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World Journal of Gastroenterology
2013 Issue 35
immunoglobulin g4-related gastrointestinal diseases, are they immunoglobulin g4-related diseases?
Satomi Koizumi;Terumi Kamisawa;Sawako Kuruma;Taku Tabata;Kazuro Chiba;Susumu Iwasaki;Yuka Endo;Go Kuwata;Koichi Koizumi;Tooru Shimosegawa;Kazuichi Okazaki;Tsutomu Chiba;Department of Internal Medicine;Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital;Division of Gastroenterology;Tohoku University;Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Kansai Medical University;Department of Gastroenterology;Kyoto University;
pathophysiology, epidemiology, classification and treatment options for polycystic liver diseases
Bassam Abu-Wasel;Caolan Walsh;Valerie Keough;Michele Molinari;Department of Surgery;Dalhousie University;Department of Radiolgoy;Dalhousie University;Department of Surgery and Community Health and Epidemiology;Dalhousie University;
overlap of functional heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disease with irritable bowel syndrome
Nicola de Bortoli;Irene Martinucci;Massimo Bellini;Edoardo Savarino;Vincenzo Savarino;Corrado Blandizzi;Santino Marchi;Division of Gastroenterology;University of Pisa;Division of Gastroenterology;University of Padua;35100 Padua;Italy;Division of Gastroenterology;University of Genoa;Division of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy;University of Pisa;
criteria for the diagnosis and severity stratification of acute pancreatitis
Makoto Otsuki;Kazunori Takeda;Seiki Matsuno;Yasuyuki Kihara;Masaru Koizumi;Masahiko Hirota;Tetsuhide Ito;Keisho Kataoka;Motoji Kitagawa;Kazuo Inui;Yoshifumi Takeyama;Kitasuma Hospital;University of Occupational and Environmental Health;Japan;School of Medicine;Department of Surgery;National Hospital Organization Sendai Medical Center;Towada Shiritsu Central Hospital;Department of Gastroenterology;Kitakyushu Central Hospital;Kurihara Central Hospital;Kumamoto Regional Medical Center;Health Care Center;Department of Medicine and Bioregulatory Science;Graduate School of Medical Sciences;Kyushu University;Otsu Municipal Hospital;Department of Nutritional Science;Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences;Department of Internal Medicine;Second Teaching Hospital;Department of Surgery;Kinki University School of Medicine;
achalasia: a review of clinical diagnosis, epidemiology,treatment and outcomes
Orla M O’Neill;Brian T Johnston;Helen G Coleman;Centre for Public Health;Queen’s University Belfast;Department of Gastroenterology;Belfast Health and Social Care Trust;
molecular epidemiology and putative origin of hepatitis c virus in random volunteers from argentina
Noemí del Pino;José Raúl Oubia;Francisco Rodríguez-Frías;Juan Ignacio Esteban;María Buti;Teresa Otero;Josep Gregori;Damir García-Cehic;Silvia Camos;María Cubero;Rosario Casillas;Jaume Guàrdia;Rafael Esteban;Josep Quer;Apunlab Laboratories;Institute of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology UBA-CONICET;Department of Microbiology;Parasitology and Immunology;Faculty of Medicine;University of Buenos Aires;CIBER de Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas del Instituto de Salud Carlos Ⅲ;and Biochemistry Department;Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebrón;CIBERehd del Instituto de Salud Carlos Ⅲ;Autonomous University of Barcelona and Liver Unit;Internal Medicine;Lab. Malalties Hepatiques;Vall d’Hebron Institut de Recerca Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebrón;Unitat de Diagnostic Molecular;HUVH;Liver Unit Internal Medicine;Lab Malalties Hepatiques;VHIR-HUVH;Roche Diagnostics SL;CIBERehd del Instituto de Salud Carlos Ⅲ;Liver Unit Internal Medicine;Lab MalaltiesHepatiques;VHIR-HUVH;Liver Unit and Biochemistry Department;HUVH;
aberrant tgf- 1 signaling contributes to the development of primary biliary cirrhosis in murine model
Bin Liu;Xuan Zhang;Feng-Chun Zhang;Jin-Bao Zong;Wen Zhang;Yan Zhao;Department of Rheumatology;theAffiliated Hospital of Qingdao University Medical College;Department of Rheumatology;Peking Union Medical College Hospital;Chinese Academy of Medical Science;
consumption of gluten with gluten-degrading enzyme by celiac patients: a pilot-study
Greetje J Tack;Jolanda MW van de Water;Maaike J Bruins;Engelina MC Kooy-Winkelaar;Jeroen van Bergen;Petra Bonnet;Anita CE Vreugdenhil;Ilma Korponay-Szabo;Luppo Edens;B Mary E von Blomberg;Marco WJ Schreurs;Chris J Mulder;Frits Koning;Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;VU University Medical Centre;DSM Biotechnology Centre;Department of Immunohematology and Blood Transfusion;Leiden University Medical Centre;Department of Pathology;VU University Medical Centre;Department of Paediatrics;University Hospital Maastricht;Department of Paediatrics;University of Debrecen;Paediatric Research Centre;University of Tampere;
laparoscopic management of totally intra-thoracic stomach with chronic volvulus
Toygar Toydemir;Gkhan Cipe;Oguzhan Karatepe;Mehmet Ali Yerdel;Department of General Surgery;Istanbul Surgery Hospital;Department of General Surgery;Medical School of Bezmialem Vak f University;
role of salmonella enterica exposure in chilean crohn s disease patients
Manuel Alvarez-Lobos;Daniela P Pizarro;Christian E Palavecino;Abner Espinoza;Valentina P Sebastián;Juan C Alvarado;Patricio Ibaez;Carlos Quintana;Orlando Díaz;Alexis M Kalergis;Susan M Bueno;CAREI Group;Department of Gastroenterology;Facultad de Medicina;Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile;Departamento de Genética Molecular y Microbiología;Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas;Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile;School of Medicine;Facultad de Medicina;Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile;Department of Respiratory Diseases;Facultad de Medicina;Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile;
modulation of individual components of gastric motor response to duodenal glucose
Adam M Deane;Laura K Besanko;Carly M Burgstad;Marianne J Chapman;Michael Horowitz;Robert JL Fraser;Discipline of Acute Care Medicine;University of Adelaide;Intensive Care Unit;Royal Adelaide Hospital;National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia Centre for Clinical Research Excellence in Nutritional Physiology and Outcomes;Investigation and Procedures Unit;Repatriation General Hospital;Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Royal Adelaide Hospital;Discipline of Medicine;University of Adelaide;Royal Adelaide Hospital;
itga1 polymorphisms and haplotypes are associated with gastric cancer risk in a korean population
Dong-Hyuk Yim;Yan-Wei Zhang;Sang-Yong Eom;Sun In Moon;Hyo-Yung Yun;Young-Jin Song;Sei-Jin Youn;Taisun Hyun;Joo-Seung Park;Byung Sik Kim;Jong-Young Lee;Yong-Dae Kim;Heon Kim;Department of Preventive Medicine and Medical Research Institute;College of Medicine;Chungbuk National University;Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Department of Surgery;College of Medicine;Chungbuk National University;Department of Internal Medicine;College of Medicine;Chungbuk National University;Department of Food and Nutrition;Chungbuk National University;Department of Surgery;College of Medicine;Eulji University;Department of Surgery;Asan Medical Center;College of Medicine;Ulsan University;Center for Genome Science;National Institute of Health;
non-invasive assessment of choledocholithiasis in patients with gallstones and abnormal liver function
Bilal O Al-Jiffry;Abdeen Elfateh;Tariq Chundrigar;Bassem Othman;Owaid AlMalki;Fares Rayza;Hashem Niyaz;Hesham Elmakhzangy;Mohammed Hatem;Department of Surgery;College of Medicine and Medical Sciences;Taif University;Department of Surgery;Al-Hada Military Hospital;Department of Gastroenterology;Al-Hada Military Hospital;Department of Tropical Medicine;Faculty of Medicine;Cairo University;
erosive esophagitis associated with metabolic syndrome,impaired liver function, and dyslipidemia
Song-Seng Loke;Kuender D Yang;Kuang-Den Chen;Jung-Fu Chen;Department of Family Medicine;Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital;Chang Gung University College of Medicine;Department of Medical Research;Show Chwan Memorial Hospital;Center for Translational Research in Biomedical Science;Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital;Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism;Department of Internal Medicine;Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital;
