Epidemiology of esophageal cancer
Yuwei Zhang;Department of Environmental and Occupational Health;School of Public Health and Health Services;The George Washington University;
Doxorubicin-eluting bead vs conventional transcatheter arterial chemoembolization for hepatocellular carcinoma before liver transplantation
Daniele Nicolini;Gianluca Svegliati-Baroni;Roberto Candelari;Cinzia Mincarelli;Alessandra Mandolesi;Italo Bearzi;Federico Mocchegiani;Andrea Vecchi;Roberto Montalti;Antonio Benedetti;Andrea Risaliti;Marco Vivarelli;Division of Hepatobiliary and Transplant Surgery;Department of Gastroenterology and Transplantation;Polytechnic University of Marche;Division of Gastroenterology;Department of Gastroenterology and Transplantation;Polytechnic University of Marche;Division of Interventional Radiology;Department of Radiological Sciences;Polytechnic University of Marche;Division of Pathology;Department of Pathology;Polytechnic University of Marche;Division of Hepatobiliary and Transplant Surgery;Department of Medical and Biological Sciences;Universityof Udine;
Protective effect of naringenin on acetic acid-induced ulcerative colitis in rats
Salim S Al-Rejaie;Hatem M Abuohashish;Maher M Al-Enazi;Abdullah H Al-Assaf;Mihir Y Parmar;Mohammed M Ahmed;Department of Pharmacology andToxicology;College of Pharmacy;King Saud University;Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences;College of Applied Medical Sciences;Salman bin Abdulaziz University;Department of Science and Nutrition;College of Food and Agricultural Sciences;King Saud University;
Cardiovascular disease risk factor profiles in children with celiac disease on gluten-free diets
Lorenzo Norsa;Raanan Shamir;Noam Zevit;Elvira Verduci;Corina Hartman;Diana Ghisleni;Enrica Riva;Marcello Giovannini;Department of Pediatrics;San Paolo Hospital University of Milan;Institute of Gastroenterology;Nutrition and Liver Diseases;Schneider Children’s Medical Center of Israel;Sackler Faculty of Medicine;Tel-Aviv University;Marcello Giovannini;Università degli Studi di Milano;
Fatty acids of erythrocyte membrane in acute pancreatitis patients
Irma Kuliaviene;Antanas Gulbinas;Johannes Cremers;Juozas Pundzius;Limas Kupcinskas;Zilvinas Dambrauskas;Eugene Jansen;Department of Gastroenterology;Medical Academy;Lithuanian University of Health Sciences;Department of Surgery;Medical Academy;Lithuanian University of Health Sciences;Institute for Digestive Research;Medical Academy;Lithuanian University of Health Sciences;Centre for Health Protection National Institute for Public Health and the Environment;
Diversity of Helicobacter pylori genotypes in Iranian patients with different gastroduodenal disorders
Farzam Vaziri;Shahin Najar Peerayeh;Masoud Alebouyeh;Tabassom Mirzaei;Yoshio Yamaoka;Mahsa Molaei;Nader Maghsoudi;Mohammad Reza Zali;Department of Bacteriology;Faculty of Medical Sciences;Tarbiat Modares University;Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases Research Center;Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences;Department of Environmental and Preventive-Medicine;Oita University Faculty of Medicine;Department of Medicine-Gastroenterology;Baylor College of Medicine;Basic and Molecular Epidemiology of Gastroin-testinal Disorders Research Center;Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences;Neuroscience Research Center;Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences;
Polymorphism in the interleukin-17A promoter contributes to gastric cancer
Alireza Rafiei;Vahid Hosseini;Ghasem Janbabai;Abuzar Ghorbani;Abulghasem Ajami;Touraj Farzmandfar;Maedeh Darzyani Azizi;Jeremy J Gilbreath;D Scott Merrell;Abstract AIM:;To evaluate;the contribution;of the;G-197A poly-morphism;in the;interleukin-;Molecular and Cell Biology Research Center;Faculty of Medicine;Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences;Department of Internal Medicine;Imam Hospital;Hematology and Oncology Ward;Department of Internal Medicine;Imam Hospital;Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences;Department of Microbiology and Immunology;Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences;IL-17) promoter region to gastric cancer risk in an Iranian population.METHODS: We performed a case control study using samples from 161 individuals with gastric cancer and;71 healthy controls. For each individual;the G-197Agenotype was determined by restriction fragmentlength polymorphism analysis of polymerase chainreaction-amplified fragments. Statistical analyses wereperformed to determine whether any demographic orbehavioral factors;infection with Helicobacter pylori;or a particular G-197A genotype was associatedwith gastric cancer risk.;
Induction of clinical response and remission of inflammatory bowel disease by use of herbal medicines: A meta-analysis
Roja Rahimi;Shekoufeh Nikfar;Mohammad Abdollahi;Department of Traditional Pharmacy;Faculty ofTraditional Medicine;Tehran University of Medical Sciences;Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Center;Tehran University of Medical Sciences;Department of Pharmacoeconomics and Pharmaceutical Administration;Faculty of Pharmacy;Tehran University of Medical Sciences;Food and Drug Organisation;Ministry of Health and Medical Education;Department of Toxicology and Pharma-cology;Faculty of Pharmacy;Tehran University of Medical Sciences;
Pancreatic paracoccidioidomycosis simulating malignant neoplasia: Case report
Talles Bazeia Lima;Maria Aparecida Custódio Domingues;Carlos Antonio Caramori;Giovanni Faria Silva;Cássio Vieira de Oliveira;Fábio da Silva Yamashiro;Letícia de Campos Franzoni;Lígia Yukie Sassaki;Fernando Gomes Romeiro;Division of Gastroenterology;Department of Internal Medicine;Botucatu School of Medicine;Rubio JuniorDistrict S/N;18618-970 So Paulo;Brazil;Department of Pathology;Botucatu School of Medicine;Rubio Junior District S/N;18618-970 So Paulo;Brazil;