Inflammatory bowel disease and celiac disease:Overlaps and differences
Virginia Pascual;Romina Dieli-Crimi;Natalia López-Palacios;Andrés Bodas;Luz María Medrano;Concepción Nú?ez;UGC de Inmunología;Hospital Clínico San Carlos;Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Clínico San Carlos;28040 Madrid;Spain;Servicio de Digestivo;Hospital Clínico San Carlos;Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Clínico San Carlos;28040 Madrid;Spain;Servicio de Pediatría;Hospital Clínico San Carlos;Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Clínico San Carlos;28040 Madrid;Spain;
Venous thrombosis and prothrombotic factors in inflammatory bowel disease
Fernando Magro;Jo?o-Bruno Soares;Dália Fernandes;Gastroenterology Department of Centro Hospitalar S?o Jo?o;4200-319 Porto;Portugal;Institute of Pharmacology and Therapeutics;Faculty of Medicine;University of Porto;4200-319 Porto;Portugal;IBMC;Institute for Molecular and Cell Biology;University of Porto;4150-180 Porto;Portugal;Gastroenterology Department of Hospital de Braga;4710-243 Braga;Portugal;Gastroenterology Department of Centro Hospitalar da Cova da Beira;6200-251 Covilh?;Portugal;
New serological markers in pediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease
Márta Kovács;Katalin Eszter Müller;Mária Papp;Péter László Lakatos;Mihály Cs?ndes;Gábor Veres;Department of Pediatrics;Petz Aladár County and Teaching Hospital;9023 Gy?r;Hungary;1~ Department of Pediatrics;Semmelweis University;1083 Budapest;Hungary;2~ Department of Medicine;University of Debrecen;4032 Debrecen;Hungary;1~ Department of Medicine;Semmelweis University;1083 Budapest;Hungary;Department of Gastroenterology;Petz Aladár County and Teaching Hospital;9023 Gy?r;Hungary;
Laparoscopic resection of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors
Abbas Al-Kurd;Katya Chapchay;Simona Grozinsky-Glasberg;Haggi Mazeh;Department of Surgery;Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center;Mount Scopus;Jerusalem 91240;Israel;Neuroendocrine Tumor Unit;Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center;Mount Scopus;Jerusalem 91240;Israel;
Patient perceptions of stool DNA testing for pan-digestive cancer screening:A survey questionnaire
Dennis Yang;Shauna L Hillman;Ann M Harris;Pamela S Sinicrope;Mary E Devens;David A Ahlquist;Department of Internal Medicine;Mayo Clinic;Rochester;MN 55902;United States;Division of Biostatistics;Mayo Clinic;Rochester;MN 55902;United States;Survey Research Center;Mayo Clinic;Rochester;MN 55902;United States;Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Mayo Clinic;Rochester;MN 55902;United States;
Histological healing favors lower risk of colon carcinoma in extensive ulcerative colitis
Burton I Korelitz;Keith Sultan;Megha Kothari;Leo Arapos;Judy Schneider;Georgia Panagopoulos;Department of Gastroenterology;Lenox Hill Hospital;New York;NY 10075;United States;Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology and Nutrition;North Shore Hospital;Manhasset;NY 11030;United States;North Oaks Medical Center;Hammond;LA 70403;United States;Department of Research;Lenox Hill Hospital;New York;NY 10075;United States;
Clinical and histopathological correlations of fecal calprotectin release in colorectal carcinoma
Frank Serge Lehmann;Francesca Trapani;Ida Fueglistaler;Luigi Maria Terracciano;Markus von Flüe;Gieri Cathomas;Andreas Zettl;Pascal Benkert;Daniel Oertli;Christoph Beglinger;Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;University Hospital;4031 Basel;Switzerland;Institute of Pathology;University Hospital;4003 Basel;Switzerland;St.Clara Hospital;4016 Basel;Switzerland;Institute of Pathology;University Hospital;4410 Liestal;Switzerland;Institute of Pathology;Viollier AG;4002 Basel;Switzerland;Clinical Trial Unit;University Hospital;4031 Basel;Switzerland;Department of Surgery;University Hospital;4031 Basel;Switzerland;
Caecal pH is a biomarker of excessive colonic fermentation
Adam D Farmer;Sahar D Mohammed;George E Dukes;S Mark Scott;Anthony R Hobson;Centre for Digestive Diseases;Blizard Institute of Cell and Molecular Science;Wingate Institute of Neurogastroenterology;Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry;Queen Mary University of London;London E1 2AJ;United Kingdom;GlaxoSmithKline Research and Development Durham County;NC 27709-3398;United States;Functional Gut Clinic;London W1G 6NB;United Kingdom;