effect of early enteral combined with parenteral nutrition in patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy
Xin-Hua Zhu;Ya-Fu Wu;Yu-Dong Qiu;Chun-Ping Jiang;Yi-Tao Ding;Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery;Affiliated Drum Tower Hospital;Medical School of Nanjing University;
association between ucp3 gene polymorphisms and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in chinese children
Yan-Ping Xu;Li Liang;Chun-Lin Wang;Jun-Fen Fu;Pei-Ning Liu;Lan-Qiu Lv;Yi-Min Zhu;Department of Endocrinology;Children’s Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine;Department of Pediatrics;the First Affiliated Hospital;College of Medicine;Zhejiang University;Department of Child Health Care;the Affiliated Yuying Children’s Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University;Department of Child Health Care;Ningbo Women and Children’s Hospital;Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics;Key Laboratory of Reproductive Genetics;Ministry of Education;Zhejiang University;
influence of chronic hbv infection on superimposed acute hepatitis e
Si-Hong Cheng;Li Mai;Feng-Qin Zhu;Xing-Fei Pan;Hai-Xia Sun;Hong Cao;Xin Shu;Wei-Min Ke;Gang Li;Qi-Huan Xu;Department of Infectious Diseases;the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University;
a phase study of paclitaxel and nedaplatin as front-line chemotherapy in chinese patients with metastatic esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
Yi-Fu He;Chu-Shu Ji;Bing Hu;Ping-Sheng Fan;Chang-Lu Hu;Feng-Shou Jiang;Jian Chen;Lei Zhu;Yi-Wei Yao;Wei Wang;Department of Medical Oncology;Anhui Provincial Hospital affliated to Anhui Medical University;Department of Medical Oncology;Anhui Provincial Cancer Hospital;
association between vitamin d and hepatitis c virus infection: a meta-analysis
Livia Melo Villar;José Antonio Del Campo;Isidora Ranchal;Elisabeth Lampe;Manuel Romero-Gomez;Laboratory of Viral Hepatitis;Oswaldo Cruz Institute;Fiocruz;Rio de Janeiro;RJ 210360-040;Brazil;Unit for the Clinical Management of Digestive Diseases and CIBERehd;Hospital Universitario de Valme;41014 Sevilla;Spain;
laparoscopic cholecystectomy for a left-sided gallbladder
Mazen E Iskandar;Agnes Radzio;Merab Krikhely;I Michael Leitman;Department of Surgery;Albert Einstein College of Medicine-Beth Israel Medical Center;
totally laparoscopic left hepatectomy using the torsional ultrasonic scalpel
Georgios C Sotiropoulos;Paraskevas Stamopoulos;Petros Charalampoudis;Ernesto P Molmenti;Athanasios Voutsarakis;Gregory Kouraklis;2nd Department of Propedeutic Surgery;University of AthensMedical School;Department of Surgery;North Shore University Hospital;
crohn s disease and takayasu s arteritis: an uncommon association
Andrea Taddio;Massimo Maschio;Stefano Martelossi;Egidio Barbi;Alessandro Ventura;Institute of Child Health;IRCCS "Burlo Garofolo";Trieste and University of Trieste;Institute of Child Health;IRCCS "Burlo Garofolo";
difficult polypectomy-giant hypopharyngeal polyp: case report and literature review
Giovanni Pallabazzer;Stefano Santi;Solito Biagio;Simone D’Imporzano;Esophageal Surgery Unit;Tuscany Regional Referral Center for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Esophageal Disease;Medical University of Pisa;
obscure bleeding colonic duplication responds to proton pump inhibitor therapy
Jérémie Jacques;Fabrice Projetti;Romain Legros;Virginie Valgueblasse;Matthieu Sarabi;Paul Carrier;Fabien Fredon;Stéphane Bouvier;Véronique Loustaud-Ratti;Denis Sautereau;Service d’Hépato-gastro-entérologie;CHU Dupuytren;
capsule-odometer: a concept to improve accurate lesion localisation
Alexandros Karargyris;Anastasios Koulaouzidis;National Library of Medicine;National Institutes of Health;Endoscopy Unit;Centre for Liver and Digestive Disorders;The Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh;
instructions to authors