Alcoholic liver disease and hepatitis C virus infection
Ignacio Novo-Veleiro;Lucía Alvela-Suárez;Antonio-Javier Chamorro;Rogelio González-Sarmiento;Francisco-Javier Laso;Miguel Marcos;Department of Internal Medicine;University Hospital of Santiago de Compostela;Spanish Working Group on Alcohol and Alcoholism;Spanish Society of Internal Medicine;Alcoholism Unit;Department of Internal Medicine;University Hospital of Salamanca;Institute of Biomedical Research of Salamanca-IBSAL;Molecular Medicine Unit;Department of Medicine;University of Salamanca;Institute of Biomedical Research of Salamanca-IBSAL;
New approaches in the treatment of hepatitis C
Rocío González-Grande;Miguel Jiménez-Pérez;Carolina González Arjona;José Mostazo Torres;Liver Transplantation and Hepatology Unit;UGC de Aparato Digestivo;Hospital Regional Universitario;
Natural killer cells in hepatitis C:Current progress
Joo Chun Yoon;Chang Mo Yang;Youkyong Song;Jae Myun Lee;Department of Microbiology and Tissue Injury Defense Research Center;Ewha Womans University School of Medicine;Department of Microbiology;Yonsei University College of Medicine;
Significance of hepatitis virus infection in the oncogenic initiation of hepatocellular carcinoma
Caecilia HC Sukowati;Korri E El-Khobar;Susan I Ie;Beatrice Anfuso;David H Muljono;Claudio Tiribelli;Fondazione Italiana Fegato ONLUS;AREA Science Park Basovizza;Department of Medicine;Surgery;and Health Sciences;University of Trieste;Teaching Hospital Cattinara;Laboratory of Hepatitis and Emerging Disease;Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology;Storr Liver Centre;The Westmead Institute for Medical Research;The University of Sydney at Westmead Hospital;
Liver transplantation for viral hepatitis in 2015
Alberto Ferrarese;Alberto Zanetto;Martina Gambato;Ilaria Bortoluzzi;Elena Nadal;Giacomo Germani;Marco Senzolo;Patrizia Burra;Francesco Paolo Russo;Gastroenterology/Multivisceral Transplant Unit;Department of Surgery;Oncology and Gastroenterology;Padua University Hospital;
Impact of obesity treatment on gastroesophageal reflux disease
Abraham Khan;Aram Kim;Cassandra Sanossian;Fritz Francois;Division of Gastroenterology;Department of Medicine;New York University School of Medicine;Department of Medicine;New York University School of Medicine;New York University School of Medicine;
Diagnosis of follicular lymphoma of the gastrointestinal tract:A better initial diagnostic workup
Masaya Iwamuro;Eisei Kondo;Katsuyoshi Takata;Tadashi Yoshino;Hiroyuki Okada;Department of General Medicine;Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine;Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences;Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine;Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences;Department of Pathology;Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine;Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences;Department of Endoscopy;Okayama University Hospital;