Routine diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn’s disease in Southern India
Geir Larsson;Thrivikrama Shenoy;Ramalingom Ramasubramanian;Leena Kondarappassery Balakumaran;Milada Cvancarova Sm?stuen;Gunnar Aksel Bjune;Bj?rn Allan Moum;Department of Medicine;Unger-Vetlesen Institute;Lovisenberg Diaconal Hospital;NO-0440 Oslo;Norway;Population Health and Research Institute;Medical College PO;Trivandrum 695011;Kerala;India;Thoothukudi Government Medical College;Thoothukudi 628002;Tamil Nadu;India;Department of Biostatistics;Institute of Basic Medical Sciences;Faculty of Medicine;University of Oslo;NO-0318 Oslo;Norway;Institute of Health and Society;Faculty of Medicine;University of Oslo;NO-0318 Oslo;Norway;Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Institute of Clinical Medicine;Oslo University Hospital Ullev?l;NO-0424 Oslo;Norway;
Utility of serum TNF-a,infliximab trough level,and antibody titers in inflammatory bowel disease
éva Pallagi-Kunstár;Klaudia Farkas;Zoltán Szepes;Ferenc Nagy;Mónika Sz?cs;Róbert Kui;Rolland Gyulai;Anita Bálint;Tibor Wittmann;Tamás Molnár;First Department of Medicine;University of Szeged;H6720 Szeged;Hungary;Department of Medical Physics and Informatics;University of Szeged;H6720 Szeged;Hungary;Department of Dermatology and Allergology;University of Szeged;H6720 Szeged;Hungary;
Ecological study of gastric cancer in Brazil:Geographic and time trend analysis
César Augusto Amorim;Jéssica Pronestino Moreira;Luisa Rial;Antonio José Carneiro;Homero Soares Foga?a;Celeste Elia;Ronir Raggio Luiz;Heitor Siffert Pereira de Souza;Servi?o de Gastroenterologia;Departamento de Clínica Médica;Hospital Universitário;Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro;Rio de Janeiro;RJ 21941-913;Brazil;Instituto de Epidemiologia e Saúde Coletiva;Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro;Rio de Janeiro;RJ 21941-913;Brazil;
Evaluation of preferable insertion routes for esophagogastroduodenoscopy using ultrathin endoscopes
Satoshi Ono;Keiko Niimi;Mitsuhiro Fujishiro;Yu Takahashi;Yoshiki Sakaguchi;Chiemi Nakayama;Chihiro Minatsuki;Rie Matsuda;Itsuko Hirayama-Asada;Yosuke Tsuji;Satoshi Mochizuki;Shinya Kodashima;Nobutake Yamamichi;Atsuko Ozeki;Lumine Matsumoto;Yumiko Ohike;Tsutomu Yamazaki;Kazuhiko Koike;Center for Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine;Graduate School of Medicine;University of Tokyo;Tokyo 113-8655;Japan;Department of Gastroenterology;Graduate School of Medicine;University of Tokyo;Tokyo 113-8655;Japan;Department of Endoscopy and Endoscopic Surgery;Graduate School of Medicine;University of Tokyo;Tokyo 113-8655;Japan;
Simplified fistula dilation technique and modified stent deployment maneuver for EUS-guided hepaticogastrostomy
Woo Hyun Paik;Do Hyun Park;Jun-Ho Choi;Joon Hyuk Choi;Sang Soo Lee;Dong Wan Seo;Sung Koo Lee;Myung-Hwan Kim;Jung Bok Lee;Division of Gastroenterology;Department of Internal Medicine;University of Ulsan College of Medicine;Asan Medical Center;Seoul 138-736;South Korea;Department of Internal Medicine;Inje University Ilsan Paik Hospital;Koyang 411-706;South Korea;Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatics;University of Ulsan College of Medicine;Asan Medical Center;Seoul 138-736;South Korea;
Hepatitis B and C viruses are not risks for pancreatic adenocarcinoma
Ming-Chu Chang;Chien-Hung Chen;Ja-Der Liang;Yu-Wen Tien;Chiun Hsu;Jau-Min Wong;Yu-Ting Chang;Department of Internal Medicine;National Taiwan University Hospital;College of Medicine;National Taiwan University;Department of Surgery;National Taiwan University Hospital;College of Medicine;National Taiwan University;Graduate Institute of Oncology;College of Medicine;National Taiwan University;
Evaluation of routine biopsies in endoscopic screening for esophagogastric junction cancer
Xin Niu;Wen-Qiang Wei;Chang-Qing Hao;Guo-Hui Song;Jun Li;Zhao-Lai Hua;Yong-Wei Li;Jun Chang;Xin-Zheng Wang;De-Li Zhao;Guo-Qing Wang;Evelyn Hsieh;You-Lin Qiao;Department of Cancer Epidemiology;Cancer Institute/Cancer Hospital;Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences;Peking Union Medical College;Department of Endoscopy;Linzhou Cancer Hospital;Cixian Cancer Institute/Cancer Hospital;Yanting Cancer Hospital;Yangzhong Cancer Hospital;Shexian Cancer Registry;Taixing Center for Disease Control;Yangcheng Cancer Hospital;Department of Endoscopy;People’s Hospital of Feicheng;Department of Internal Medicine;Yale School of Medicine;New Haven;CT 06520-1942;United States;
