Multisciplinary management of patients with liver metastasis from colorectal cancer
Kathleen De Greef;Christian Rolfo;Antonio Russo;Thiery Chapelle;Giuseppe Bronte;Francesco Passiglia;Andreia Coelho;Konstantinos Papadimitriou;Marc Peeters;Hepatobiliary;Transplant and endocrine surgery Department;Antwerp University Hospital;Phase I - Early Clinical Trials Unit;Oncology Department and Multidisciplinary Oncology Center Antwerp;Antwerp University Hospital;Department of Surgical;Oncological and Oral Sciences;Section of Medical Oncology;University of Palermo;Oncology Department;Centro Hospitalar de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro;Oncology Department and Multidisciplinary Oncology Center Antwerp;Antwerp University Hospital;
Perspectives on the combination of radiotherapy and targeted therapy with DNA repair inhibitors in the treatment of pancreatic cancer
Shih-Hung Yang;Ting-Chun Kuo;Hsu Wu;Jhe-Cyuan Guo;Chiun Hsu;Chih-Hung Hsu;Yu-Wen Tien;Kun-Huei Yeh;Ann-Lii Cheng;Sung-Hsin Kuo;Department of Oncology;National Taiwan University Hospital and National Taiwan University Cancer Center;Department of Internal Medicine;National Taiwan University Hospital and National Taiwan University Cancer Center;Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine National Taiwan University Hospital and National Taiwan University Cancer Center;Department of Traumatology;National Taiwan University Hospital and National Taiwan University Cancer Center;Department of Oncology;National Taiwan University Hospital;Yun-Lin Branch;Graduate Institute of Oncology;National Taiwan University College of Medicine;Department of Surgery;National Taiwan University Hospital and National Taiwan University Cancer Center;
Management of hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein tumor thrombosis: Review and update at 2016
Stephen L Chan;Charing CN Chong;Anthony WH Chan;Darren MC Poon;Kenneth SH Chok;State Key Laboratory in Oncology of South China;Institute of Digestive Disease;The Chinese University of Hong Kong;Department of Clinical Oncology;Sir YK Pao Center for Cancer;Hong Kong Cancer Institute;The Chinese University of Hong Kong;Prince of Wales Hospital;Department of Surgery;Prince of Wales Hospital;The Chinese University of Hong Kong;State Key Laborator in Oncology of South China;Department of Anatomical and Cellular Pathology;The Chinese University of Hong Kong;Department of Surgery;Queen Mary Hospital;The University of Hong Kong;
Synergistic anticancer effect of exogenous wild-type p53 gene combined with 5-FU in human colon cancer resistant to 5-FU in vivo
Qi Xie;Min-Yi Wu;Ding-Xuan Zhang;Yi-Ming Yang;Bao-Shuai Wang;Jing Zhang;Jin Xu;Wei-De Zhong;Jia-ni Hu;Medical Imaging Department;Nansha Central Hospital;Guangzhou First People’s Hospital;Guangzhou Medical University;Department of Pathology;Cancer Center;Sun Yatsen University;Department of Pathology;Guangzhou First People’s Hospital;Guangzhou Medical University;Clinical Molecular Medicine and Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory;Guangzhou First People’s Hospital;Guangzhou Medical University;Karmanos Cancer Institute;Wayne State University;
prevalence of colorectal neoplasms in young, average risk individuals: A turning tide between East and West
Ari Leshno;Menachem Moshkowitz;Maayan David;Lior Galazan;Alfred I Neugut;Nadir Arber;Erwin Santo;Integrated Cancer Prevention Center;Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center;Tel-Aviv University;Department of Gastroenterology;Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center;Affiliated to the Sackler Faculty of Medicine;Tel-Aviv University;Department of Epidemiology;Mailman School of Public Health;Columbia University;Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center;Columbia University;Department of Medicine;College of Physicians and Surgeons;Columbia University;