluminescence of ZnO and Zn/ZnO nanoparticles prepared by liquid-phase pulsed laser ablation
Fang He Wang Shun-Li Li Li-Qun Li Pei-Gang Liu Ai-Ping Tang Wei-Hua
Analysis and forecasting of heavy-rainfall event by strong convection
Ran Ling-Kun1)Zhou Yu-Shu1) Yang Wen-Xia1)2) 1) 2)
Numerical simulation and study of electron cyclotron maser
Peng KaiLiu Da-Gang Liao Chen Liu Sheng-Gang
Direct fabrication of terahertz dual-band resonator
Zhao Dong-Mei1) Shi Yu-Lei1)Zhou Qing-Li1) Li Lei1) Sun Hui-Juan 2)3) Zhang Cun-Lin1) 1) 2) 3)
wu li xue bao tou gao xu zhi
Study of physically modeling for small-scaled strained Si nMOSFET
Qu Jiang-TaoZhang He-Ming Qin Shan-Shan Xu Xiao-Bo Wang Xiao-Yan Hu Hui-Yong
The role of multi-return induced collision-ionization in atomic nonsequential double ionization
Xin Guo-Guo1) Ye Di-Fa2) Zhao Qing1) Liu Jie1)2)1) 2)
Fidelity of quantum teleportation of atomic-state in dissipative environment
Pan Chang-Ning1)Fang Jian-Shu1) Peng Xiao-Fang2) Liao Xiang-Ping1) Fang Mao-Fa3) 1) 2) 3)
Fast scanning X-ray microprobe fluorescence imaging based on synchrotron radiation
Yan Fen Zhang Ji-Chao Li Ai-Guo Yang Ke Wang Hua Mao Cheng-Wen Liang Dong-Xu Yan Shuai Li Jiong Yu Xiao-Han
Dislocation climb model based on coupling the diffusion theory of point defects with discrete dislocation dynamics
Gao Yuan Liu Zhan-Li Zhao Xue-Chuan Zhang Zhao-Hui Zhuang ZhuoYou Xiao-Chuan
Rocked ratchet thermoelectric tunneling refrigerator
Luo Xiao-Guang He Ji-Zhou
Rydberg series of CO in the region 14—20 eV
Zhao Yu-Jie1)2) Wang Si-Sheng2) 3) Shan Xiao-Bin2) Sheng Liu-Si2)Hao Li-Qing4) Wang Zhen-Ya4) Zhang Jie1) Zhang Li-Hua1) 1) 2) 3) 4)
A novel charge generation layer for stacked organic light-emitting devices
Chen PingZhao Li Duan Yu Cheng Gang Zhao Yi Liu Shi-Yong
Influence of high-permeability FeCuNbSiB alloy on magnetoelectric effect of FeNi/PZT laminated composite
Wen Yu-MeiWang Dong Li Ping Chen Lei Wu Zhi-Yi
Wave packet dynamics of two extended Harper models
Zhang Zhen-Jun Yu Miao Gong Long-Yan Tong Pei-Qing
Excited states structure for methyl acrylate under external electric field
Cai Shao-Hong1)2)Zhou Ye-Hong2) He Jian-Yong2) 1) 2)
Research on synthesis methodology of piecewise linear chaotic circuit
Li Guan-LinChen Xi-You