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Physics Experimentation
2011 Issue 10
Problems and solutions of the 12th Asia Physics Olympiad experimental test
LIAO Hui-min;XUN Kun;CHEN Xiao-lin
Ultrafast pulse laser output using passive mode-locking technology
XIAO De-zhi;LIU Dan-hua;LIU Jie
Measurement of absolute zero and mass density of dissolvable material
YU Xiao-minga;CUI Yi-heb
Damping vibration on air track studied with DIS displacement sensor
ZHONG Li;DING Yi-min;HUANG Jiao;JIN Chi-ming
Preparation and optical properties of ZnO/Ag nanocomposites
XU Li-hong;ZHANG Lian-lian
Improvement on instrument of sound velocity measurement
ZHU Fang-xi;CAO Wei-ran
Research on diffraction of twisted nematic liquid crystal
JIANG Ji;ZHU Hong-yu;ZHOU Yang;GAN Xiao;GU Yuan;ZHOU Jin;PAN Yong-hua