Advances in inducing adaptive immunity using cell-based cancer vaccines: clinical applications in pancreatic cancer
Mikio Kajihara;Kazuki Takakura;Tomoya Kanai;Zensho Ito;Yoshihiro Matsumoto;Shigetaka Shimodaira;Masato Okamoto;Toshifumi Ohkusa;Shigeo Koido;Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Department of Internal Medicine;the Jikei University School of Medicine;Cell Processing Center;Shinshu University Hospital;Department of Advanced Immunotherapeutics;Kitasato University School of Pharmacy;Institute of Clinical Medicine and Research;The Jikei University School of Medicine;
Combined hepatocellular cholangiocarcinoma: Controversies to be addressed
An-Qiang Wang;Yong-Chang Zheng;Juan Du;Cheng-Pei Zhu;Han-Chun Huang;Shan-Shan Wang;Liang-Cai Wu;Xue-Shuai Wan;Hao-Hai Zhang;Ruo-Yu Miao;Xin-Ting Sang;Hai-Tao Zhao;Department of Liver Surgery;Peking Union Medical College Hospital;Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College;Department of Health Management;General Hospital Rocket Forces of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Medical Association;Liver Center and The Transplant Institute;Department of Medicine;Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center;Harvard Medical School;
Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: Characterization in a 3D-cell culture model
Nicoletta Gagliano;Giuseppe Celesti;Lorenza Tacchini;Stefano Pluchino;Chiarella Sforza;Marco Rasile;Vincenza Valerio;Luigi Laghi;Vincenzo Conte;Patrizia Procacci;Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health;Università degli Studi di Milano;Laboratory of Molecular Gastroenterology;Humanitas Clinical and Research Center;Department of Clinical Neurosciences;Wellcome Trust-Medical Research Council Stem Cell Institute and NIHR Biomedical Research Centre;University of Cambridge;Department of Medical Biotechnology and Translational Medicine;Università degli Studi di Milano;
Dissecting characteristics and dynamics of differentially expressed proteins during multistage carcinogenesis of human colorectal cancer
Fang Peng;Ying Huang;Mao-Yu Li;Guo-Qing Li;Hui-Chao Huang;Rui Guan;Zhu-Chu Chen;Song-Ping Liang;Yong-Heng Chen;Key Laboratory of Protein Chemistry and Developmental Biology of the Ministry of Education;College of Life Sciences;Hunan Normal University;Key Laboratory of Cancer Proteomics of Chinese Ministry of Health;Xiang Ya Hospital;Central South University;Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Hunan Province;Department of Biology;School of Pharmacy and Life Science;University of South China;Experimental Medicine Center;Hunan Cancer Hospital;Collaborative Innovation Center for Cancer Medicine;
Expression of B7-H4 and hepatitis B virus X in hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma
Bo Hong;Yun Qian;Hong Zhang;Yi-wen Sang;Lin-fang Cheng;Qi wang;Song Gao;Min Zheng;Hang-ping Yao;Department of Pathology;The Second Affiliated Hospital;Zhejiang University School of Medicine;Department of Clinical Laboratory;The Second Affiliated Hospital;Zhejiang University School of Medicine;Department of Gastroenterology;The First Affiliated Hospital;Zhejiang University School of Medicine;State Key Laboratory for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases;Collaborative Innovation Center for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases;The First Affiliated Hospital;Zhejiang University School of Medicine;
Predictive factors for survival and score application in liver retransplantation for hepatitis C recurrence
Alice Tung Wan Song;Rodolphe Sobesky;Carmen Vinaixa;Jér?me Dumortier;Sylvie Radenne;Fran?ois Durand;Yvon Calmus;Géraldine Rousseau;Marianne Latournerie;Cyrille Feray;Valérie Delvart;Bruno Roche;Stéphanie Haim-Boukobza;Anne-Marie Roque-Afonso;Denis Castaing;Edson Abdala;Luiz Augusto Carneiro D’Albuquerque;Jean-Charles Duclos-Vallée;Marina Berenguer;Didier Samuel;INSERM Unit 785;Liver and Digestive Organ Transplantation Division;Gastroenterology Department;University of S?o Paulo Medical School;Université Paris-Sud;Liver Transplantation Laboratory LIM-37;AP-HP H?pital Paul Brousse;La Fe Hospital;University of Valencia and Ciberehd;H?pital Edouard Herriot;H?pital Croix Rousse;AP-HP H?pital Beaujon;AP-HP H?pital St Antoine;AP-HP H?pital Salpétrière;CHU Pontchaillou;AP-HP H?pital Henri Mondor;Viral Hepatitis Laboratory LIM-47;
Methylation of DAPK and THBS1 genes in esophageal gastric-type columnar metaplasia
Roberto Herrera-Goepfert;Luis F O?ate-Oca?a;José Luis Mosqueda-Vargas;Luis A Herrera;Clementina Castro;Julia Mendoza;Rodrigo González-Barrios;Department of Pathology;Instituto Nacional de Cancerología;Clinical Research Division;Instituto Nacional de Cancerología;Unidad de Investigación Biomédica en Cáncer;Instituto Nacional de Cancerología -Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas;Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México;
Changes in patients’ symptoms and gastric emptying after Helicobacter pylori treatment
Chun-Ling Zhang;Chang-Hui Geng;Zhi-Wei Yang;Yan-Lin Li;Li-Quan Tong;Ping Gao;Yue-Qiu Gao;Department of Ultrasound;Daqing Oilfield General Hospital;Department of General Surgery;the Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University;Department of Gastroenterology;Daqing Oil Field General Hospital;Department of Gastroenterology;Harbin Medical University Affiliated Fifth Hospital;
Isolated splenic metastasis from colon cancer: Case report
Jiddou Abdou;Youssef Omor;Saber Boutayeb;Basma Elkhannoussi;Hassan Errihani;Medical Oncology Department;National Institute of Oncology Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdallah;Radiology Department;National Institute of Oncology Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdallah;Pathology Department;National Institute of Oncology Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdallah;