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World Journal of Gastroenterology
2011 Issue 42
Systematic review of health-related quality of life after esophagectomy for esophageal cancer
Marco Scarpa;Stefano Valente;Rita Alfieri;Matteo Cagol;Giorgio Diamantis;Carlo Castoro;Oncological Surgery Unit;Veneto Institute of Oncology;35128 Padova;Italy Ermanno Ancona;Department of Gastroint estinal and SurgicalSciences;University of Padova;35128 Padova;Italy
Prevention and management of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs-induced small intestinal injury
Sung Chul Park;Chang Don Kang;Division of Gastroen-terology and Hepatology;Department of Internal Medicine;Kangwon National University School of Medicine;Chuncheon200-722;South Korea Hoon Jai Chun;Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Department of Internal Medicine;Korea University Anam Hos-pital;Korea University College of Medicine;Seoul 136-705;South Korea Donggeun Sul;Graduate School of Medicine;Korea University;Seoul 136-705;South Korea
CpG island methylator phenotype in plasma is associated with hepatocellular carcinoma prognosis
Ji-Bin Liu;Yi-Xin Zhang;Ke-Ping Chen;Institute of Life Sciences;Jiangsu University;Zhenjiang 212013;Jiangsu Province;ChinaJi-Bin Liu;Min-Xin Shi;Jin Cai;Yan Liu;Fu-Lin Qiang;Institute of Tumor;Nantong Tumor Hospital;Nantong 226361;Jiangsu Province;China Shu-Hui Zhou;Department of Radiology;School of Radiology and Public Health;Soochow University;Suzhou 215006;Jiangsu Province;China
miR-93 suppresses proliferation and colony formation of human colon cancer stem cells
Xiao-Feng Yu;Jian Zou;Zhi-Jun Bao;Jie Dong;Department of Gastroenterology;Huadong Hospital;Fudan University;Shanghai 200040;China
Uses of probe-based confocal laser endomicroscopy:Responses to a question to practitioners
Navin Paul;Kevin A Ghassemi;Division of Digestive Diseases;Department of Medicine;David Geffen School of Medicineat UCLA;Los Angeles;CA 90095;United States
Primary malignant melanoma of the esophagus:A case report
Joana Machado;Paula Ministro;Ricardo Araújo;Eugénia Cancela;António Castanheira;Américo Silva;Department of Gastroenterology;S Teotónio Hospital;3504-509 Viseu;Portugal
Low-volume plus ascorbic acid vs high-volume plus simethicone bowel preparation before colonoscopy
Stefano Pontone;Rita Angelini;Monica Standoli;Gregorio Patrizi;Paolo Pontone;Adriano Redler;Department of Sur-gical Sciences;"Sapienza" University of Rome;00161 Roma;Italy Franco Culasso;Department of Medical Statistics;"Sapienza"University of Rome;00161 Roma;Italy
Rifaximin in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease
Mario Guslandi;Gastroenterology Unit;S Raffaele University Hospital;2200113322 Milan;Italy
Increased extrinsic apoptotic pathway activity in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma following transarterial embolization
Shih-Ho Wang;Division of General Surgery;Department of Surgery;Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and Chang Gung University;College of Medicine;Kaohsiung 83301;Tai-wan Li-Mien Chen;Division of Hematology/Oncology;Department of Medicine;Taichung Armed Forces General Hospital;Taic-hung 41152;Taiwan Li-Mien Chen;Jane-Dar Lee;Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology;Taichung 40601;Taiwan Wen-Kai Yang;Jane-Dar Lee;Department of Surgery;Taic-hung Armed Forces General Hospital;Taichung 41152;Taiwan Wen-Kai Yang;Department of Life Sciences;National Chung Hsing University;Taichung 40227;Taiwan
Imaging diagnosis of colorectal liver metastases
Ling-Hui Xu;San-Jun Cai;Guo-Xiang Cai;Wei-Jun Peng;Department of Oncology;Shanghai Medical College;Fudan University;Shanghai 200032;China;Department of Radiology;Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center;Shanghai 200032;China Department of Colorectal Sur-gery;Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center;Shanghai200032;China
Epidemiological aspects of Budd-Chiari in Egyptian patients:A single-center study
Mohammad Sakr;Eman Barakat;Sara Abdelhakam;Hany Dabbous;Department of Tropical Medicine;Faculty of Medicine;Ain Shams University;Abbassia;Cairo 11341;Egypt Said Yousuf;Department of Hematology;Faculty of Medicine;Ain Shams University;Abbassia;Cairo 11341;Egypt Mohamed Shaker;Ahmed Eldorry;Department of Radiodi-agnosis and Interventional Radiology;Faculty of Medicine;AinShams University;Abbassia;Cairo 11341;Egypt
Comparison of laparoscopic vs open liver lobectomy(segmentectomy) for hepatocellular carcinoma
Ben-Shun Hu;Ke Chen;Xiang-Ming Ding;Jing-Wang Tan;Hepato-bilio-pancreatic Surgery Department;Northern Jiangsu People’s Hospital;Yangzhou 225001;Jiangsu Province;China Hua-Min Tan;General Surgery Department;Fuzhou General Hospital of Nanjing Military Command;Fuzhou 350000;Fujian Province;China
Diagnostic accuracy of tests for Helicobacter pylori in an Alaska Native population
Dana L Bruden;Michael G Bruce;Karen M Miernyk;JulieMorris;Debby Hurlburt;Thomas W Hennessy;Helen Peters;Alan J Parkinson;Brian J McMahon;Arctic Investigations Program;Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections;National Center for Emerging Zoonoses and Infectious Diseases;Centers for Disease Control and Prevention;Anchorage;AK 99508;United StatesKaren M Miernyk;Frank Sacco;Brian J McMahon;Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium;Anchorage;AK 99508;United States
Neuroendocrine and squamous colonic composite carcinoma:Case report with molecular analysis
Sabrina C Wentz;Department of Pathology;Vanderbilt University Medical Center;Nashville;TN 37232-2561;United States Cindy Vnencak-Jones;Molecular Genetics Laboratory;Vanderbilt University Medical Center;Nashville;TN 37232-2561;United States William V Chopp;Department of Pathology;Veterans Affairs Medical Center;Nashville;TN 37232-2561;United States
Optimizing management of pancreaticopleural fistulas
Marek Wronski;Maciej Slod kowski;Wlodzimierz Cebulski;Daniel Moronczyk;Ireneusz W Krasnodebski;Department of General;Gastroenterological and Oncological Surgery;Medical University of Warsaw;02-097 Warsaw;Poland