Value of a new stick-type rapid urine test for the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection in the Vietnamese population
Duc T Quach;Toru Hiyama;Fumio Shimamoto;Quang D Le;Linh X Ho;Nhu HT Vu;Masaharu Yoshihara;Naomi Uemura;Department of Endoscopy;University Medical Center;Ho Chi Minh 70000;Vietnam;Health Service Center;Hiroshima University;Higashihiroshima 739-8514;Japan;Faculty of Human Culture and Science;Prefectural University of Hiroshima;Hiroshima 734-8558;Japan;Department of Gastroenterology;Gia-Dinh People’s Hospital;Ho Chi Minh 70000;Vietnam;Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;National Center for Global Health and Medicine;Ichikawa 272-8516;Japan;
Chromoendoscopy of gastric adenoma using an acetic acid indigocarmine mixture
Yoshiyasu Kono;Ryuta Takenaka;Yoshiro Kawahara;Hiroyuki Okada;Keisuke Hori;Seiji Kawano;Yasushi Yamasaki;Koji Takemoto;Takayoshi Miyake;Shigeatsu Fujiki;Kazuhide Yamamoto;Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine;Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences;Okayama 700-8558;Japan;2~ Department of Internal Medicine;Tsuyama Chuo Hospital;Okayama 708-0841;Japan;Department of Internal Medicine;Tsuyama Chuo Hospital;Okayama 708-0841;Japan;Department of Endoscopy;Okayama University Hospital;Okayama 700-8558;Japan;Department of Pathology;Tsuyama Chuo Hospital;Okayama 708-0841;Japan;
TNM staging of colorectal cancer should be reconsidered by T stage weighting
Jun Li;Bao-Cai Guo;Li-Rong Sun;Jian-Wei Wang;Xian-Hua Fu;Su-Zhan Zhang;Graeme Poston;Ke-Feng Ding;Department of Surgical Oncology;Second Affiliated Hospital;and The Key Laboratory of Cancer Prevention and Intervention;China National Ministry of Education;Zhejiang University College of Medicine;Department of Applied Mathematics;School of Statistics and Mathematics;Zhejiang Gongshang University;Xiasha University Town;Department of Surgery;Aintree University Hospital;Liverpool L9 7AL;United Kingdom;
Sedated vs unsedated colonoscopy:A prospective study
Abdulrahman M Aljebreen;Majid A Almadi;Felix W Leung;Gastroenterology Division;King Khalid University Hospital;King Saud University;Riyadh 11461;Saudi Arabia;Gastroenterology Division;McGill University Health Center;McGill University;Montreal;Quebec H3G 1A4;Canada;Research and Medical Services;Sepulveda Ambulatory Care Center;Veterans Affairs Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System;and David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA;Los Angeles;California;CA 91343;United States;
One case of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma amenable to resection after radioembolization
Cecilia Servajean;Marine Gilabert;Gilles Piana;Geneviève Monges;Jean-Robert Delpero;Isabelle Brenot;Jean-Luc Raoul;Department of Medical Oncology;Paoli-Calmettes Institute;13273 Marseille;France;Department of Radiology;Paoli-Calmettes Institute;13273 Marseille;France;Department of Pathology;Paoli-Calmettes Institute;13273 Marseille;France;Department of Digestive Surgery;PaoliCalmettes Institute;13273 Marseille;France;Department of Nuclear Medicine;PaoliCalmettes Institute;13273 Marseille;France;
18F-FDG PET/CT imaging for a gastrointestinal mantle cell lymphoma with multiple lymphomatous polyposis
Makoto Saito;Masaya Miyazaki;Mishie Tanino;Shinya Tanaka;Kencho Miyashita;Koh Izumiyama;Akio Mori;Tatsuro Irie;Masanori Tanaka;Masanobu Morioka;Eriko Tsukamoto;Department of Internal Medicine and Hematology;Aiiku Hospital;Sapporo 064-0804;Japan;Department of Cancer Pathology;Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine;Sapporo 060-8638;Japan;Department of Gastroenterology;Aiiku Hospital;Sapporo 064-0804;Japan;Department of Nuclear Medicine;Central CI Clinic;Sapporo 060-0042;Japan;
Clinical and computed tomography features of adult abdominopelvic desmoplastic small round cell tumor
Xun-Ze Shen;Jian-Guo Zhao;Jian-Jun Wu;Fang Liu;Department of Radiology;Shaoxing People’s Hospital;Shaoxing Hospital of Zhejiang University;Department of Radiotherapy;Shaoxing People’s Hospital;Shaoxing Hospital of Zhejiang University;Department of Radiology;Second Affiliated Hospital of Medical School;Zhejiang University;Department of Pathology;Shaoxing People’s Hospital;Shaoxing Hospital of Zhejiang University;