immunoglobulin g4-related gastrointestinal diseases, are they immunoglobulin g4-related diseases?
Satomi Koizumi;Terumi Kamisawa;Sawako Kuruma;Taku Tabata;Kazuro Chiba;Susumu Iwasaki;Yuka Endo;Go Kuwata;Koichi Koizumi;Tooru Shimosegawa;Kazuichi Okazaki;Tsutomu Chiba;Department of Internal Medicine;Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital;Division of Gastroenterology;Tohoku University;Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Kansai Medical University;Department of Gastroenterology;Kyoto University;
criteria for the diagnosis and severity stratification of acute pancreatitis
Makoto Otsuki;Kazunori Takeda;Seiki Matsuno;Yasuyuki Kihara;Masaru Koizumi;Masahiko Hirota;Tetsuhide Ito;Keisho Kataoka;Motoji Kitagawa;Kazuo Inui;Yoshifumi Takeyama;Kitasuma Hospital;University of Occupational and Environmental Health;Japan;School of Medicine;Department of Surgery;National Hospital Organization Sendai Medical Center;Towada Shiritsu Central Hospital;Department of Gastroenterology;Kitakyushu Central Hospital;Kurihara Central Hospital;Kumamoto Regional Medical Center;Health Care Center;Department of Medicine and Bioregulatory Science;Graduate School of Medical Sciences;Kyushu University;Otsu Municipal Hospital;Department of Nutritional Science;Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences;Department of Internal Medicine;Second Teaching Hospital;Department of Surgery;Kinki University School of Medicine;
molecular epidemiology and putative origin of hepatitis c virus in random volunteers from argentina
Noemí del Pino;José Raúl Oubia;Francisco Rodríguez-Frías;Juan Ignacio Esteban;María Buti;Teresa Otero;Josep Gregori;Damir García-Cehic;Silvia Camos;María Cubero;Rosario Casillas;Jaume Guàrdia;Rafael Esteban;Josep Quer;Apunlab Laboratories;Institute of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology UBA-CONICET;Department of Microbiology;Parasitology and Immunology;Faculty of Medicine;University of Buenos Aires;CIBER de Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas del Instituto de Salud Carlos Ⅲ;and Biochemistry Department;Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebrón;CIBERehd del Instituto de Salud Carlos Ⅲ;Autonomous University of Barcelona and Liver Unit;Internal Medicine;Lab. Malalties Hepatiques;Vall d’Hebron Institut de Recerca Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebrón;Unitat de Diagnostic Molecular;HUVH;Liver Unit Internal Medicine;Lab Malalties Hepatiques;VHIR-HUVH;Roche Diagnostics SL;CIBERehd del Instituto de Salud Carlos Ⅲ;Liver Unit Internal Medicine;Lab MalaltiesHepatiques;VHIR-HUVH;Liver Unit and Biochemistry Department;HUVH;
consumption of gluten with gluten-degrading enzyme by celiac patients: a pilot-study
Greetje J Tack;Jolanda MW van de Water;Maaike J Bruins;Engelina MC Kooy-Winkelaar;Jeroen van Bergen;Petra Bonnet;Anita CE Vreugdenhil;Ilma Korponay-Szabo;Luppo Edens;B Mary E von Blomberg;Marco WJ Schreurs;Chris J Mulder;Frits Koning;Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;VU University Medical Centre;DSM Biotechnology Centre;Department of Immunohematology and Blood Transfusion;Leiden University Medical Centre;Department of Pathology;VU University Medical Centre;Department of Paediatrics;University Hospital Maastricht;Department of Paediatrics;University of Debrecen;Paediatric Research Centre;University of Tampere;
role of salmonella enterica exposure in chilean crohn s disease patients
Manuel Alvarez-Lobos;Daniela P Pizarro;Christian E Palavecino;Abner Espinoza;Valentina P Sebastián;Juan C Alvarado;Patricio Ibaez;Carlos Quintana;Orlando Díaz;Alexis M Kalergis;Susan M Bueno;CAREI Group;Department of Gastroenterology;Facultad de Medicina;Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile;Departamento de Genética Molecular y Microbiología;Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas;Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile;School of Medicine;Facultad de Medicina;Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile;Department of Respiratory Diseases;Facultad de Medicina;Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile;
modulation of individual components of gastric motor response to duodenal glucose
Adam M Deane;Laura K Besanko;Carly M Burgstad;Marianne J Chapman;Michael Horowitz;Robert JL Fraser;Discipline of Acute Care Medicine;University of Adelaide;Intensive Care Unit;Royal Adelaide Hospital;National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia Centre for Clinical Research Excellence in Nutritional Physiology and Outcomes;Investigation and Procedures Unit;Repatriation General Hospital;Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Royal Adelaide Hospital;Discipline of Medicine;University of Adelaide;Royal Adelaide Hospital;
itga1 polymorphisms and haplotypes are associated with gastric cancer risk in a korean population
Dong-Hyuk Yim;Yan-Wei Zhang;Sang-Yong Eom;Sun In Moon;Hyo-Yung Yun;Young-Jin Song;Sei-Jin Youn;Taisun Hyun;Joo-Seung Park;Byung Sik Kim;Jong-Young Lee;Yong-Dae Kim;Heon Kim;Department of Preventive Medicine and Medical Research Institute;College of Medicine;Chungbuk National University;Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Department of Surgery;College of Medicine;Chungbuk National University;Department of Internal Medicine;College of Medicine;Chungbuk National University;Department of Food and Nutrition;Chungbuk National University;Department of Surgery;College of Medicine;Eulji University;Department of Surgery;Asan Medical Center;College of Medicine;Ulsan University;Center for Genome Science;National Institute of Health;
erosive esophagitis associated with metabolic syndrome,impaired liver function, and dyslipidemia
Song-Seng Loke;Kuender D Yang;Kuang-Den Chen;Jung-Fu Chen;Department of Family Medicine;Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital;Chang Gung University College of Medicine;Department of Medical Research;Show Chwan Memorial Hospital;Center for Translational Research in Biomedical Science;Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital;Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism;Department of Internal Medicine;Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital;
association between ucp3 gene polymorphisms and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in chinese children
Yan-Ping Xu;Li Liang;Chun-Lin Wang;Jun-Fen Fu;Pei-Ning Liu;Lan-Qiu Lv;Yi-Min Zhu;Department of Endocrinology;Children’s Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine;Department of Pediatrics;the First Affiliated Hospital;College of Medicine;Zhejiang University;Department of Child Health Care;the Affiliated Yuying Children’s Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University;Department of Child Health Care;Ningbo Women and Children’s Hospital;Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics;Key Laboratory of Reproductive Genetics;Ministry of Education;Zhejiang University;