Epidemiology of hepatitis C in Greece
Christos Triantos;Christos Konstantakis;Paraskeui Tselekouni;Maria Kalafateli;Ioanna Aggeletopoulou;Spilios Manolakopoulos;Department of Gastroenterology;University Hospital of Patras;2nd Department of Internal Medicine;Hippokration General Hospital of Athens;
How significant is the association between metabolic syndrome and prevalence of colorectal neoplasia?
Stepan Suchanek;Tomas Grega;Ondrej Ngo;Gabriela Vojtechova;Ondrej Majek;Petra Minarikova;Nagyija Brogyuk;Bohus Bunganic;Bohumil Seifert;Ladislav Dusek;Miroslav Zavoral;Department of Internal Medicine;1st Faculty of Medicine;Charles University;Military University Hospital;Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses;Faculty of Medicine;Masaryk University;Institute of General Medicine;1st Faculty of Medicine;Charles University;
Iron and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Laurence J Britton;V Nathan Subramaniam;Darrell HG Crawford;Gallipoli Medical Research Institute;The University of Queensland;Greenslopes Private Hospital;The Princess Alexandra Hospital;QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute;
Gastrointestinal disorders associated with migraine: A comprehensive review
Carlos R Cámara-Lemarroy;Rene Rodriguez-Gutierrez;Roberto Monreal-Robles;Alejandro Marfil-Rivera;Servicio de Neurología;Hospital Universitario "Dr. José E. González";Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León;Servicio de Endocrinología;Hospital Universitario "Dr. José E. González";Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León;Servicio de Gastroenterología;Hospital Universitario "Dr. José E. González";Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León;
Carbonic anhydrase enzymes Ⅱ, Ⅶ, Ⅸ and Ⅻ in colorectal carcinomas
Pia Viikil?;Antti J Kivel?;Harri Mustonen;Selja Koskensalo;Abdul Waheed;William S Sly;Jaromir Pastorek;Silvia Pastorekova;Seppo Parkkila;Caj Haglund;School of Medicine;University of Tampere and Fimlab Ltd;Tampere University Hospital;Department of Surgery;University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital;Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology;Saint Louis University School of Medicine;Centre of Molecular Medicine;Institute of Virology;Slovak Academy of Sciences;Research Programs Unit;Translational Cancer Biology;University of Helsinki;
Hepatocyte isolation from resected benign tissues: Results of a 5-year experience
Fan-Ying Meng;Li Liu;Jun Liu;Chun-You Li;Jian-Ping Wang;Feng-Hui Yang;Zhi-Shui Chen;Ping Zhou;Division of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery;Institute of Organ Transplantation;Shandong Provincial Hospital affiliated to Shandong University;Institute of Organ Transplantation;Tongji Hospital;Tongji Medical College;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Etiology of chronic liver diseases in the Northwest of Italy, 1998 through 2014
Giorgio Maria Saracco;Andrea Evangelista;Sharmila Fagoonee;Giovannino Ciccone;Elisabetta Bugianesi;Gian Paolo Caviglia;Maria Lorena Abate;Mario Rizzetto;Rinaldo Pellicano;Antonina Smedile;Department of Oncology;University of Turin;Unit of Gastroenterology;Molinette Hospital;Unit of Cancer Epidemiology;University of Turin;Institute for Biostructures and Bioimages-CNR c/o Molecular Biotechnology Center;University of Turin;Department of Medical Sciences;University of Turin;
Development of a prognostic scoring system for resectable hepatocellular carcinoma
Carlo Sposito;Stefano Di Sandro;Federica Brunero;Vincenzo Buscemi;Carlo Battiston;Andrea Lauterio;Marco Bongini;Luciano De Carlis;Vincenzo Mazzaferro;Gastrointestinal Surgery and Liver Transplantation;Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale Tumori;University of Milan;General Surgery and Organ Transplants;Ospedale Niguarda Ca’Granda;20133 Milan;Italy;Clinical Trial Office and Biomedical Statistic;Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale Tumori;
Clinicopathological features of alpha-fetoprotein producing early gastric cancer with enteroblastic differentiation
Kohei Matsumoto;Hiroya Ueyama;Kenshi Matsumoto;Yoichi Akazawa;Hiroyuki Komori;Tsutomu Takeda;Takashi Murakami;Daisuke Asaoka;Mariko Hojo;Natsumi Tomita;Akihito Nagahara;Yoshiaki Kajiyama;Takashi Yao;Sumio Watanabe;Department of Gastroenterology;Juntendo University School of Medicine;Department of Esophageal and Gastroenterological Surgery;Juntendo University School of Medicine;Department of Gastroenterology;Juntendo University Shizuoka Hospital;Department of Pathology;Juntendo University School of Medicine;
FOCUS: Future of fecal calprotectin utility study in inflammatory bowel disease
Greg Rosenfeld;Astrid-Jane Greenup;Andrew Round;Oliver Takach;Lawrence Halparin;Abid Saadeddin;Jin Kee Ho;Terry Lee;Robert Enns;Brian Bressler;Department of Medicine;Division of Gastroenterology;St. Paul’s Hospital;University of British Columbia;Vancouver;Department of Medicine;Division of Gastroenterology;Prince George Regional Hospital;University of British Columbia;Department of Medicine;Division of Gastroenterology;Lion’s Gate Hospital;University of British Columbia;Centre for Health Evaluation and Outcome Sciences;St Paul’s Hospital;
Clinical guidelines of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A systematic review
Jin-Zhou Zhu;Kelseanna Hollis-Hansen;Xing-Yong Wan;Su-Juan Fei;Xun-Lei Pang;Fan-Dong Meng;Chao-Hui Yu;You-Ming Li;Department of Gastroenterology;The First Affiliated Hospital;School of Medicine;Zhejiang University;Systems-oriented Global Childhood Obesity Intervention Program;Department of Epidemiology and Environmental Health;University at Buffalo;The State University of New York;Department of Gastroenterology;The Affiliated Hospital;Xuzhou Medical University;Department of Endocrinology;The Affiliated Hospital;Xuzhou Medical University;