Prospects for inhibiting the post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression in hepatitis B virus
Augustine Chen;Nattanan Panjaworayan T-Thienprasert;Chris M Brown;Centre for Translational Cancer Research;Department of Biochemistry;University of Otago;710 Cumber-land St;Dunedin 9054;New Zealand;Department of Bio-chemistry;Faculty of Science;Kasetsart University;Ladyaow Chatuchak;Bangkok 10900;Thailand;Department of Biochemistry and Webster Centre for Infectious diseases;University of Otago;710 Cum-berland St;Dunedin 9054;New Zealand;
Liver fibrosis markers in alcoholic liver disease
Lech Chrostek;Anatol Panasiuk;Department of Biochemical Diagnostics;Medical University of Bialystok;15-540 Bialystok;Poland;Department of Infectious Diseases and Hepatology;Medical University of Bialystok;15-540 Bialystok;Poland;
Diagnostic challenges in alcohol use disorder and alcoholic liver disease
Luisa Vonghia;Peter Michielsen;Geert Dom;Sven Francque;Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;University Hospital Antwerp;Wilrijkstraat 10;2650 Edegem;Belgium;Department of Basic Medical Sciences;Neuroscience and Sensory Organs;University of Bari;Policlinico;Piazza Giulio Cesare;70100 Bari;Italy;Collaborative Antwerp Psychiatric Research Institute;Antwerp University;Universiteitsplein 1;2610 Antwerp;Belgium;
Focus on alcoholic liver disease:From nosography to treatment
Letitia Adela Maria Streba;Cristin Constantin Vere;Costin Teodor Streba;Marius Eugen Ciurea;Internal Medicine-Medical Semiology;University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova;200639 Craiova;Romania;Research Center of Gastroenterology and Hepatology of Craiova;University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova;200639 Craiova;Romania;University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova;200639 Craiova;Romania;
Portopulmonary hypertension and hepatopulmonary syndrome
Florence Aldenkortt;Marc Aldenkortt;Laurence Caviezel;Jean Luc Waeber;Anne Weber;Eduardo Schiffer;Division of Anesthesiology;Department of Anesthesiology;Clinical Pharmacology and Intensive Care;Geneva University Hospitals;1211 Geneva;Switzerland;
Interactions between pork consumption,CagA status and IL-1B-31 genotypes in gastric cancer
Xiao-Qin Wang;Paul D Terry;Li Cheng;Hong Yan;Jian-Sheng Wang;Wen-An Wu;Sen-Ke Hu;Department of Statistics and Epidemiology;School of Medicine;Xi’an Jiaotong University;Departments of Public Health and Surgery;University of Tennessee;Knoxville;TN 37996;United States;Department of Nursing;School of Medicine;Xi’an Jiaotong University;Department of Thoracic Oncosurgery;First Affiliated Hospital of Medical School;Xi’an Jiaotong University;Department of Radiation Oncology Cancer Hospital of Shaanxi Province;Lab Center of Public Health Department;School of Medicine;Xi’an Jiaotong University;
Laparoscopic approach to Meckel’s diverticulum
Alfonso Papparella;Fabiano Nino;Carmine Noviello;Antonio Marte;Pio Parmeggiani;Ascanio Martino;Giovanni Cobellis;Departments of Paediatrics;Paediatric Surgery;Faculty of Medicine;Paediatric Surgery-Second University of Naples;80138 Naples;Italy;Paediatric Surgery Unit-Salesi Children Hospital;60121 Ancona;Italy;
Association of human leukocyte antigen DQB1 and DRB1 alleles with chronic hepatitis B
Levent Doganay;Arta Fejzullahu;Seyma Katrinli;Feruze Yilmaz Enc;Oguzhan Ozturk;Yasar Colak;Celal Ulasoglu;Ilyas Tuncer;Gizem Dinler Doganay;Department of Gastroenterology;Goz-tepe Teaching and Research Hospital;Medeniyet University;Department of Gastroen-terology;Umraniye Teaching and Research Hospital;Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics;Istanbul Tech-nical University;
DNA methyltransferase3a expression is an independent poor prognostic indicator in gastric cancer
Xue-Yuan Cao;Hong-Xi Ma;Yan-Hong Shang;Mei-Shan Jin;Fei Kong;Zhi-Fang Jia;Dong-Hui Cao;Yin-Ping Wang;Jian Suo;Jing Jiang;Department of Gastric and Colorectal Surgery;First Hospital of Jilin University;Division of Pathology;First Hospital of Jilin University;Department of Oncology;Affiliated Hospital of Hebei University;Division of Clinical Epidemiology;First Hospital of Jilin University;
Mesenchymal stem cell therapy in patients with small bowel transplantation:Single center experience
Sait Murat Do?an;Sel?uk K?l?n?;Eyüp Kebap??;Cem Tu?men;Mustafa ?lmez;Cezmi Karaca;Alp Gürkan;Ma?allah Baran;Yusuf Kurtulmu?;Organ Transplantation Center;SB Tepecik Teaching and Research Hospital;35121 Izmir;Turkey;Organ Transplantation Center;Caml?ca University Hospital;34360 Istanbul;Turkey;Department of Gastroenterology;SB Tepecik Teaching and Research Hospital;35121 Izmir;Turkey;Tissue Typing Laboratory;SB Tepecik Teaching and Research Hospital;35121 Izmir;Turkey;
Novel therapy for non-cirrhotic hyperammonemia due to a spontaneous splenorenal shunt
Shari S Rogal;Angela Hu;Rupal Bi;Obaid Shaikh;Division of Gastroenterology;Hepatology and Nutrition;University of Pittsburgh Medical Center;Pittsburgh;PA 15213;United States;University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine;Pitts-burgh;PA 15213;United States;Department of Radiology;Veterans Affairs Pitts-burgh Healthcare System;Pittsburgh;PA 15240;United States;Division of Gastroenterology;Veterans Affairs Pittsburgh Healthcare System;Pittsburgh;PA 15240;United States;
Immune thrombocytopenic purpura induced by intestinal tuberculosis in a liver transplant recipient
Renata dos Santos Lugao;Marina Pamponet Motta;Matheus Freitas Cardoso de Azevedo;Roque Gabriel Rezende de Lima;Flávia de Azevedo Abrantes;Edson Abdala;Flair José Carrilho;Daniel Ferraz de Campos Mazo;Hepatology Branch;Clinical Division;Department of Gastroenterology;University of S?o Paulo School of Medicine S?o Paulo 05403-000;Brazil;Liver and Gastrointestinal Transplant Division;Department of Gastroenterology;University of S?o Paulo School of Medicine;S?o Paulo 05403-000;Brazil;Department of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases;University of S?o Paulo School of Medicine;S?o Paulo 05403-000;Brazil;
Erdheim chester-A rare disease with unique endoscopic features
Gil Ben-yaakov;Daniela Munteanu;Ignacio Sztarkier;Alexer Fich;Doron Schwartz;Institute of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Soroka University Medical Center;Faculty of Health Science Ben Gurion University of the Negev;Beer sheva 84101;Israel;Institute of Pathology;Soroka University Medical Center;Faculty of Health Science;Ben Gurion University of the Negev;Beer sheva 84101;Israel;
Appendicitis with psoas abscess successfully treated by laparoscopic surgery
Yasunori Otowa;Yasuo Sumi;Shingo Kanaji;Kiyonori Kanemitsu;Kimihiro Yamashita;Tatsuya Imanishi;Tetsu Nakamura;Satoshi Suzuki;Kenichi Tanaka;Yoshihiro Kakeji;Division of Gastrointestinal Surgery;Department of Surgery;Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine;7-5-2 Kusunokichou;Chuo-ku;Kobe;Hyogo Prefecture 650-0017;Japan;Division of Gastrointestinal Surgery;Department of Surgery;Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine;7-5-2 Kusunokichou;Chuo-ku;Kobe;Hyogo Prefecture 650-0017;Japan;
Abdominal lymphangiomatosis in a 38-year-old female:Case report and literature review
Ruo-Yang Lin;Hai Zou;Tan-Zhou Chen;Wei Wu;Jian-Hong Wang;Xiao-Lei Chen;Qing-Xi Han;Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;the First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University;Department of Neurology;the First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University;Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery;the First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University;